Thursday, August 27, 2015

Pincombe autosomal results

Finally my Pincombe DNA project is starting to come together. I have two autosomal Pincombe matches and a third to come very shortly. Since some of my siblings have tested these results are duplicated and triplicated in various sets of results. I am now realizing that I am seeing not just my Pincombe line but also the line of John Pincombe (the emigrant)'s wife Elizabeth Rew and the wife of his father Robert Pincombe namely Elizabeth Rowcliffe. That is because the two Pincombe results I have thus far are showing differences. I think this is going to be very worthwhile. Because my mother's brother did not have any children and my grandfather was the only child in his family to survive I do not have any first cousins and only half second cousins in this line to test. The rest are my third cousins and fourth cousins etc. Hence the matches are with third and fourth cousins thus far. I am writing to one of my half second cousins to see if he would consider testing. I would then have William Robert (my great grandfather) and his second wife who will also match as she is my second cousins twice removed, her mother having been Lydia Elworthy who was the daughter of Richard Elworthy and Elizabeth Pincombe (John Pincombe the emigrant's sister). However, I should see a match with him and my third cousin once removed who is descended from John Pincombe (brother to my William Robert) and the sister of Lydia Elworthy named Maria.

We will see how that goes! Finding other Pincombe cousins to test would be really great and there is still Richard Pincombe's descendants (whom I have met and remember) and they will have Pincombe, Rowcliffe and Rew and they are my third cousins as Richard was a younger brother to William Robert.

Why am I doing this? I need to keep remembering as I do not want to lose the greater picture by becoming completely immersed in my own direct line. The Pincombe/Pinkham one name study is more than 75 years old now and the data collection preceded the Second World War most fortunately for us as Richard Pinkham went to the Record Office in Devon and abstracted all the Pincombe wills that were there including the one of my 4x great grandfather John Pincombe. He, however, was of the opinion that the Pincombe family and the Pinkham family had a common ancestor and was working towards that thought.

I do not have a preconceived notion on all of this and I really prefer to keep the study intact that he produced but it may undergo a few changes. Gradually over time as the DNA results come in from Pinkham and Pincombe members around the world we may see an answer to the question - were they one and the same family?

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