Saturday, January 28, 2017

Will of Charles Blake, Gentleman, Parish of St George Hanover Square, Middlesex - The National Archives PROB 11/655, probated 1 Dec 1732

Charles, the Testator, does not mention that his son Charles is in America. The contents of his will stating that his son Charles Blake has disposed of the property he was to inherit from his father in his will does make me think this could be the will of his father. Verifying that would take time for sure but I do transcribe this will to follow yesterday’s will to allow the consideration to be made that this is the father of Charles Blake whose will was transcribed on the 26th of January 2016 and placed on my blog.

A possibility is Charles Blake, son of Thomas and Dorothy Blake born 5 Mar 1637 at Hurstbourne Tarrant, Hampshire.

Teresia Tilden, daughter of George Tilden and Teresia Blake was baptized 2 May 1707 at Saint Paul Covent Garden, Westminster. She would have been 25 when her grandfather wrote this will.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 28 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/655
Name of testator: Charles Blake, Gentleman
Place: Parish of St George Hanover Square, Middlesex, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 27 Oct 1732, probated 1 Dec 1732

[In margin] Tm Caroli Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Charles Blake of the parish of St George Hannover Square in the
3    County of Middlesex Gent being of sound and perfect mind and memory
4    (praised be God the Lord) But well knowing the uncertainty of this frayle
5    life do make ordaine publish and declare this to be my last Will and
6    Testament in manner and forme following And first I bequeath my Soule
7    into the hands of Almighty God hopeing to be saved by and through the merits
8    of the bitter death and passion of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and my
9    body to the Earth from whence it came to be decently buryed in the Church
10    yard of St Pauls Covent Garden of the West and beside the place where my
11    late wives and their Children were buryed Butt my desire and intent is that
12    the whole charge of my Funerall do not exceed the summe of Twenty Five
13    pounds And as to that worldly Estate of which I shall dye possessed of what
14    nature of kind soever the same be (after my debts legacies and Funerall
15    expences are paid and is charged) I give bequeath and dispose of the
16    same and every part thereof in manner and forme following (that is to say)
17    Imprimis I give and bequeath to my son in law George Tilden the summe of
18    Tenn pounds to buy him mourning Item I give and I bequeath to my Grand
19    Son and Godson George Tilden the summe of Tenn pounds to buy him a
20    Mourning and also my Gold Watch and Chains to it Item I give to my Grand
21    daughter Teresia Baladine Sister to the above mentioned George Tilden the
22    summe of Tenn pounds to buy her Mourning and my diamond Ring and alsoe
23    to her husband       Baladine the summe of Tenn pounds to by him
24    Mourning Item I give to my Nephew Charles Blake and his Wife a Ring
25    apiece valued a Guinea each Item I give to my Neice Dorothy Blake Twelve
26    pounds per annum for her life Issuing out of my Estate and alsoe Five pounds
27    for mourning my Guilt spoone knie and forke and my Coffee and Tea
28    Equipage and all my wearing linen of what nature or kind soever Item I
29    give and bequeath unto Richard Shelton of St James Westminster Esquire
30    and Robert Deale of St Georges Hannover Square Gentleman ______
31    and good friends the summe of Tenn pounds apiece and also a Ring of a
32    Guinea value to each of them Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth
33    Howard my present Maid servant a legacy of Five pounds to buy her
34    mourning Item I further give to my above said Grandson George Tilden
35    the summe of Two hundred and Fifty pounds to be paid to him as soone and as
36    conveniently my Executors hereinafter named can pay the same Item
37    I further give to my above said Grandaughter Teresia Baladine and
38    Sister to the abovesaid George Tilden the like summe of Two hundred and
39    Fifty pounds to be paid to her as soon as my said Executors can conveniently
40    raise and pay the same and all the rest and residue of my reall and
41    personal Estate of what nature or kind soever which shall be so seized and
42    comprised of (after my debts funeral expences and legacies hereby given
43    and bequeathed are paid and discharged) I give and bequeath the same to
44    be disposed of in such manner and proportion as my late son Charles Blake
45    has by his last Will and Testament in writing or by any other deed guift
46    or Testament under his hand and seale directed and appointed And I do
47    hereby ratify and confirme such settlement and disposition thereof as
48    my said late Son Charles Blake hath by such Will deed or other settlement
49    directed and appointed And I hereby direct and appoint and it is my last Will
50    desire and intention that if any of the Legatees herein mentioned and to whome
51    I have by this my last Will given any legacy or legacies or any person or persons
52    claiming by from and or him her or they or any of them shall att any time
53    after my decease trouble hinder or molest my Executors herein after
54    named or either of them in the due Execution and performance of this my
55    last Will and Testament in any respect whatsoever either in law or Equity
56    or in the Prerogative Court of otherwise heresoever that then and from
57    thence forth the legacy or legacies bequest or bequests of him her or them
58    or other person claiming or to claim by from or under him her of them
59    so in bring arresting troubling hindring or molesting my said Executors or any
60    of them in the execution of this my last Will and Testament in any aspect
61    whatsoever or for concerning or relating to any legacy or legacies matter or thing
62    therein contained shall and is hereby declared to be null and void to all intents
63    constructions and purposes as if no such legacy or legacies had ever beene
64    given or bequeathed to him her or them so judging as aforesaid And I do hereby
65    constitute and appoint the above mentioned Richard Shelton of St James
66    Westminster and Robert Deal of St Georges Hannover Square to be my
67    Executors of this my last Will and Testament and do desire that they will
68    permit my above mentioned Neice Mrs Dorothy Blake to continue in the
69    possession of my household goods plate and belongings unto my said house
70    until my Executors thinke fit and proper and I do hereby revoke and
71    denounce all former Wills by me att any time before made and publish and
72    declare this to be my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have to
73    this my last Will contained in one Sheete of paper sett my hand and Seale
74    this twenty seventh day of October in the yeare of our Lord Christ one
75    Thousand seven hundred and Thirty two Charles Blake Signed Sealed
76    published and declared by the Testator as his last Will and Testament in
77    the presence of us and who at his request and in his presence sett our names
78    as witnesses hereunto George Shelton Jas Snowden John Prescott
79    Probatum fuit hujusmodi Testamentum apud London
80    prime die Mensis decembris Anno domini Millesimo Septingentesimo
81    tricesimo seconde Coran venerabili viro Edwarde Kinaston Legum
82    doctore Surrogato venerabilis et Eg edgij viri Johannis Bettesworth
83    Legum doctoris Curie Prerogative cantuarie viro Magistri Custodis
84    sive Commissary legitime constitute Juramentio Richardi Shelton et
85    Roberti Deal Executorum in dicto Testamento nominat Quibus commissa
86    fuit administration omnium et singulorum bonorum junuim et
87    creditorium dicti defuncti de bene et fidelier administrando eadem ad
88    sancta dei evangelia jurat

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