Saturday, January 24, 2015

Last Lecture

Today is my last lecture - the very last. I find that I do not like to be tied down to a particular time and place any longer. In retirement one craves flexibility so that you can wake up each morning and do the things that are most important in your life. My last commitment will be in 2017 when my husband and are our treasurer for the Ontario Genealogical Society Conference held in Ottawa, Canada. Between now and then I shall be stepping down from any other commitments.

This is the year of my 70th birthday and I can see that I will try to dedicate the next decade to my personal genealogy and travel to places that will aid that desire. Along with that I will be traveling to the places that my husband will find helpful for his genealogical research.

In the next newsletter for the Guild I will annouce that I am stepping down as Regional Representative for the Guild in Eastern Canada and from the National Representative for the Guild in Canada. In the August newsletter for The Surname Society I will announce that I would like to step down with the beginning of the 3rd year of the Society or earlier if someone wants to take on this very interesting journal. With that my commitments are trivial in comparison - on line parish clerk for Bishops Nympton and Winterbourne Clenstone. They are positions that I can do the work in conjunction with my own research. They do not involve travel unless I want to travel and they do not involve my having to deal with management of stands, etc.

That being said, I am much improved and will be back at transcription this next week coming hoping to start blogging again by the first of February.

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