Friday, March 27, 2015

Blake and le Blake mentioned in the Calendar of Patent Rolls as serving in Ireland

I have put in a number of hours on the books by Martin Blake on the Galway Blake family and have managed to imput over one thousand names thus far along with the material. He did such an excellent job relating all of the Blake families as they descend from Richard Caddell alias Blake. Since my family yDNA is not R1b as has been seen for branches of the Galway Blake family I know that I am not likely a direct descendant of Richard Caddell but wonder who is the Richard Blake who came from Ireland in the early 1500s to the Salisbury, Dorset area.

I am going to go into my word file from the Calendar of Patent Rolls and extract all the entires of individuals coming and going to Ireland as there are a number of them. It should be fairly straightforward as I extracted all of the text and can just search on Ireland.

1292  24 Mar Westminster (membrane 18)

John de Fulburn, staying in England, nominating Nicholas Taf and

Thomas le Blake in Ireland for one year.

20 Edward I, volume 2, page 480

1292 26 Mar Westminster (membrane 18)

Andrew de Fuleburn, clerk, staying in England, nominating Nicholas

Taf and Thomas le Blake in Ireland for one year.

20 Edward I, volume 2, page 481

1293 26 Mar Cambridge (membrane 21)

John de Fulburne, staying in England on the king's service, nominating

Philip de Fulburne and John le Blake in Ireland, for one year.

21 Edward I, volume 3, page 7

1304 29 Jun Stirling (membrane 14)

Letters for Gilbert son of Thomas de Clare, staying in England, nominating

William de Edenham and Geoffrey le Blake their attorneys in

Ireland for two years. By p.s.

32 Edward I, volume 4, page 237

1351 22 Jun Tower of London (membrane 25)

Protection with clause nolumus in Ireland for Master William Blake,

parson of the church of Ardmolghan, in the diocese of Meath.

25 Edward III, volume 9, page 106

1366 30 Jun Westminster (membrane 40)

Richard Vynegre, staying in England, has letters nominating

Geoffrey Travers and Roger Blake as his attorneys in Ireland for

one year. David de Wollore received the attorneys.

40 Edward III, volume 13, page 296

In 1291 mentioned as being in Ireland serving the named individual,  there is Thomas le Blake, In 1293 there is John le Blake, in 1304 there is Geoffrey le Blake, in 1351 there is Master William Blake, and in 1366 there is Roger Blake.

Glancing through the records though I did notice some Irish place names so this is perhaps a larger task than a quick search. Will save that for another day; I get distracted away from my progress easily enough.

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