Monday, August 1, 2016

Blake Newsletter Volume 5 Issue 3

Just noticed that I forgot to write up my blog for the Blake Newsletter although it was published on the FT DNA website for the members of the Blake study there. 
            Blake Newsletter
Table of Contents
1.   Gedmatch
2.   Continuing to write up the family story
3.   Family Finder Summary
4.   Blake Emails
1.   Gedmatch
Gedmatch is an online tool that can be used to match up your autosomal results (FT DNA’s Family Finder, AncestryDNA results, 23 and Me DNA results, and others) with other testors from these companies. Geoff Rasmussen of will be having a webinar on transferring your autosomal results from AncestryDNA to Gedmatch but this is equally applicable to the other testing companies ( . Gedmatch is found on the web at: . This is the login webpage for Gedmatch and if not registered then you can do so for free. Login includes your email address and a password which you would select at registration. You can upload as many accounts as you wish thus permitting comparisons between family members who have tested at different companies. There are advanced tools but for the most part the tools provided are quite adequate for comparison. I do use the advanced tools and have found them very handy. 

2.   Continuing to write up the family story
The editor continues to write up her family story. Progressing backwards in time has revealed a number of details that had been acquired but set aside and forgotten over the last nearly thirteen years of collecting information. I have carefully footnoted the stories of my families but decided I needed to do the same for my own story which has taken me most of the month of June. I still have several siblings of my maternal grandmother to complete and then will move back to my 2x great grandparents and all of the siblings of my great grandparents. It has been a walk down memory lane as my grandparents talked a great deal about their families when I was a child (my paternal grandfather lived with us and my maternal grandmother lived about 2 kilometres away). I will then be writing about ancestors for whom less is known in terms of family lore but for whom there are a lot of records. I trade off personal knowledge with written information. 

3.   Family Finder Summary / yDNA results
I had the opportunity to speak with an individual from FT DNA about how to display Family Finder results and he agreed that such a display would necessarily expose personal information. That would go against the policy of FT DNA with regard to usage of data on their site. There are now results for 123 individuals in our Blake Group Project. YDNA12 results for 76 individuals: 59 have completed YDNA25, 57 have completed YDNA37, 29 have completed YDNA67 and 7 have completed YDNA111. The researcher who first separated the Blake lines chose to follow the suggested ancestor route and this has proven to be appropriate for some of the lines but for others they are included in groups where they do not match other members within thousands of years. I am considering how best to separate some of these groups without making the project difficult to read. 

4.   Blake Emails received
I am behind answering requests for information on Blake. By late September I hope to have answered all emails. Thank you for your patience. 

Elizabeth Kipp,
Member #4600: Guild of one name studies -

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