Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Will of Archibald Forster 1767

I received a transcription from a correspondent in Australia of the Will of Archibald Forster. The abstract I have published several times on my blog and a few weeks ago I published a revised abstract from this correspondent. I have now been provided with a full transcript of that will and add it here to that discussion on the Routledge family of Oakshaw from which I descend. The original abstract had distracted me from the set of parents that I thought were parents of my Grace Routledge who married George Routledge. I knew from my mother that these Routledge marriages were of first cousins according to her. Thomas Routledge and Elizabeth Routledge descendants of Henry Routledge and Margaret Tweddle and George Routledge and Grace Routledge were not first cousins but rather 2nd cousins once removed. Discovering the will abstract I began to surmise that Grace's parents were Mary Routledge of Kirkbeckstown and Thomas Routledge of Hill. However another researcher knew that the Mary Routledge, widow, referred to in the will was married to a John Routledge and that her surname was not Routledge. That was good news actually as it took me back to Thomas Routledge and Elizabeth Storye as the parents of Grace.

The will:

In the name of God Amen, I Archibald Forster of Cleughside in the parish of Bewcastle and County of Cumberland being in perfect health and sound understanding and disposing memory and constitute and absolutely ordain this to be my last will and testament in manner and form following, That is to say Inprimary I do give and bequeath and devise unto my friend Alexander Kennidie and his wife Sibella of Cleughside all my personal and real estate subject to my funeral expenses and the legacies hereafter mentioned as followth
Item: -  I give and bequeath unto my relation Sibella wife of the abovenamed Alexander Kennidie of Cleughside my house or houses at the Lineholmford Miln Damhead in the parish of Stapleton with the garth or gardings to her own proper use and chooses …… (illeg) her.
Item:- I give and bequeath unto Hellenor the wife of Robert Henderson the sum of twenty pounds sterling. Also I give and bequeath unto Catherine daughter of the said Robert Henderson the sum of one pound ten shillings. Also I give unto the rest of said Robert Henderson’s children the sum of one shilling each
Item:-  I give and bequeath unto John Kennidie son of the abovenamed Alexander Kennidie of Cleughside the sum of thirty pounds sterling and the one half of all my sheep that I die possessed of.
Item :-  I give and bequeath unto William Kennidie son of the abovenamed Alexander Kennidie of Cleughside the sum of thirty pounds sterling and my clock and my Bible and my bed that I lie on and the one half of all my sheep that I die possessed of.
Item:-  I give unto Catherine Kennidie daughter of the said Alexander kennidie of Cleughside the sum of thirty pounds sterling.
Item:-  I give to Elizabeth Kennidie of Cleughside the sum of twenty pounds sterling. I also order that the several sums bequeathed to Alexander Kennidie of Cleughside’s children that his or her sum be payed as they separately arrive at the age of twenty one years.
Item:-  I give unto Mary Routledge widow of Crossgreens or Strandheads the sum of one shilling and I give unto Grace Routledge her daughter the sum of one pound ten shillings because she was named after my deceased sister. Also I give to Mary daughter of the abovenamed widow the sum of one shilling.
Item:- I give unto Adam Routledge and John Routledge and Henry Routledge sons of the abovenamed Mary Routledge widow of Crossgreens the sum of one shilling each.
Item:-  I give unto Catherine wife of Thomas Dowglass of Ash the sum of one shilling.
Item:- I give unto William Routledge son of the late William Routledge of Oakshaw the sum of one shilling.
Item:-  I give unto Henry Routledge of Border Rigg’s three children the sum of one shilling each.
Item:- I give unto George Routledge and his two children of Oakshaw the sum of one shilling each.
Item:-  I give unto Leonard Routledge of Oakshaw the sum of one shilling sterling.
Item:- I give unto John Routledge my sister’s son the sum of one shilling sterling.
I do nominate and appoint the said Alexander Kennidie and his wife Sibella of Cleughside sole joint executors to this my last will and testament to pay all the above legacies, funeral expenses and to receive and discharge all my debts.  In witness thereof I have hereabout set my hand and seal the twenty fifth day of March in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and sixty six.
Signed: - Archibald Forster
Signed and sealed before these witnesses John Forrester sworn and Francis Armstrong sworn. Sworn witnesses
Proved June 12 1767

It is still quite exciting to see my two 4x great grandfathers mentioned in this will and the reference to George as being of Oakshaw is very handy. I have George traced back a couple of generations but can now be more directional in my research.

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