Monday, February 23, 2015

John Pincombe (1728 - 1795)

52 Ancestor Challenge - Challenge 8

Blake, King, Coleman, Pearce, Farmer, unknown, Lambden, Sarah (unknown), Knight, Ellis, Knight, Vincent, Butt, Durnford, Arnold, Molton, Cotterel, Bartlett, Alderman, Ann (unknown), Sherwood, unknown, Habberfield, Collings, Rawlings, Tanner, Dove, Morgan, Lywood, Canham, unknown, Peck, Pincombe, Charley, Rowcliffe, Pearse, Rew, Moggridge, Siderfin, Kent, Gray, Hilton, Cobb, Sproxton, Routledge, Tweddle, Routledge, Routledge, (unknown) Buller, unknown, Beard, Hemsley, Welch, Brockhouse, Cheatle, Woodcock, unknown Taylor, unknown, Harborne, Lewis, Roberts, Croxall, Lawley, unknown

My choice for the 52 Ancestor Challenge this week is John Pincombe. He was baptized 13 Feb 1728 at Bishops Nympton the son of John Pincombe and Grace Manning. He married Mary Charley 8 Nov 1767 at Bishops Nympton and until I went to the Society of Genealogists in London, UK I was unsure of his death date but there I found an envelope of transcriptions made by the earlier researchers in the Pincombe one name study prior to the bombing of the Exeter Record Office in World War II. What a find that was and the transcription reads:

 This information from the Principal Registry Exeter.

John Pincombe of Bishops Nympton
John Pincombe, proved (at Exeter CC) 7 May 1795

John Pincombe of Bishops Nympton, yeoman
Will dated 14 Jun 1794
To my wife Mary £200 and goods

To my son John P. an estate called Lambescombe in North Molton
on condition he pays his two sisters £20 each in five years 

To my son Robert Pincombe £ 80 when he is 21 and £ 5 yearly until then

To my two sons William and Robert Pincombe half each of 

the copyhold estate called West Wood in Bishops Nympton when
they are 21

To my son Thomas £ 300 when he is 21 and £ 5 a year until then

To my daughter Grace Pincombe £ 110

Residue to my son William Executor

Witnesses W. Bowden, Grace Down

Seal (a stag)

Proved 7 May 1795 by William Pincombe Executor

Because the will was dated I knew he had died after 14 Jun 1794 and been buried before 7 May 1795 which left me with just one burial for John Pincombe which was 9 Aug 1794 at Bishops Nympton.

John and his wife Mary had six children John, William Mary, Grace, Robert and Thomas. Robert was my 3x great grandfather. Mary married George Zeale 20 May 1794 and this explains perhaps why there isn't a bequest to Mary in the will other than payment by one of her brothers. Mary died in childbirth and was buried 28 Mar 1795 at Bishops Nympton. Grace married Richard Headdon 14 Apr 1806 at North Molton and one of her children married John Bond (Ann Headdon married John Bond 13 Apr 1836 at North Molton). Their son John Joseph Bond was a Mormon and he married Mary Jane Blake (daughter of William Blake and Sarah Barrow) and along with their daughter Lucy Ann made the trek to Utah where their daughter Sarah Jane was born 26 Jan 1865 at Kaysville. Descendants of this family continue to live in Utah.

Linking John back to the earlier Pincombe lines in Bishops Nympton proved to be a long task. I transcribed the entire set of parish registers for Bishops Nympton (952 pages in a word document) and then knowing that I had every Pincombe entry extracted them and put the family together. In general it was felt by several researchers known to me that all the Pincombes who lived at Bishops Nympton in the 1700s/1800s were descendant of John Pincombe and Johane Blackmoore who had married 25 Sep 1655 at Bishops Nympton. This couple had had six children: William, Johan and Wilmote (twins), John, Thomas and Hugh. John died at the age of 13 years. These lines became quite separated from each other over time including living in different villages so that it became difficult to put them back together. However, I did succeed by purchasing all the parish registers needed.

Hence John was the son of John Pincombe and Grace Manning who had married 20 Mar 1725 at Bishops Nympton. Then that John was the son of William Pincombe and Mary Vicary. This William Pincombe was the eldest son of John Pincombe and Johane Blackmoore. Then that John was the son of William Pincombe and Wilmote (unknown). This William was the first Pincombe born at Bishops Nympton in the Parish Registers and he was the son of Richard Pincombe and Ann (unknown). This Richard was the son of William Pincombe and Emotte Snow although I hedge on it somewhat because there is no mention of Richard's son William in William's will of 1602. Then William was the son of Thomas Pencombe and Johane (unknown). Thomas being the son of (unknown) Pencombe who came to North Molton in 1485 with Lord de la Zouch.

I do want to read the North Molton Manor Books if they have survived to learn more about the line at North Molton but the extant records appear to permit this line as written. Earlier researchers came to a somewhat similar conclusion with regard to the Bishops Nympton family being descendant of the North Molton Pincombe family.

I did transcribe the parish registers at North Molton and marriages, baptisms and burials in the 1500s follow.

15 Nov 1539 Margaret Pincumbe married Philip ____ydon
1 Jul 1560 John Pyncombe married Emet Hodge
29 Nov 1561 Ales Pyncombe married William Locke
26 May 1567 Margerett Pyncombe married William Squire
20 Jul 1567 Mary Pyncombe married George Squire

Baptisms and Burials
6 Jun 1543 Agnes Pyncombe daughter of William Pyncombe
8 Dec 1547 Mary Pyncombe daughter of William Pyncombe
8 Jul 1555 Marye Pyncombe daughter of John Pyncombe; buried 7 Dec 1555
5 Apr 1561 Johane Pyncombe daughter of John Pyncombe
18 Jan 1563 Marye Pyncombe daughter of John Pyncombe; buried 3 Feb 1563
29 Jun 1574 Peternell Pyncombe daughter of John Pyncombe
28 May 1592 Phillip Pyncombe son of George Pyncombe
9 Dec 1594 Emott Pyncombe daughter of George and Dorothie Pyncombe
15 Apr 1597 William Pyncombe son of George and Dorothie Pyncombe
9 Nov 1599 Johane Pyncombe daughter of George and Dorothie Pyncombe

18 Feb 1563 Elizabeth Pyncombe wife of William Pyncombe buried
13 Feb 1564 William Pyncombe buried
25 Mar 1565 William Pyncombe buried

 Ancestry of John Pincombe

1. Elizabeth BLAKE
2. Helen Louise PINCOMBE (b 18 Oct 1916) - Westminster Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
3. John Routledge PINCOMBE (b 10 Sep 1872)- Lobo Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
4. William Robert PINCOMBE (b 11 Jun 1837)- Molland Devon England
5. John PINCOMBE (b 5 Jul 1808)- Bishops Nympton Devon England
6. Robert PINCOMBE (b 4 Oct 1775) - Bishops Nympton Devon England
7. John PINCOMBE (b 13 Feb 1728) - Bishops Nympton Devon England
8. John PNCOMBE (b 12 Jun 1692) - Bishops Nympton Devon England
9. William PINCOMBE (b 18 Oct 1656) - Bishops Nympton Devon England
10. John PINCOMBE (b 19 Jan 1622) - Bishops Nympton Devon England
11. Willyam PINCOMBE (b 23 Mar 1599) - Bishops Nympton Devon England
12. Richarde PINCOMBE (bc 1570) - East Buckland Devon England
13. Willyam PYNCOMBE (bc 1530) - East Buckland Devon England
14. Thomas PENCOMBE (bc 1500) - Filleigh Devon England

Looking at the ancestry of John one notes that my line was at Filleigh and then East Buckland. The parish registers for these two are simply not available prior to 1685 for Filleigh and 1684 for East Buckland. As I glance through the material I notice that there is a South Molton and District Archive: Local History Society and they have a newsletter. I think I should join this group and will look into that.

Who was the Pincombe who came to North Molton in 1485 with Lord de la Zouche. I have found some earlier records. There is one rather interesting entry in the Calendar of Patent Rolls for Thomas Pencombe. The earliest records in North Devon use the Pencombe spelling.

The online repository that has the Calendar of Patent Rolls (  is a freely searchable set of files made available as a project of Professor G.R. Boynton and the University of Iowa Libraries. It is from the time of Richard II:

1395 20 May Westminster (membrane 5)
Licence, for 100 s. paid in the hanaper by Philip Webbe, chaplain of a
chantry of St. Mary in the parish church of Bromyord, for the alienation
in mortmain by John Falke of a messuage in Bromyord, and by John
Hunte or another there, and by Thomas Pencombe and Robert Stanford
of five messuages and half an acre of meadow in the same place, not held in
chief, to the said chaplain and his successors, in aid of their maintenance.
18 Richard II, volume 5, page 582

Is it significant that this too was a Thomas Pencombe? There is a Bromyard in Herefordshire and ust four miles away is the village of Pencombe. In the Directory of 1851 (E.C. Lascelles) there is not any one of the Pencombe name but there is a farm called Pencombe Court where a farmer William Goode resides. The church there is said to be an ancient stone structure.

Lately I received an email from someone in Sweden who has traced his ancestry back into the 1700s and probably they were on the land back into the 1600s. However, he matched my 5th cousin with his yDNA test. We both found that rather interesting and he wanted to know if at some time there was a Pincombe who had moved to Sweden and since we were talking 1600s I really do not have any ideas on that but did put forward the notion that we might both be descendant of the Vikings! He was writing to my cousin but I have not yet heard back from him. Since I tried to write this cousin many years ago unsuccessfully it would be interesting to see if he will respond now.

This particular email came at a time when I had really set aside the yDNA Pincombe project because of the non match between Pincombe and Pinkham. The two earlier researchers had put these two families together but the yDNA results for Pinkham descendants in the United States was remarkably different from my cousin's results. I think I need to just sit back and wait to see what comes out of this project.

This is my mother's maiden surname and in memory of her I have attempted to carry on her research into her own family line. She knew her line back to John Pincombe and Grace Manning having seen it in a family Bible which has been since lost to time. I never saw that particular Bible. The one that I saw was the property of my great grandfather William Pincombe and contains the only document that is now extant for his marriage to Grace Gray the records having been destroyed when the local church burned to the ground with all the records.

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