Sunday, January 29, 2017

South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine, Volume 1 No. 2, April 1900, pages 153 - 166

 This article appeared in the SC Historical and Genealogical Magazine as mentioned below. Now out of copyright, I decided to post it to my blog in partial explanation of the will to follow of Joseph Blake of South Carolina Province later South Carolina State in the United States of America.

South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine, Volume 1 No. 2, April 1900, pages 153 - 166

Blake of South Carolina

by Langdon Cheves, Esquire

Arms: Arg: a chevron between three garbs sable. Crest: On a chapeau gules turned up ermine, a martlet argent.

This distinguished Carolina family is descended, as Oldmixon tells us, from a brother of Admiral Blake (1).  In his History of the British Empire in America, Oldmixon writes : "I say the more of Mr Blake because his family is one of the most considerable in this Province; where he arrived in the year 1683, with several other Families the followers of his fortune (2). What estate he sold in England he sold to carry the effects along with him and tho' the sum was not many Thousands, if it did at all deserve the plural Number; yet t'was all that his great Brother left him, tho' for several years he commanded the British Fleet and in a time when our Naval Arms were victorious and the treasures of New Spain seldom reached home. By Mr Blakes presence in Carolina, the sober party, we call them so in opposition to Mr Archdales ill livers, began to take Heart and the other to be discouraged in their irregularities"; of this:

Benjamin Blake of Plainsfield and Pawlets, Esq: J. P, Lords Proprietors Deputy and Member of the Grand Council of Carolina, Gov: Archdale in his Description of Carolina says: "In Gov: Moreton's time General Blake's Brother with many Dissenters, came to Carolina, which Blake being a wise and prudent person of an heroick temper of spirit, strengthened the hands of sober inclin'd people and kept under the first loose and extravagant spirit, etc. The Governor as we are told marry 'd Mrs Elizabeth Blake his daughter, (3) and by this alliance the strength of their party was so increased that we hear little of the other till Mr Colleton's government."  Capt. Blake received considerable grants of land in the province and settled the large plantations of Plainsfield and Pawlets in Colleton County. About the year 1685 he was appointed Lords Proprietors deputy and in October of that year signed the new constitutions and oath of allegiance to King James.

He served in the Council during the administrations of Gov: Moreton and Colleton; the Lords Proprietors recommended him "as a confidential man" and appointed him Clerk of the Crown and Peace for S. Carolina. (4) In 1686 he was commissioner under the act for public defence and in 1687 one of the committee to revise the constitutions which drew up a new form of government for the province. Capt. Blake died about the year 1689 and was succeeded by his son:

Right Honourable Colonel Joseph Blake of Plainsfield and Pawlets, Esq: J. P., Landgrave of Carolina, one of the true and absolute Lords and Proprietors of Carolina and twice Governor of South Carolina. Was born and educated in England. He probably followed his father to Carolina and on his death was appointed Lords Proprietors deputy in his stead but was removed by Gov. Sothell, Oct. 1690. The Proprietors remonstrated and reappointed Blake to Gov. Ludwells council, Nov. 1691. He served in Gov: Ludwells and Smiths councils and on Gov: Smith's resignation, Oct. 1694, succeeded him as Governor of the province and was created a Landgrave. Col. Blake provided for defence of the province "in these times of Warr with the French King" and served as governor until Gov. Archdale's arrival 1695 and then as deputy in his new council.

In Nov. 1696 "Gov. Archdale returned for England and Joseph Blake Esq: become a Proprietary (5) was looked upon as the fittest person to succeed him in the Government; in which office he behaved himself to the satisfaction of the Country, which he Govern'd with equal Prudence and Moderation" Oldmixon His administration was disturbed only by the effort, urged by the Proprietors, to settle the constitutions to suit themselves and the people (6). Many important laws were enacted. Thro' his influence the Huguenots were enfranchised and a maintenance settled on the church of England, for "tho' accounted in some measure a dissenter" "he possessed the most, liberal sentiments towards men of a different persuasion." In June 1695 he had purchased for and ultimately gave to, the Presbyterian congregation in Charlestown the land on which the Circular church now stands. In 1698.9 when storm, earthquake, fire and pestilence afflicted the province, "Gov: Blake deeply sensible of the public distress tryed every art for alleviating the misery of the people and encouraging them to patience." Gov: Blake inherited a good estate, received large grants of land himself and acquired a considerable property. He m. Dec 1698 (7) Elizabeth widow of Francis Turgis Esqr (member of Assembly 1695) and dr. of Landgrave Daniel Axtell and Rebecca his wife. "His Lady also was one of the greatest benefactors towards the ornaments of the church." Oldmixon

She was a clever and energetic woman, careful of her husband's estates and the education of his only son, the young Proprietor. She died in 1726. (8) He left issue :

1. Joseph Blake, born 1700, his heir.
2. Rebecca Blake, b. 1699 m. March 1717 George Smith, esq: 2nd son of Hon: Thomas Smith Landgrave and Governor of Carolina. (9)

Gov: Blake died 7th September 1700 (10) and was succeeded by his only son:

Honourable Colonel Joseph Blake of Plainsfield, Pawlets and Newington, Esq, J. P Lord Proprietor and Landgrave of Carolina, member of H M. Hon: Council for South Carolina and Colonel of the Provincial forces. He was born 1700 and educated probably partly in England. Soon after coming of age he was appointed a Justice of the Peace and elected to the Assembly.  Gov: Nicholson recommended him 25 June 1724, as one of 12 gentlemen fit to supply vacancies in the Council, he was afterwards Colonel of the Berkley regiment and 2nd April 1733 Gov: Johnson "recommends Col. Blake son of one of the late Proprietors" for the Council. In 1734 he was a trustee of the Free school at Dorchester and 10 Nov. 1736 was elected to the Commons for St Helena and sat until 3 June 1740 when he was appointed to the Council. In 1741 he was of the Committee to distribute the Fire relief fund. He went to England in 1746 and seems to have remained until 1748. (11) He continued of the Council until his death in 1751.

Col. Blake inherited his father’s Proprietorship and landed estates, besides a good estate from his mother’s family including the Newington, Mt Boone and Cypress lands, some 6000 acres, and the fine Newington mansion, where he chiefly resided. His Proprietorship was surrendered to the King under Act of Parliament 1729.

He m. 16 June 1720 Sarah dr. of Daniel Lindrey esq: (mem: assembly 1703) and Elizabeth his wife. (12) She predeceased him. He had issue :

1. Daniel Blake, his successor
2. Robert Blake, d. infant s: p. (13)
3. William Blake, of whom presently
1. Rebecca Blake, m. Ralph Izard esq: and left issue
2. Anne Blake, m 5 Nov: 1761 at Dorchester Adam Daniel esq: (mem: assembly 1763) she d.s.p? 17__ (14)

Col. Blake died in 1751 and was succeeded by his eldest son:

Honourable Daniel Blake of Newington Esq: J. P. Landgrave of Carolina, member of H. M. Hon. Council for S. Carolina etc was born at Newington ? 23 April 1731 (15) and educated in England; He inherited Newington (16) and a large estate. In 1755 he was Justice of the Peace and member of the Commons for Prince Williams, in 1757-59 for St Bartholomews, in 1761, 1762 for St Georges and 5 June 1762 was appointed to the Council. He supported Gov. Bull in 1765 and maintained a conservative course thro' the troubled years following. Mr Blake lived at Newington and in Charlestown and travelled at the North until June 1770, when he went to England (for his wife's health) resided in London, Bath and Buxton and travelled in England and on the Continent. He returned often to Carolina, where he was in the Councils of Lord Charles Montagu 1772 and Lord Wm Campbell 1775, and again in 1780. He died at Newington Dec. 29? 1780 s: p. (17) Mr. Blake m Nov: 1758 Margaret dr. of Henry Izard esq: and Margaret, dr of Gov. Johnson, his wife: she died 17__ . (18)

He m. 2nd, March 21, 1762 Elizabeth dr. and coheiress of Joseph Izard esq: and Anne, dr of John Bull esq; his wife. She survived him, lived many years abroad and at Newington and died 1792. (19)

William Blake (2nd son of Hon: Joseph Blake) of Plainsfield and Pawlets Esq: J P. afterwards of Sunbury Place, Middlesex, and Great Cumberland Place St Mary le bone.

Was born at Newington 1739 and educated in England. He received a large fortune from his father and acquired considerable estates in England and Carolina. (20) He was a subscriber to the Ludlam school fund, was in the Commission of the Peace and Sept. 1760 was elected to the Commons for St Bartholomews and 1762, 1763, 1764: etc for Prince Williams. He was in England in 1774 and joined in the petition to the King against the Boston Port bill; but he was conservative in his views and remaining in England was amerced by the act of 1782 as a Royalist.

Mr Blake m. 11 Feb: 1759 Anne dr. of Walter Izard Esq: (Mem: Commons) and Elizabeth dr. of John Gibbes esq: his wife; she was b. 19 Octr 1741, survived him and d (unknown); He left issue:

1. Joseph Blake, b 1769, his successor.
2. Daniel Blake, b 1775. of whom below.
1. Anne Blake, d. unm. 186_

Mr Blake died July 1803 (21) and was succeeded by his eldest son:

Joseph Blake of Hamells Park in the County of Herts Esq: was born 1769 and educated at Eton and Cambridge. He resided chiefly in London, m. 17__ Miss Hough dr. of Colonel Hough of the English army and had issue:

1. William Blake, his successor.
2. Joseph Blake, of whom presently.
3. Robert Blake, b ____ d. unm. s. p. 18__
4. Walter Blake, of whom below.
5. Francis Blake, b ___ , of British army, d unm: s: p. 1865.
1. Anna Maria Blake, m. Henry King, Esq: and had issue: Cecil Mowbray Wm King and Maria
Louisa Josephene Amelia King m. Viscount de la Pouy.
 2. Louisa Blake, m 12 April 1837 Arthur Marcus Cecil Hill, Baron Sandys P.C. 3rd son of Arthur Marquis of Downshire. His lordship d. 10 April 1863, issue:
    1. Augustus Frederick Arthur Sandys, Baron Sandys of Omersley, County Worcester, hon. Colonel Queens own Worcester Yeomanry Cavalry, b. 2 March 1840 ; m. 3 Aug. 1872 Augusta Ann dr. of Sir Charles Des Voeux, Bart.
    2. Marcus Windsor George, Capt. 3rd batt: Duke of Edinburghs Wilts, regmt, b. 28 Sept. 1849.
    3. Michael Edwin Marcus Sandys, b. 30 Dec: 1855.
    4. Edmund Arthur Marcus Sandys b. 9 March 1800.
    1. Mary Georgiana Carolina, m. 21 Oct. 1858 Sir Edmund Filmer, Bart.
    2. Anna Maria Frances, m. 28 Aug. 1868, Herbert Hay Langham, esq: and d. 27 May 1876.
    3. Cecil Josephine
    4. Charlotte Blundell d. 24 Aug. 1854.
    5. Rosa Louisa Vernon, m. 14 Oct. 1874 Capt. Duberley late Grenadier Guards, of Gaynes Hall Co. Huntingdon and has issue.
    6. Nina Violet America, m. Nov. 1880 Ambrose Charles Lisle Phillipps DeLisle esq: of Garendon Park Co: Leicester (who d 1883) and has issue.

Mr Blake d 27 March 1865 in England and was succeeded by his eldest son:

William Blake of Newington (22) S. C. and Park Crescent, Worthing and then of 28 New Styne, Brighton, Esqr, was born and educated in England; m. Dec. 1828 Jean Wykeham dr. of Fiennes Wykeham Martin, esq: of Leeds Castle, County Kent and of Chacombe Priory, Northamptonshire and Eliza, dr. of R Bagnell esq, his wife, and had issue:

1. Joseph Fiennes Blake.
2. Wenman William Frederick Blake.
1. Jean Elizabeth Blake.

Mr Blake died at Brighton April 1889.

Joseph Blake of _______  (2nd son of Joseph Blake esq:) was born and educated and resided in England. He m. 1837 Elizabeth Mary Anne dr. of Maj. Gen. Sir Evan John Murray McGregor K. C. B. Gov. of Windward islands and Elizabeth dr. of John 4th Duke of Athole and had issue:

1. Walter Francis Blake, b _____ Colonel HM _th Regiment.
2. Arthur Marcus Blake, b
3. Augustus Frederick Blake, b
4. Robert Blake, b

Mr Blake died at 80 Guildhall St: Bury St Edmunds in his 90th year 28 May 1889.

Walter Blake, of Bonny Hall. (S C) Esq: (4th son of Joseph Blake esq:) was born in England 1804 and educated at Cambridge; he came to Carolina and in May 1838 m. Anne dr of Ralph Izard esq: and Hester (dr of Thos Middleton esq:) his wife (she d. 10 Aug: 1892) and had issue:

1. Walter Blake jr: esq: b. Aug: 1841 m. Aug: 1870 Henrietta Louisa dr. of Daniel Blake esq: and d. s. p. 187__
2. Godfrey Mundy Blake, of whom presently.
3. Reginald Edmund Blake, b. May 1849 d. unm. s. p. 18__
4. Alfred Sidney Blake, of Hayfield, N. C. b. June 1851.
1. Louisa Patience Blake, b. 1840. m. May 186_ Daniel Blake Heyward esq. Issue:
     1. Anne Louise Heyward.
     2. Henrietta Heyward d. an inf. 18__
She [Louise Patience (Blake) Heyward] m. 2nd 1872 James R. Rutledge esq: (he d. Sept. 1899.)
2. Anna Maria Blake, b. 1843 m. 186_ Colonel Henry M. Rutledge 25th N. C. Regt, C. S. A. Issue: Frederick Rutledge. (She d. 187_)

Mr Blake died at Savannah Aug: 1871, was succeeded by his son:

Godfrey Mundy Blake, esq: of Rice Hope, Savannah river, b. July 1845 m. 1897 Jane dr of ______ Hardee, of Hardeeville S. C.

Daniel Blake of West Preston in County Sussex, and Board House, S. Carolina, Esq: (2nd son of Wm Blake esq:) was born in England 1775 and educated at Cambridge. He came to Carolina, where he possessed large estates, and m. 1 Jan: 1800 Anne Louisa dr. of Hon. Arthur Middleton and Mary, dr of Walter Izard esq: his wife, (she d. 1819) and had issue:

1. Daniel Blake., His successor.
2. Arthur Middleton Blake, b. in England 1812 d. s. p. in London 1881.
1. Louisa Blake, m Arthur M. Heyward esq: and d. 1852 leaving issue Daniel B. Heyward, Walter B. Heyward.
2. Frances M. m. Thomas P. Rutledge esq: and was lost with him on the steamer Pulaski 1836, s. p.

Mr Blake died in Savannah, Ga 9 Dec. 1834 (23) and was succeeded by his eldest son:

Daniel Blake of Board House and the Meadows, Esq: was born in England 31st Jan: 1803, educated at St Johns College Cambridge; But resided in Carolina. He m. Emma Middleton dr. of Henry Rutledge esq: (she d. 23 April 1853) and had issue:

1. Frederick Rutledge Blake, his successor.
2. Francis Daniel Blake, of whom presently.
3. Arthur Middleton Blake, of whom later.
4. Henry Middleton Blake, b. 1855 d. 1855.
 1. Frances Helen Blake, b. 10 Aug 1842.
2. Henrietta Louisa Blake, b. Oct. 1843, m. Walter Blake jr. esq: and d. Sept. 1872, s. p.

Mr Blake m 2nd, July 22, 1856 Helen dr. of Samuel Craig of New York esq: and Helen Bayley his wife and had issue:

1. Robert Bunch Blake of the Meadows, N. C. Esq: b. 23 Jan: 1861, educated in Switzerland and at U. S. Naval Academy.
1. Emma Craig Blake, m. 5 Oct: 1892 Benj. H. Rutledge of Charleston, esq: and has issue.
2. Helen Bayley Blake, m 5 Oct: 1892 Oliver M. Rutledge of the Knoll, N. C. and has issue:

Mr Blake died at the Meadows 10 Aug: 1873, his eldest son:

Frederick R. Blake of Newington N. C. and Board House Esq: M: D, Capt: 25 N. C. Regt C. S. A. was b. 24th Jan: 1838, educated at Philadelphia Medical College, served thro' the Confederate war, as lieutenant and then captain in that regmt and was wounded at Cold Harbour; m 1865, Olivia dr of Oliver Hering Middleton esq: and has issue:

1. Edmund Molyneux Blake.
2. Daniel Blake, b. October 1872.
1. Emma Rutledge Blake b. Aug. 1868 d. March 1873.
2. Eliza Fisher Blake.

His eldest son:

Edmund M. Blake, b. 14 Jan: 1866, educated at Virginia Mil: Ins: and West Point. Lieutenant __th Artillery U. S. A. m. 189_ Eleanor dr of Colonel Farley U. S. A. and has issue:

1. Ayliffe. B. Blake, b.
1. Olivia Middleton Blake.

Francis Daniel Blake (2nd son of Daniel Blake esq:) late captain Artillery C. S. A. was born May 1841, served thro' the Confederate war and d. at the Meadows Oct. 1872. He m. 186_ Sarah dr of Lieut General Leonidas Polk C. S. A late Bishop of Louisiana, and left issue:

1. Francis Polk Blake, C E. of Birmingham Ala, born 1st June 1872, educated at Boston School of Technology.

Arthur M. Blake of Quitman Ga: (3rd son of Daniel Blake esq:) born May 1848 m. Nov. 1872 Catherine Maxwell, and had issue:

1. Wade H. Blake. 
2. Joseph Blake
3. Charles Blake b. ___ d. 1891
4. Francis H. Blake
5. Z. Vance Blake
6. Daniel Blake.
1. Emma Blake.

(1) "T'was about this time, that the Persecution rais'd by the Popish Faction, and their adherents, in England, against the Protestant Dissenters, was at its height; and no Part of this Kingdom suffered more by it than Somersetshire. The Author of this History liv'd at that time with Mr. Blake, brother to the famous General of that name being educated by his Son-in-law, who taught School in Bridgewater; and remembers, tho' then very young, the reasons old Mr. Blake us'd to give for leaving England : One of which was, That the miseries they endur'd, meaning the Dissenters then, were nothing to what he foresaw would attend the Reign of a Popish successor; wherefore he resolv'd to remove to Carolina: And he had so great an Interest among Persons of his principles. I mean Dissenters, that many honest substantial Persons engaged to go over with him." Oldmixon, Car. Col: 2.p 407

(2) Warrant to Maj: Maurice Matthews: To lay out to Capt: Benjamin Blake 1090 acres of land in some place not yett laid out etc the said land being due to the said Benjamin Blake by and for the transportation into this province of himselfe and 21 persons whose names are recorded in the Secretarys Office in the said province etc 10 May 1682 etc Dated 18 March 1683, Joseph Morton etc Sec: Office Bk 1682-92 p 243. This was probably Pawlets; The grant to Plainsfield, 1000 acres was 5 July 1683.

(3) And Randolph in 1701 calls Landgrave Morton Gov: Blake's brother in law. But Elizabeth dr. of Benj: Blake esq: m. Wm Dry esq: who d. 1699 intestate (leaving a son Wm Dry esq:, Speaker of the Assembly 1728 and probably a dr. Elizabeth m. Geo. Crichton esq: J P.) she m. 17__ Richard Weekley gent : she d. 1728. 22 Feb. 1699-1700 We Landgrave Jos. Morton, Jas Stanyarne, Capt. Edm. Bellinger, Eliz : Dry and Geo. Logan are bound to Jos: Blake, Govr etc Elizabeth Dry admx of Wm Dry late of this province deceased. Bk 1691-99. p. 335. Aug 27 1714 will of Geo. Crichton of Berkley Co : wife Elizabeth one half estate and all plate etc my dr Ann Crichton £200 ; my dr Elizabeth Crichton and her brother Geo. Crichton, my wife Elizabeth's children; my mother Elizabeth Weekley and my brother Wm Dry mourning etc proved 7 April 1715. Bk 1729, 31. p 9. Aug. 20 1715 mar. setmt Wm Wallace of Carolina & Elizabeth Crichton, widow. etc her children George and Eliz: Crichton 17 Dec. 1716 Richard Weekley of Charleston neck, gent : all to my wife Elizabeth Weekley and appoint her sole exex; proved 29 July 1720. Bk 1690-1725 p 101. 7 Dec. 1727 deed of gift Elizabeth Weekley of Berkley Co: widow to loving kinswoman Elizabeth Fenwicke wife of John Fenwick of Charlestown mercht, and in consideration that he hath agreed to maintain me during my life etc negroes etc. 1728 May 12 Then was buried Mrs Weekeley by the Rev: Mr Garden. St Phil Reg. 

(4) 1687 Oct: 10. Lds Proprietors to Benjamin Blake Esq: commission appointing him Clerk of the Crown and Clerk of the Peace for that part of Carolina lying south and west of Cape Fear. H S. S. C. vol. I. p. 120. 116. 119 

(5) Gov: Blake is styled Landgrave in a warrant 20 Nov. 1694 also in Act 17 Jan. 169 4/5 A A 2 p. 86 and Proprietor 10 March 169 6/7, Ibid 132: He was probably made a Landgrave on succeeding Gov. Smith and Proprietor on succeeding Gov. Archdale, altho' the deed conveying Lord Berkeleys proprietorship was not made until 11 April 1698.

(6) 25 April 1697 Lds Proprs to Jos: Blake esq: one of the Landgraves of Carolina; express their satisfaction in the conduct of Mr Archdale and his placing his proprietary in such good hands as those of the person addressed; as he is now one of them urge him to get settled in Carolina by the Assembly constitutions which may tend both to the good of the people and themselves. Hist Soc. Col. I. p. 141.

(7) 6 Dec: 1698 Jos: Blake esq: bond to John Alexander of Charlestown mercht £1258 17s, whereas Francis Turgis gent: late of this Province deed, dyed intestate whereby admin'n of his estate was committed to Elizabeth Turgis relict of ye sd Francis and whereas ye sd Francis Turgis left two daughters Elizabeth and Mary to whom by law 2/3 of his estate did belong, estate £944; and whereas there is an Intermarriage intended between ye sd Joseph Blake and ye sd Elizabeth Turgis relict of ye sd Francis Turgis Now condition etc pay £314 14s 9d each to sd Elizabeth and Mary at 21 or marriage and meantime give and allow without any charge to ye sd children such maintenance and education in this Country as shall be thought requisite by ye sd Elizabeth Turgis Mother of ye sd children or ye sd John Alexander etc Bk 1693-704 p. 270 Elizabeth m. Thos Diston esq: mem: Council 1710.11; Mary m, 19 may 1713 Walter Izard esq: mem: Commons.

(8) 30 Sept. 1725 will Elizabeth Blake widdow in the County of Berkley in the province of Carolina etc to my drs Elizabeth Dicton and Mary Izard £500 each, to every one of my gd children living at my death £100 etc to the building of an Anabaptist parsonage house in CharlesTown £50 and to the Minister £20 per an: to my beloved Sister Elizabeth Weekley for life £20 per an: the said Elizabeth being the dr: of Benjamin Blake decd; to my beloved Son Joseph Blake all the rest etc appoint him ex'or. Pd. 23 July 1726.

(9) 19 March 1716 bond £10,000. and Indenture between Hon: Landgrave Thomas Smith of Berkley Co: & Mary his wife 1st part, the Honourable the Lady Elizabeth Blake of Berkley Co: wido & Walter Izard esq: 2nd part, and Rebecca Blake dr, of ye said Eliz: Blake 3rd part; whereas a marriage by ye Grace of God is intended shortly etc between George Smith one of the sons of Landgrave Thos Smith and the said Rebecca Blake Now etc to Geo. Smith paid & by Eliz: Blake as ye marriage portion of Rebecca Blake etc joynture made to her etc plantation 787 acres etc

(10) 27 Dec. 1699 will Joseph Blake of Plainsfield in ye County of Colleton; to my dr. Rebecca my proprietary in ye 1/8 of ye Province of Carolina with all ye Royalties etc all my lands in Carolina with the buildings etc but if she die before 21 etc then to my cousin Wm Dry son of my sister Elizabeth Dry; to my beloved sister Mrs Elizabeth Dry £100; I remit what is due to me on ye Presbyterian Meeting house in Charlestown and desire that title be made to the house etc my friend Dr Jas Williams; his dr. Margaret Williams £50; Mr Jas Stanyarne £50, assist my wife in managemt of my estate ; all rest to my wife Elizabeth Blake & my dr. Rebecca ; wife sole exe'x. Mem: I give to my affectionate Mother ye Lady Rebecca Axtell £20 to buy her & her waiting maid mourning and will in case my wife be delivered of a child and it be a son that he have my Proprietary and lands and 1/3 residue of my estate. Bk 1687-170O p. 37.

(11) 4 Oct: 1746 Gov Glen writes: Mr Blake and Mr Atkins have asked leave to go to England. Charlestown 31 March 1748 the Snow Nancy from Bristol was taken by Spaniards in sight of the Town the Hon: Joseph Blake who came passenger in her was landed here the same day by her long-boat. S.C. Gazette
(12) 1 June 16 1720 Then was married Joseph Blake & Sarah Lyndrey by ditto (Rev. Alex. Garden) License by Gov. Johnson St Phil. Reg:

(13) 31 Ang. 1738 Thomas Distons will: my uncle Joseph Blake; my cousins Daniel & Robert Blake.

(14) 18 Dec. 1750 will Joseph Blake of Berkley Co: in prov: S. Carolina; estate be kept together until it raises £2000 ster. & £1000 proc'n money, exclusive of maintenance of my sons Daniel Blake & Wm Blake and dr. Anne Blake, interest towards their education & maintenance; £1000 to each at 21 etc; to son Daniel Blake plan'n I live on called Newington also Cypress and lands on Charlestown neck between High road & Cooper river. 1500 acres, 597 acres etc; to my son Wm Blake plan'n on Wadmelaw & New cut called Plainsfield, land on Charlestown neck betw High road & Ashly river; to dr Rebecca Izard 1873 acres Granville Co: etc to my dr Anne Blake 1000 acres etc rest of real estate to sons Daniel & Wm Blake; household goods & plate to sons & dr. Anne; coach & horses to son Daniel; rest personal estate to my four children etc exrs dr Rebecca Izard, son Daniel Blake, son Ralph Izard. Pd 30 Aug. 1751. Bk 1747.52 p. 448

(15) Daniel ye son of Joseph and Sarah Blake of Dorchester baptised Oct ye 24, 1731. St Andrews Register 

(16) The stately brick mansion, with its fine grounds and avenue of four rows of live oaks, was one of the finest in Carolina; long a picturesque ruin, it has now been destroyed.

(17) Charlestown 30 Dec: 1780: Death: After a few days illness, Daniel Blake Esq: S. C. & Am. Gen. Gaz. Will 9 May 1773 Daniel Blake of Charlestown in the Province of S. Carolina, Esq now residing in London; wife Elizabeth Blake £5000 ster: all plate, furniture, linen, jewels etc; to wife for life Newington and Cypress etc and in fee plantations in Pr Williams, St Helena and Craven County; to nephews Ralph & Walter Izard each £1500 and 1/2 my Savannah river lands; £1500 each for my nieces Lady Wm Campbell wife of Lord Wm Campbell and Rebecca Campbell wife of Collin Campbell esq; to friend Ralph Izard son of Henry Izard, deed, £4000; to the S. C. Society, Friendly Society & Library Society each £100 ; Free School of St Georges £150; to Church Wardens of parish of St Georges £100 the interest to go to the Rector or Preacher of an annual sermon on 23rd April in every year in that Parish Church; all rest to my Brother Wm Blake; my said Brother, my nephew Ralph Izard Jr. Ralph Izard, son of Henry Izard & Miles Brewton esq: exors. Codicils S. Carolina 28 March 1780 & 28 Dec. 1780; pd 4 Jan. 1781 Wm Blake exor. Bk 1778-81 p. 688

(18) About three weeks ago, Daniel Blake esq; one of the Representatives in the General Assembly of this Province for the Parish of St Bartholomew, was married to Miss Margaret Izard only Daughter and Heiress of the late Henry Izard, Esq; a young Lady of fine Accomplishments with a great fortune. S. C. Gaz. Dec. 1758. On Sunday last, Daniel Blake, Esq; to Miss Elizabeth Izard, daughter of Joseph Izard Esq : deceased. Ibid Sat 27 March. 1762.

(19) 1 20 April 1783 Eliz: blake widow of late Daniel Blake of S. C. now residing in London, all lands etc inherited from my father and mother Joseph and Ann Izard to my cousin Ralph Izard; his sister Lady Wm Campbell; inherited from my grandmother Mary Bull; £100 ster: each to parishes Pr. William, St George, St Philip & St Michael for poor; £200 to Wm Blake of S. C ; all left by my late husband to his youngest nephew Daniel Blake & all plate with the Blake arms ; my watch & pearls to Mrs Eliz: Farr for her attention to my late husband in his last illness ; Codicil Dorchester 7 April 1786; 1791 friend Mrs Drayton house in Church St. and furniture at Newington; pd 18 Oct. 1792
(20) 20 June 1760 he sold to Daniel Blake esq: for £5250 his 1/2 of lot 313 with brick mansion, in Archdale square north of the State House, granted 20 Dec 1696 to Hon. Jos: blake grandfather of said Daniel and Wm Blake and by their father Hon. Jos: Blake devised' to them 18 Dec. 1750. Bk V. V. p._ 17 Feb. 1761 he sold Plainsfield & Pawlets 2796 acres to Francis Yonge esq: and bought Grove Hall 1945 acres of Fr. Kinloch esq: and 1790 Bonny Hall on Combahee of Thos Middleton esq: Bk B. no 3. P 290. W W 725.

(21) 18 March 1802 Wm Blake a citizen of U. S. but now of Sunbury Place Co. Middlesex — wife Anne Blake £500, all furniture etc house Gt Cumberland Place, wife and Edgell Wyatt esq: to sell Sunbury Place and invest in Public funds etc wife £1500 per an: interest £36500 & £13500 annuities; my gd son Wm Blake £10000; gd son Jos. Blake £20000; gd dr. Anne Blake £50.0; gd son Robert Blake £5000; sons & dr. of my son Jos. Blake; to son Jos. Blake lands in Carolina purchased of Thos Middleton esq: also Newington & Cypress for life, then to his son Wm Blake; to my son Daniel Blake all plant'ns Board house, Savannah, Hickory hill etc and Savannah river lands, negroes etc land Charlestown neck and all rest to sons Joseph and Daniel Blake, wife and E. Wyatt exors England, sons Joseph and Daniel Blake and Thos Parker exors S. Carolina, Codicil 3 Dec 1802 dr Anne chariot & horses etc. Pd Canterbury 15 July 1803.

(22) Mr Blake 23 March 1830 sold Newington & Cypress 4021 acres to Henry A Middleton esq: Bk N no 10 p. 474 see also M. C. O. Bk F. no: 9. p. 31, and L no. 9. p. 549 for recitals of descent.
(23) Died, in the City of Savannah, on the 9th inst : after a short illness Daniel Blake, Esq: of this State, in the 59th year of his age. Courier 25 Dec. 1834

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