Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Unknown Taylor

52 Ancestor Challenge - Challenge 52

Blake, King, Coleman, Pearce, Farmer, Mary (unknown), Lambden, Sarah (unknown), Knight, Ellis, Knight, Vincent, Butt, O'Ford, Arnold, Molton, Cotterell, Bartlett, Alderman, Shepherd, Sherwood, Elizabeth (unknown), Happerfield, Collins, Rawlings, Tanner, Dove, Morgan, Lywood, Lanham, unknown, Peck, Pincombe, Charley, Rowcliffe, Pearse, Rew, Moggridge, Siderfin, Kent, Gray, Hilton, Cobb, Sproxton, Routledge, Tweddle, Routledge, Routledge, (unknown) Buller, unknown, Beard, Hemsley, Welch, Brockhouse, Cheatle, unknown, unknown Taylor, unknown, Harborne, Lewis, Roberts, Croxall, Lawley, unknown

The last of the 52 Ancestor Challenges and I end it with the grandfather of my great grandmother Ellen Taylor. If Ellen was legitimate (I actually have no reason to think otherwise but for sake of covering all the Ellen Taylor registrations than I do say this) than her grandfather would have likely been unknown Taylor. I know very very little about this family in Birmingham. A vague memory as a child of my grandmother saying that her grandfather was a shoemaker. A Thomas Taylor married to Ellen Roberts does fit that description.

Over time I have purchased all the birth registrations for Ellen Taylor born in Birmingham between 1859 and 1862 because my grandmother said that her mother was 37 years old when she died of pneumonia. That death registration I do have and it does state that she was 37 years of age when she died 27 February 1897. What that means to me is that she was born between 28 February 1859 and 27 February 1860. If she had died on her birthday I am rather sure my grandmother would have mentioned that as she was just 11 when her mother died and she always spoke of the tragedy of that loss. Ellen Taylor, daughter of Thomas Taylor and Ellen Roberts was born 9 Oct 1859 at Birmingham. That would make her 37 years 4 months and 18 days old when she died 17 February 1897 if indeed Ellen Taylor, my great grandmother, was the daughter of Thomas Taylor and Ellen Roberts. The suggestion has been made to me that I should try to find her siblings which I have tried to do. Thomas and Ellen Taylor moved away from Birmingham around 1870 to Ashton under Lyne in Lancashire although Ellen and some of the children (including Ellen) are found with her on the 1871 census in Birmingham. She is listed as a grocer so was perhaps selling off what they had in Birmingham prior to moving to Ashton under Lyne. Missing from the 1881 census the two oldest children named Thomas and Ellen (at Ashton under Lyne). All of the other children mentioned in the 1871 census are living at Ashton under Lyne in 1881. This family has not yet been found in the 1891 or subsequent census.

Thomas Taylor (husband of Ellen Roberts) was baptized 27 Dec 1830 at Birmingham Saint Phillips son of Samuel Taylor and Ann Lewis Harborne and he and Ellen Roberts were married 29 Jun 1857 at Birmingham St Martin (Ellen was only 16 years of age when she married which fits the census and Thomas was 3 and Ellen 1 on the 1861 census).

Samuel Taylor had married Ann Lewis Harborne 3 Aug 1829 at Birmingham Saint Phillips. Samuel is possibly the Samuel baptized 14 Jun 1810 at Birmingham Saint Phillips son of Samuel and Sarah Taylor. This would be my 4x great grandfather but at this point it does not really seem to be a practical thing to do a lot of work on him. I need to first determine the parents of my Ellen Taylor before working backwards in time. Hence I will not list an ancestry for this particular Taylor as too much is unknown to really make that worthwhile. So I end my year of 52 Ancestor Challenges with the line about which I know the least amount. For this Taylor line I really do not know anything officially. I do have the occasional Taylor matches on autosomal DNA on all the sites but have not really attempted to do any tracing although do look at trees if they are available. The line going back from my maternal grandmother though is my mtDNA line and that is known to me and quite fortunately is a rather less common grouping of H being H11a2a1. That may eventually help to locate my maternal line which at the moment appears to have its ancient base in the Argyllshire/Ayrshire area of Scotland where it is found on the Blood of the Isles database produced by Bryan Sykes with matches also in Ireland. There is a large group that carries this same haplogroup in the United States and are descendants of Rebecca Martin married to Alexander Peden. Alexander and his wife Rebecca travelled on the James and Mary and were located at Spartanburg as a part of the 1772 migration from County Antrim Ireland to the Carolinas with the Reverend William Martin.

One of my matches is descendant of this couple. I do not know if Rebecca Martin is related to the Reverend William Martin.

The suggested descendancy of the Peden family.

So ends a rather interesting year looking at my 4x great grandparents. A great deal learned about some of my people; a very worthwhile project.

I will begin next year's project on the first Monday of 2016 and it will be Charles Alexandre Bédard.

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