Sunday, May 31, 2015

Will of John Lanham and the will of his wife Grace Lanham, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England - The National Archives PROB 11/709/125 and PROB 11/726/346

I was trying to locate my Lanham/Lannum family in Wiltshire and came across this set of wills that was rather interesting and since I transcribed them I will insert them into this blog. I am fairly sure that I do not have a direct relationship with this Lanham family in Trowbridge.

Date: 31 May 2015
Document: Will of John Lanham
Source: The National Archives PROB 11/709/125
Date of document:  20 Feb 1721/22, probated 23 Apr 1741
Location: Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England
Document quality: 18th century English, writing fairly legible, bold small print

[In margin] John Lanham
1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I John Lanham of Trowbridge in the County of Wilts, Clothier
3    being of sound and perfect mind and memory do make and
4    declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form
5    following that is to say Imprimis I bequeath my Soul into the
6    hands of Almighty God my Creator and Redeemer and my
7    Body I Commit to the Earth to be decently buryed at the discretion
8    of my Executrix herein after named And as for and touching
9    such Worldly Goods as it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me
10    with I give and dispose thereof as follows that is to say I give
11    and bequeath to my three Sisters Mary, Em and Jane Five
12    pounds apiece to be paid to them respectively in a year after my
13    decease Item I give and bequeath to the three Children of my
14    Brother William Lanham Five pounds apiece to be paid to them
15    respectively when they shall attain to the age of One and twenty
16    years Item I give and bequeath to the four Children of my Sister
17    Abigail Palmer Five pounds apiece to be paid to them respectively
18    when they shall attain to the Age of One and twenty years Item
19    I give and bequeath unto William Lindsey of Studley in the
20    Parish of Towbridge aforesaid Broad weaver the Sum of ten
21    pounds Item I give and bequeath unto Rebecca Harding the
22    Sum of Five pounds Item I give and bequeath unto the deacons
23    for the time being of the Congregation or Society of Christians
24    now assembling at Trowbridge aforesaid Baptized on profession
25    of their Faith in Christ by some people called Anabaptists
26    the Sum of One hundred pounds but upon this Special trust and
27    Confidence that is to say that the deacons of the said Congregation
28    for the time being do place the said Sum of One hundred pounds
29    out at Interest or else lay the same out in Lands of Inheritance in
30    Fee Simple the Interest or proceed whereof my Will is shall from
31    time to time and for ever hereafter be payd in and to the Sole use
32    of the Pastor or Minister (for the time being) of the Church or
33    Congregation aforesaid And my Will and desire is that the three
34    last above mentioned Legacies be paid on One year after my decease
35    and I do desire my Loving Friends John Watts of Trowbridge
36    aforesaid Gentleman and William Temple of the same place
37    Clothier to be Overseers of this my Will and do constitute and
38    appoint my Beloved Wife Grace Lanham Executirx hereof To
39    whom I give all the rest of my Goods and Chattells after my
40    debts Funeral Expences and Legacys be first paid and discharged
41    And I do hereby revoke all former and other Wills heretofore by
42    me made In Witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and
43    Seal this Six and twentieth day of February in the Eighth year
44    of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George by the Grace of God
45    of Great Britain France and Ireland King defender of the Faith
46    etc Annoqz d[omi]ni 1721/2. The mark of John Lanham. Signed Sealed
47    published and declared by the Testator to be his last Will and
48    Testament in the presence of us who have in his presence and at
40    his request hereunto subscribed our Names James Gaunton
50    Char Aland
51    This Will was proved at London the twenty third
52    day of April in the year of Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred
53    and Forty One Before the Right Worshipfull John Bettesworth
54    Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative
55    Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted By the Oath of Grace
56    Lanham Widow the Relict and Executrix in the said Will named
57    to whom Administration was granted of all and Singular the
58    Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased being first Sworn
59    by Commission duly to Administer

Date: 31 May 2015
Document: Will
Source: The National Archives PROB 11/726/346
Date of document:  5 Jan 1741, probated 26 May 1743
Location: Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England
Document quality: 18th century English, writing fairly legible, bold small print

[In margin] Grace Lanham
1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Grace Lanham of Trowbridge in the County of Wilts widow being
3    of Sound and disposing Mind Memory and Understanding do make
4    and ordain this my last Will and Testament as followeth that is
5    to say, my Body I commit to the Earth and my Soul to God who gave
6    such as to my Worldly Estate I dispose thereof as followeth that is
7    to say I give to my Son William Macey and his heirs all that
8    Copyhold Messuage or Tenement with the several closes pieces
9    and parcells of Lands thereunto belonging Situate at or near
10    Keevil in the County of Wilts now in the occupation of the Widow
11    Dalmer or her undertenants and by her held during her widowhood
12    the Inheritance whereof descended and came to me as heir at
13    Law to my late dear Brother John Watts upon his death To hold
14    to the said William Macey his heirs and assigns for ever Item I
15    give and devise to my Son in Law Jonathan Reynols and his heirs
16    all those severall closes pieces and parcells of Meadow pasture and
17    Coppice lands situate and being in the parish of North Bradley in
18    the said County of Wilts which also descended and came to me on the
19    death of my said Brother as heir at Law to him To hold to the
20    said Jonathan Reynols his heirs and Assigns for ever And as to
21    all the Rest and Residue of my Estate of what nature or kind
22    soever or wheresoever I give and bequeath the same to my Sons
23    Daniel Macey William Macey and the said Jonathan Reynols to
24    be equally divided between them and I do hereby Constitute and
25    appoint the said William Macey and Jonathan Reynolds Executors
26    of this my Will revoking all former and other Wills at any time
27    heretofore by me made In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my
28    hand and Seal the Fifth day of January in the Year of our Lord
29    One Thousand Seven hundred and Forty one Grace Lanham Signed
30    Sealed published and declared by the said Grace Lanham as and
31    for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in her
32    presence have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses Chas
33    Aland John Thrapnell Jno Renison Servant to Wm Coles the Sadler
34    This Will was proved at London the Twenty sixth day of
35    May in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and
36    Forty three before the Right Worshipfull John Bettesworth Doctor
37    of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court
38    of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oaths of William Macey
39    and Jonathan Reynols Executors named in the said Will To
40    whom Administration was granted of all and Singular the Goods
41    Chattels and Credits of the said deceased being first Sworn by
42    Commission duly to Administer

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