Thursday, November 26, 2015

Newsletter for Pincombe-Pinkham one name study

A long time in the thinking process and an equally long time actually being written, the first issue of the Pincombe-Pinkham newsletter will be published 1 Dec 2015 on this blog and available also on the Pincombe-Pinkham DNA study website at FT DNA.

The first issue is a look at the Pincombe family from a general point of view in terms of them having been armigerous at one point in the past, the Pincombe-Pinkham yDNA study, the autosomal DNA study, the Visitation of 1620 of Devon, my own line of Pincombe and a request for submissions. It is eight pages in length and it may be longer or shorter the next time. I suspect it will always be somewhat around the ten pages as I have a lot of material that I want to place online for this family so that it is accessible instead of being locked up in my computer and bookshelf.

My choosing Pincombe as a one name study (and the earlier study included Pinkham so I did that as well) stems directly from my mother being a Pincombe prior to marriage. She talked a lot about her family as she knew it when I was a child and as I discovered once the genealogy bug had bitten me that indeed she had a very accurate knowledge of her ancestors and where they had lived. She knew many many of their names (female ancestors) with good accuracy.

I also discovered a lot about my mother's character that I did not know as a child growing up in her household (a household I left at the age of 20 years when I married). I probably would have known more about her had I stayed longer as an adult but the mother that I knew remained pretty much the same up until I married. Then we moved away so that our visits back were short and we really never talked a lot until the time came for my parent's 50th anniversary and she really did want someone to do some family research. My husband agreed to take on the task and dragged me off to the Family History Library to see what could be found. Almost nothing on my father's parents/grandparents in the mid 1980s as it turned out and not a great deal on my mother's parents/grandparents as they did not hold the films that I needed to look at in house. My husband though had the foresight to actually sit and talk to my mother and take down all the information that she knew (which proved to be quite accurate) and the same with my father although I did have some memories of my grandfather talking about his Blake line that was also helpful.

We did manage to put together all the great great grandparents as we knew them but that was pretty much the limit of it. My mother also gave my husband a stack of old letters, old pictures and other memorabilia which we perhaps supposed to return but I guess that got forgotten on both of our parts and nearly twenty years later my husband was going through an old trunk and found the box that she had given him. A treasure trove for me as by that time around 2004 I was into family history. One of the letters had an address from 10 years prior and we did write to that address at the time of the 50th anniversary history search and the letter was forwarded to a cousin by the present homeowner there and we did acquire some photos and a little information to put into the family history.

But as mentioned I learned a lot more about my mother's character working on family history of which I was unaware. She was very gregarious and extremely thoughtful as a person. These traits are not overly noticed by children I suspect as she was also a very strict mother and permitted no deviations from her assigned protocol on how a day would unfold! Interesting that my grandmother (her mother) I found to be a very sweet kindly overly flexible person but my mother certainly painted her mother as being much the same as I saw my mother! My own children adored my mother and took her death at 85 years very hard. The last time they had seen her she was well and healthy so her sudden death was an enormous shock to them. They saw her as this wonderful thoughtful kind grandmother who fitted her day around them to suit whatever they wanted to do. Perhaps it is that tendency of grandmothers/mothers that makes us the kind of people we are today.

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