Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Matches at Family Finder

I spent the last couple of days extracting all my matches (for all my siblings and myself) from Family Finder. I really haven't done very much with these matches and decided I would put them into an excel file and match them up. I came up with 54 matches where all  of us matched an individual, 120  matches where three out of four matched. My next pursuit is to look at the email addresses listed to see if anyone is like myself associated with a number of kits. The surnames do not match and so one might gloss over possible matches if you look at just the surnames. There are a few sets of matches with probable siblings which might prove to be interesting once I put it altogether.

Likely I will email the set where all four of us match an individual particularly when the emails match for a few of the individuals.

Gradually I am seeing a value to these autosomal results as they let me prove lines backwards in time. When two or three of us match and our common ancestor is a 3x or 4x great grandfather then the line is proven. I haven't collected a lot of collateral information on lines but that is a really necessary item. My husband has a huge tree now close to 100,000 people as he has collected collateral lines. My tree is less than 8000. 

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