Friday, January 20, 2017

John Blake, yeoman, Butterwicke, Holland, Lincolnshire - The National Archives PROB 11/38

John Blake of Butterwicke, Lincolnshire, is the testator. He names his sons George Blake and Rauf Blake and his daughters Jenett Blake, Alice Gybson, Kathryn and Johane. His wife is unnamed. He separates the daughters into two sets for some reason – Jenett by herself and then Alice, Kathryn and Johane are often listed together. He names Peter Gybson, John Pysshe, George Pysshe and Peter Pysshe and they are perhaps grandsons.

Checking on Find My Past a simple search of Blake and Lincolnshire yields 6897 records with 1652 births/baptisms, 1,490 deaths and 1,546 marriages/divorces. There are 9 Wills and Probate (all from the 1800s).

Family Search has 269 results for Blake between 1500 and 1566 although none for any of the family members listed in the will.

His property appears extensive but tends to be small plots of land around the Butterwicke area in Lincoln.

Freston mentioned in the will is perhaps Frieston in modern spelling.

The probate is to come; still working on that as it is an unusual one.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 17 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/38
Name of testator: John Blake, yeoman
Place: Holland, Lincolnshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated 1 Feb 1555/6, probated 2 Nov 1556

[In margin] Testam[ent] Joh[ann]is Blake

1    In dei nomine Amen The first daye of Februarie yn the yere of our
2    Lord god one Thousande five hundredth fiftie and five I John Blake of Butterwicke
3    in the parish of Holland in the Countie of Lincoln yoman being in then prefect of
4    deed mynde and perfect remembrance (thanckes be to Almightie god) do make this my laste
5    Will and Testament in manner and forme following First I bequeath my soule to Almightie
6    god my maker and redeemer and my bodie to be buried in the Churchyarde of Butterwicke
7    aforesaid and for my mortuary as the Lawes of this Realme shall price Item I bequeath
8    to the High Aulter of Butterwicke vij d Item to the churche werk of Butterwicke vj s vij d
9    Item to the churche of Lincoln xj d Item I bequeath to Jenett Blake my doughter
10    Twentie pounds of Lawfull money of England to be paide to her by myne Executour at
11    suche tyme as she shall require the same after my decease Item I bequeath to my said
12    doughter Jenet the Bedd that I lye oon standing three Brasse pottes two of the Best
13    except 1 six pewter t[um]blers that is to saye three of the best and thre of the seconde _____
14    my best p___d two of my best kyne one payre of lynnen sheets and one payer of hardy
15    Item I will that George Blake and Rauf Blake my sonnes have my lease that I have
16    of Mr Frotherby during the yeres that I have yet to come equallie to Be divided betwixt
17    them Item I give to Peter Gybson John Pysshe George Pysshe and Peter Pysshe to either
18    one of them one _earling Item I bequeath to Alice Gybson my doughter twentie marks of Lawfull
19    money of England to be paid to her hoosbande by myne Executor yf so be the soofficient be given to
20    her as John Gybson his father dyd promys or els this my yssie to be made and yf no son produced
21    _______ and it is my very Last Will (that if the said John Gybson have given as unto my said doughter
22    her soofficient according to his promys Then I will the said twentie marks shalbe paide by myne
23    Executors unto the saide Thomas Gybson within two yeres next after my decease) Item I bequeath to
24    George Blake my sonne one Browne mare one Iron graye mare two yonge geldings suche as Rauff
25    my sonne will appoynte to Sixe mylch kyne and three pounds six shillings and eight pence of
26    Lawfull monye of England to bye hym aplinghe and ____ ______ The residue of all my goodes
27    and chattels Iron plate and wode money in this my last will and testament not given nor Bequeathed
28    I give and Bequeath to Rauf Blake my sonne whom I ordyne and make of this my last will and
29    Testament my sole Executor
30    This is the laste Will and testament of me
31    the above named John Blake made the daie and yere abovesaide for and concernyng the dispossing
32    of all my Landes tenements and hereditaments within the Countie of Lincoln or els where within the
33    Realme of Englande First I will and Bequeath to George Blake my sonne my house in the C[ount]ie and with
34    one acre grounde that yt standed on one berin  ___ corn grounde that yt standeth on two acres
35    half acre a Rode of grounde lying there that I Bought of Mr Fotherby And one acre ____ that
36    Lease of theroft of John Gylbert Item three rodes of Acrall lande of the same grounde that hath
37    and crose three acres of Arrable land lyeinge in Lyversell one acre in Crowne Acres halfing one at
38    Jordey Iscott  and more at Gendomes one acre called _tting Rigg one acre in Ortand  three rodes in
39    Chert north Landes and further on Bothe sides on the waye thre rodes in Looster shallbe one acre helde
40    ____ five rodes in short co__st horses three rodes in Gostreet two acres butting of the Indith waye
41    and three Acres of woode in Frieston To have and to holde the said messuages _____ all and singular
42    other the premises and thappurtenances unto the said George and his assignes during his life naturall
43    and after his decease I will that thene half thereof remayne to Rauff my sonne and to the h[ei]res of his
44    bodie Lawfully begotten And also I will that theother half of the premises after the decease of my
45    said sonne George shall remayne to Kathryn Alice and Johane my doughters equallie to be
46    divided amongst them and to the right heires of their bodies lawfully begotten Item I give
47    to Rauf Blake my sonne all my Lande that I bought within Leversey that is to saye Lande
48    under and pasture with theappurtenances Item one acre in Boyholm lying in Butterwicke
49    two several places five acres in Bradycrose elevyn acres of performed grounde in Derthalm
50    that I bought of Robert Lawes and John Colson oon acre and a half of lande that lyeth at
51    Putter well three acres inground two acres and half in Boollyrn half oon
52    acre at Hopcote hall four acres and three rodes at Butterwicke Ingapp and four acres that
53    lieth in the dale To have and to hold the said premises and every parcell thereof and thappurtenances
54    unto my said sone Rauf and to the heires of his bodie lawfully begotten And for default of suche
55    yssue to remayne to my said doughters Kathryn Alice and Johane and to their heires and assignes
56    for ever Item I give to Jenet Blake my doughter my house in the North end of Butterwicke called
57    Bille House with the grounde that it standeth on To have and to hold to her and to her heires of her
58    bodie lawfully begotten and for the default of suche Issue to remayne to Rauf my sonne and to the heires
59    of his bodie lawfully begotten And for default of suche office to remayne to Kathryn and Alice
60    my doughters and to their heires and assignes forever In witness whereof to this my last will and
61    Testament I have subscribed my name and sette my hand the daye and yere above written
62    in the presence of Richard Dowse of Frieston Willyam Bower of the same James Pollynson of
63    of the same William Ketchin of Butterwick Richard Cooke Vicar of the same parishe
64    and other more John Blake

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