Monday, January 19, 2015

Henry Routledge (1720 - 1764)

52 Ancestor Challenge - Challenge 3

Blake, King, Coleman, Pearce, Farmer, unknown, Lambden, Sarah (unknown), Knight, Ellis, Knight, Vincent, Butt, Durnford, Arnold, Molton, Cotterel, Bartlett, Alderman, Ann (unknown), Sherwood, unknown, Habberfield, Collings, Rawlings, Tanner, Dove, Morgan, Lywood, Canham, unknown, Peck, Pincombe, Charley, Rowcliffe, Pearse, Rew, Moggridge, Siderfin, Kent, Gray, Hilton, Cobb, Sproxton, Routledge, Tweddle, Routledge, Routledge, (unknown) Buller, unknown, Beard, Hemsley, Welch, Brockhouse, Cheatle, Woodcock, unknown Taylor, unknown, Harborne, Lewis, Roberts, Croxall, Lawley, unknown

From early childhood I can remember hearing about the Routledge family. My mother's paternal grandmother (deceased before she was born) was Grace Gray daughter of Robert Gray and Elizabeth Mary Ann Routledge or Mary Routledge as she was mostly known although on baptisms also referred to as Mary Ann Routledge. Mary had come to Canada as a child of fourteen with her parents (Thomas Routledge and Elizabeth Routledge), her six brothers (one was her twin Allan and the others Henry, George, William, Thomas and Joseph), her two sisters (Margaret and Grace) and her sister Grace's husband  George Arthur Kennedy and their two sons George and Robert. They are believed to have traveled together (a group of fourteen) but to date I have not yet found any trace of their voyage from Parkhead Farm near Bewcastle, Cumberland to London Township. I do know that they received land from Colonel Thomas Talbot in London Township. But Henry Routledge takes me back another generation. He was the father of Thomas Routledge.

I have a number of Routledge lines and will blog about three of them in this 52 ancestor Challenge. Both Thomas Routledge, son of Henry, and Elizabeth Routledge descended from the same Routledge "clan" in Bewcastle that being the Oakshaw Routledge Family. Thomas and Elizabeth were likely 2nd cousins once removed.

Henry Routledge married Margaret Tweddle (and given the family lore that this family always married cousins I have not yet been able to determine if there were Routledge Tweddle marriages prior to this time) and more on Margaret when it is her turn to be written up in this 52 ancestor Challenge. They were married 3 Oct 1759 at Lanercost (13.5 kilometres from Bewcastle). Henry and Margaret baptized three children (one posthumously after Henry's death):

William baptized 15 Jan 1761 at Bewcastle and buried there 9 Apr 1772
Thomas baptized 25 Jul 1763 at Bewcastle and died 29 Nov 1844 at Hyde Park, Middlesex Co, Canada West
Margaret baptized 7 Jun 1765 at Lanercost  (possibly buried by 1773)

Henry died suddenly in December 1764 and his widow applied for administration of his estate. The administration papers only mention his wife Margaret and her likely brother Thomas Tweddle or Ringing Hills and a cousin William Armstrong of Askerton. At that time the family was living at Borderigg. Margaret signs as "Margaret Routledg." He has left a large herd of cattle and sheep, horses, farming implements as well as stored grains. No land is mentioned and the furniture mentioned includes parlour, kitchen, upstairs room.

It is still unknown whether Margaret remarried but in 1772 William her eldest son is buried at Bewcastle and possibly Margaret her daughter is buried in 1773 at Lanercost. Thomas married Elizabeth Routledge 23 Jun 1785 at Bewcastle.

Information on Henry Routledge:

He is mentioned in the will of  Archibald Forrester (Cleughside, Bewcastle) probated in 1767 whose wife Grace may have been married earlier to a Routledge as she has a son John Routledge. Also mentioned is Henry Routledge of Borderrigg, deceased, father of three children. Another Henry Routledge is mentioned as the son of Mary Routledge, widow, and she has other children mentioned namely, Adam, Grace, John, Mary and this Mary lives at Crossgreens or Strandsheads.

From the Bewcastle Parish Registers, Henry son of William of Yakeshaw (Oakshaw) was baptized 30 Jul 1720. Also baptized to William of Yakeshaw/Akshaw:

Mary 23 Mar 1709
Thomas 21 Sep 1712
Margaret 6 Feb 1715
Dorothy 3 Jan 1717 (buried 22 Dec 1728)
William 14 Mar 1726
William 1 Jul 1727 (buried 29 Dec 1728)

William Routledge married Grissell Routledge in 1704 (day and month missing) and it is unknown if Grissell was a widow.

William is possibly the William Routledge buried at Bewcastle and died 19 Aug 1744 aged 61 years (birth year would be 1683).

Much of the Routledge work has been done by others - Bobbie Jean Hooser has led a Routledge research group with others, Thomas Routledge in England has recreated the Routledge Clan.

I note that the lineage I have back from William is definitely incorrect so will make those changes.

The Dodgson Manuscript does not mention this William Routledge at Oakshaw/Yakeshaw/Akshaw in the same time period as John and Thomas who are mentioned. John and Thomas are sons of William Routledge who resided at Akeshaw or Oakshaw conveyed the Flatt Estate to his son John Routledge in 1700.

Since John and Thomas were both likely older than this William and William, at that time, would have been just 17 years old he is just perhaps not mentioned. But one can not assume that he was a son of this William. Later when I look at George Routledge (another of my lines) then I do find this George also of Oakshaw mentioned in the Dodgson Manuscript but that is with respect to his second marriage (not the mother of my Elizabeth Routledge).

The Manor Papers would likely assist with placing this William and that must likely wait for those items to become available online. Although I do do transcription for my cousin Thomas I have not yet had anything that connects this family with the lines mentioned in his work or the Dodgson Manuscript.

In Canada only one of the six brothers married and had children, George Routledge (baptized 30 May 1792 at Bewcastle) married Jane Summers in 1821 in London Township, Middlesex County, Upper Canada. They had nine children and descendants of this family can be found in Canada today. There was another Routledge family living in Westminster Township, Middlesex County but their ascendancy beyond coming up from the USA is unknown to me at this time. But they did not claim kinship with each other to my knowledge.

Why did the Routledge family come to Canada in 1818? I used to ask my mother that and she used to say it was because of the Border Wars but I wonder was it because neither Thomas nor Elizabeth had any siblings left in 1818 (Elizabeth had half siblings) and they had this huge family. Did they know of Thomas Talbot before they came, he gave them a lot of land? Was Thomas in the military, he was a civil engineer? All questions that I have not yet been able to answer. He did not work as an engineer in Canada; he farmed all of the rest of his life. Certainly they came to stay in Canada and be part of the British Empire. That was a strong theme in my family; this concept of Canada just being another part of England. In this generation I notice I do not think of that anymore. I wonder how to keep the heritage of my English ancestry alive for my children and grandchildren. I must create a heritage folder for the future for them so that my history (now just 1/4 of my grandchildren's heritage) is not lost to them as time passes.

That is what I most think about these days is my legacy to my grandchildren in terms of their history. My husband has an extensive tree to pass on (over 80,000) but mine is still just around six thousand although added to that the sixteen thousand French Canadian ancestors/cousins on their father's side!

Working on Henry has made me realize that my connection beyond William can not be substantiated so the lineage for Henry is rather short:

Thomas ROUTLEDGE line
1. Elizabeth BLAKE
2. Helen Louise PINCOMBE (b 18 Oct 1916) - Westminster Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
3. John Routledge PINCOMBE (b 10 Sep 1872)- Lobo Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
4. Grace GRAY (b 22 Mar 1839) - London Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
5. Elizabeth Mary Ann ROUTLEDGE (b 1804 and b 23 Jun 1813) - Bewcastle Cumberland England
6. Thomas ROUTLEDGE (b 25 Jul 1763) - Bewcastle Cumberland England
7. Henry ROUTLEDGE (b 30 Jul 1720) - (Akeshaw) Bewcastle Cumberland England
Henry's father's line:
8. William ROUTLEDGE (b 1683) - (Akeshaw) Bewcastle Cumberland England
Henry's mother's line:
8. Grissel ROUTLEDGE

Did a little searching and found in the Catalogue of Howard Family Papers (HNP C239/14) 6 March 1783 a Margaret Routledge of Brampton, widow, and Margaret Routledge, spinster, her daughter being given a mortgage of Wallholme for 80 pounds from William Routledge of Brackenhall, Arthuret, gent. Then same day HNP C239/15 Copy of admittance on the surrender of William Routledge of Margaret Routledge the elder and Margaret Routledge the younger to Wallholme. The documents continue to mention these three Routledges. In 1792 William is deceased and his widow Isabella and daughter Deborah Routledge of Reading are mentioned.

I also found the following which is very interesting:

Bewcastle, Park Head Farm, property of the countess of Carlisle

HNP C197
HNP C197/1 15 April 1811
Admittance of Richard Routledge.

HNP C197/3 24 June 1817
Agreement between Thomas Routledge of the one part and Richard Routledge of the other part.

HNP C197/4 7 July 1817
Indenture of release of equity of redemption made between the said Thomas Routledge of the one part and the said Richard Routledge of the other part.

HNP C197/5 6 October 1817
Admittance of the said Richard Routledge

This is the Farm where I last find my ancestor Thomas before coming to Canada and it would appear that he was clear of this property in October 1817. Their actual arrival date is unknown but they appear to still be in Bewcastle in the winter of 1817/1818 coming in the spring or summer as they are known to be in London Township in late Fall of 1818.

Richard and John Routledge are mentioned in a letter that George Routledge wrote to Archibald Armstrong. A blog refers to this letter:

Also in the Howard Papers:

HNP C239
 HNP C239/1
8 October 1657
Conveyance of a mortgage on messuages and a farmhold in the poseession of Thomas Rowtledge at Walholme. Christopher Bell of Thropp, yeoman, to the said Thomas Rowtledge of Bewcastle, gent.
HNP C239/2
16 March 1661
Grant of Walholme. Thomas Rowtledge of Bewcastle, gent. to John Bell of the Tryermaine, yeoman.
HNP C239/3
8 March 1673 Grant of the above. John Bell of Cleughead, yeoman, late of Tryermaine, to John Routledge of Ayckshawe, Bewcastle, yeoman.
HNP C239/4
14 March 1673
Grant of the tenant right of Walholme. Henry Dacre of Lanercost, esq., and Margaret his wife to John Routledge of Ayckshawe, yeoman.
HNP C239/5
14 March 1673
Bond of Henry Dacre to keep the covenants in the above indenture.
HNP C239/6
14 March 1673
Grant of tithes arising from Walholme and Gunshole. Henry Dacre and Margaret his wife to John Routledge.
HNP C239/7
14 March 1673
Bond of Henry Dacre to keep the covenants in 6.
HNP C239/8
30 April [1673]
Copy of the admittance of John Routledge of Ayckshaw to Wallholme late in the occupation of John Bell of Cleughhead. 30 April 25 Charles II
HNP C239/9
12 May [1675]
Copy of the admittance of Adam Routledge, son of Thomas Routledge and next heir of John Routledge, to Wallholme, ancient rent 4d. 12 May 27 Charles II.
HNP C239/9
12 May [1675]
Copy of the admittance of Adam Routledge, son of Thomas Routledge and next heir of John Routledge, to Wallholme, ancient rent 4d. 12 May 27 Charles II.
HNP C239/10
29 October 1688
Copy of the admittance of William Routledge as brother and heir of Adam Routledge, deceased, to Wallholme.
HNP C239/1 1
4 November 1702
Conveyance of the title to Wallholme. Christopher Bell of Wallholme to Thomas Bell of the same, yeoman.
HNP C239/12
23 May 1733
Receipt for 6s. 8d. fine due for Wallholme from Mr. Routledge, signed S.M. Appelby.
HNP C239/13
4 August 1764
Mortgage of Wallholme for £300. William Routledge of Oakshaw, Bewcastle, gent., to Daniel Pattinson of Long Newton in the parish of Abbyholme. [This money was paid to Pattinson's heir at law by William Routledge on 1 January 1780.]
HNP C239/14
6 March 1783
Mortgage of Wallholme for £80. William Routledge of Brackenhall, Arthuret, gent., to Margaret Routledge of Brampton, widow, and Margaret Routledge, spinster, her daughter.
HNP C239/15
6 March 1783
Copy admittance on the surrender of William Routledge of Margaret Routledge the elder and Margaret Routledge the younger to Wallholme.
HNP C239/16
26 March 1789
Abstract of title of William Routledge to Wallholme and tithes. Only folio 12 survives.
HNP C239/17
3 April 1789
Mortgage of tithes for the remainder of a term of 999 years for £30. William Routledge of Oakshaw, gent. to John Mitchinson of Rickergate, gent.
HNP C239/18
13 July 1789
Conveyance of the tithes. (1) John Mitchinson (2) William Routledge (3) Edward Knight of Carlisle, innkeeper. For £30. 8s. 0d. paid to Mitchinson, and £49. 12s. 0d. paid to Routledge.
HNP C239/19
13 July 1789
Conveyance of Wallholme for £684. (1) Margaret Routledge of Brampton, widow, and Margaret Routledge her daughter of the same, spinster (2) William Routledge, gent. (3) Edward Knight. £604 paid to William Routledge and £80 to the mother and daughter.

Walholme/Wallholme from a rather ancient map is said to be located in the settlement of Watertown

 which is one of the four townships of Lanercost. The Oakshaw Routledge family appears to be involved with Walholme/Wallholme and who is Margaret Routledge of Brampton, widow and daughter Margaret Routledge. in 1789 Margaret, the daughter, would have been 24 years of age if the sister of Thomas.

A Thomas Routledge of Oakshaw had sons John, Adam and William. This is perhaps Thomas Routledge married to Isobell Nixon 19 Nov 1667 at Bewcastle with daughters Jennett and Mary as well. This is the suspected father of my William but no proof to connect them at this stage. A rather interesting set of documents.

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