Friday, January 27, 2017

Will of Charles Blake of Maryland Province - The National Archives PROB 11/663, probated 17 Jan 1733

Charles Blake, the testator, was married to Henrietta Maria Lloyd. He died 18 Mar 1732 at Queenstown, Queen Ann, Maryland Province (currently Maryland, USA). They had four children

John Blake
Henrietta (Henny) Maria Blake 1700
Philemon Charles Blake
Dorothy Blake born 26 Nov 1702, died 8 Jul 1734

Charles Blake, the testator, was the son of Charles Blake and Dorothy Sayer. Charles (the father) left his will dated 7 Oct 1832 and had knowledge of his son’s death prior to that time. In Charles’, the testator) will he mentions property which his father has given him leave to sell and expressed a desire that his father do sell this property and the money to come to his children as proposed in the will. I will transcribe Charles’ father’s will next.

Charles Blake, the testator, is born in England likely as his father is still living there.

Online trees suggest that Charles Blake married Henrietta Maria Lloyd in London, England but I could not find a verification of this marriage in the records in London but they could have married at a “Peculiar” Parish.

This is one of the “founding” Blake lines in the United States. There is information on the Lloyd family in “Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5: Families G - P; edited by John Frederick Dorman and published by the Genealogical Publishing Company.

From this particular book:  Henrietta Maria Lloyd was the daughter of  Philemon Lloyd and Henrietta Maria (Neale) Bennett (widow of Richard Bennett).  She married Charles Blake who came to Maryland about 1685 and settled at Wye River. Their children named in this book: John Sayer Blake, Philemon Charles Blake, Henrietta Maria Blake (married (unknown) Stringfellow); and Dorothy (married to Charles Carroll).

The Lloyd family arrived in Maryland as early as 1623/24 and on 30 Mar 1636 he received a patent for 400 acres in the westernmost branch of Elizabeth River.

A tree on World Connect has transcribed a will purported to be that of John Sayer Blake:
    BLAKE, JOHN SAYER, Queen Anne's Co., gentleman. 5 Oct, 1748; 24 Nov, 1748
    To sons JOHN, CHARLES, and the child unborn, 1 tract of land called "Russendal," and 1 tract adjoining called "Coursey's Neck," which when intailed on me by my father CHARLES BLAKE.
    To exs., my land in Talbot Co., generally known by name of "Grosses"; sd. land to be sold,
    1/3 of my estate to wife; remaining 2/3 to my 5 child, and unborn child.
    Wife, bro. Philemon Charles Blake, and bro.-in-law Philip Darnal, exs.
    Wit: Edward Knott, R. Porter, James Tilghman. 25. 460
    (contributed by Norma Lundgren)

    probably kin:
    Sayer, Peter, Col.,Talbot Co.,29th Aug., 1697;
    2nd Nov., 1697.
    To wife Frances, 1/3 of estate, real and personal, except the plate and linen.
    To nephew Charles Blake and godson John Blake, 1/3 of estate, real and personal, equally.
    To the English Benedictine Nuns and English Benedictine Monks at Paris, and to English Fri****rs, 1/3 of estate.
    Testator directs exs., viz, wife Frances and Charles Blake afsd. to sell “Propt'rs Island” or some other piece of property, and out of the proceeds to pay certain personalty to Thomas Lifeholly, each of testator's grandchild. (unnamed) and to all priests in the Province. Sd. exs. also to have charge of Aunt Varney.
    Test: Peter Jolly, Chris. Goodhard, Jacob Petett, Lewis de Rochburn. 7. 334.

None of the lines are traced down in any tree that I have found thus far but there were sons of John Sayer Blake living at the time of the writing of his will.

A second tree on world connect provides details on Philemon Charles Blake:

BLAKE, PHILEMON CHARLES, Queen Anne's Co. 13 Jan, 1753; 6 Feb, 1761
To wife Sarah Blake, land and clothing. At her decease, to son Philemon Charles Blake, dwelling plantation and all lands adjoining of several tracts, but lately resurveyed by my dec'd. father, Charles Blake, and called Blakeford; likewise that pt. of tracts called Lloyd's Meadows and Lloyd's Meadows Addition, given to aunt Alice Lloyd, lying near the head of Wye River, upon condition that sd. Philemon Charles Blake shall, in 18 months after my decease, at that time he will be age 21, cut off the intail of my land lying on Corsia Creek called Bennett's Regulation, and convey to my son Charles Blake; if son Philemon Charles Blake shall fail in the performance of this condition, then I revoke the devise of dwelling plantation.
To Reverend James Bodnall, suit of mourning; 10 lbs. current money.
Children: Henrietta Maria, Philemon Charles, Elizabeth and Charles.
Extx: Wife Sarah.
Wit: Susanna Tilghman, Juliana Carrol, Edward Neale. Probated by Julianna Tilghman, late Juliana Carroll, one of the witnesses.
Depositions of Susanna Tilghman and Juliana Tilghman, made 6 Feb, 1761, that they saw testator sign his will.
Deposition of Francis Hall of Cecil County, gentleman, who says he belieyes the name Edward Neale, subscribed as a witness to the above will, is the handwriting of his father-in-law Edward Neale. 31. 166

Mr. Philemon Charles Blake 90.209 QA £902.16.5 Apr 24 1765 Sep 1 1766
Appraisers: John Willson, Philemon Gran.
Creditors: Anthony McCulioch, Thomas Clayland.
Next of kin: Charles Blake, Henritta Maria Blake.
Mentions: father Philemon Charles Blake.
Executrix: Ann Blake.

Philemon Charles Blake also has living sons named in his will above.

At this time I will not attempt to follow these lines down but looking at the 1790 US census in Maryland there are eleven Blake families listed.  Charles Blake, John S Blake and Philomon C Blake all at Queen Annes as three separate families, George Blake and Thomas Blake at Worcester, Isaac Blake at North Susquehannah, John Blake, William Blake and William Blake at Talbot, William Blake at Dorchester and William Blake at Baltimore Town.

The next will to transcribe will be that of the possible father of the present testator.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 27 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/663
Name of testator: Charles Blake
Place: Maryland Province (now Maryland, USA)
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 24 Aug 1723, probated 17 Jan 1733

[In margin] Charles Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    the four and twentieth day of August One thousand
3    seven hundred and twenty three I Charles Blake the
4    unworthy Servant of God well and strong both in body and
5    mind blessed be God but knowing the uncertainty of the
6    continuance thereof do freely and intirely resign myself to
7    my Creator hoping wheresoever it shall please him to take me
8    out of this troublesome World to be made a partaker of his
9    Eternall Glory thro’ the Meritts and passion of my dear
10    Redeemer and Saviour Jesus Christ into whose hands I
11    recommend my Soul and my body to the Earth from whence it
12    came to be buried by me dear Wife if I dye in Maryland
13    and of my worldly Estate I thus dispose viz [a vi]t Imprimis I give
14    and bequeath to my son John two Tracts of Land called
15    Russendale and Courseys Neck adjoyning to it in Wye River to
16    him and his heirs male lawfully begotten but in case he
17    should dye without such Then I give and bequeath the two
18    aforesaid Tracts of Land to my Son Philemon and his heires
19    male and in case it should please God he also should dye
20    without heirs male Then I give and bequeath the two
21    aforesaid Tracts of Land to the female heires of my son
22    John and their heires for ever Item I give and bequeath to
23    my son John all the rest of my Land whatsoever lying between
    [Examined by Me Nath Patten Notary Publick]
24    Wye River and the wading place for him and his heires for
25    ever provided he my son John quit all claime and demands
26    of or to any part of my personal Estate on the account and
27    by virtue of my Uncle Sayer’s last Will and likewise makes
28    good to Pet[e]r harwood my Title to the Land sold him by me
29    which was my wifes which two things if he shall not bona
30    fide do and perform Then I bind the abovesaid Lands to make
31    good the damages which may accrew to my other Children by
32    his non performance thereof Item I give and bequeath unto my
33    son Philemon all my Land on Chester River viz [a vi]t white banks
34    Coursey Neck and long Neglect to him and his heires for ever
35    And whereas my father has promist me and given me an
36    estate in England by his last Will and has also given me
37    leave to dispose of it by Will I therefore confiding if it should
38    please God I dye before him that he will make good; this part
39    of my last Will and Testament do thus dispose of that Estate
40    in England viz [a vi]t I give and bequeath unto my dear daughter
41    Dorothy Carroll fifty pounds a year sterling to be paid her
42    yearly and every year for the space of ten years out of the
43    aforesaid Estate Item I give and bequeath to my son John
44    one third part of the remaining Revenue and to my Son
45    Philemon two thirds until he shall receive the summe of three
46    hundred pounds sterling more than his brother John Then the
47    whole to be equally divided between my two Sons John and
48    Philemon and their heires and for fear my intent and
49    meaning may be missunderstood I desire my daughter Carrol
50    may have five hundred pounds sterling paid her out of that
51    Estate in ten years space and Philemon have three hundred
52    pounds sterling more than his Brother John according to the
53    aforesaid partition Item I order and appoint the aforesaid
54    limitations being ended and give and bequeath all the rest
55    and remainder and whatsoever left me by my Father last
56    Will and Testament reall and personal to be equally divided
57    between my two Sons John and Philemon and their heires
58    for ever Item I give and bequeath to my dear daughter
59    Henny a Suite of mourning and nothing else having an
60    otherways taken care and provided for her All the rest of my
61    Estate whatsoever reall and personal my just debts being paid
62    I give and bequeath to be equally divided between my two
63    Sons John and Philemon and their heires for ever But if
64    it should please God that either of my two Sons John or
65    Philemon should dye without an Issue male lawfully
66    begotten Then I give and bequeath all the reall Estate left me
67    or that shall be left me by my Father in England to the
68    heire male of the surviving Brother and do appoint
69    constitute and make my two Sons John and Philemon the
70    Executors of this my last Will and Testament and do hereby
71    revoke annul and make void all other former Wills and Testaments
72    whatsoever by me formerly made before the date hereof
73    In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and
74    seale the day and yeare above written Cha: Blake
75    Signed Sealed published and declared in presence of us
76    Rd Tilghman Otto Coursey Richd Tilghman junior etc
77    Whereas Charles Carrol of Annapolis in Maryland
78    Surgeon who marryed my daughter Dorothy hath lately
79    exhibitted a Bill of Complaint against me in the Chancery
80    Court of Maryland thereby suggesting a promise I made him
81    of giving my said daughter five hundred pounds portion
82    which I solemnly declare was after no other manner or form
83    than as is above by me bequeathed and sett down my true
84    will intent and meaning therefore is that in case the said
85    Charles shall obtaine a decree in the Chancery Court against
86    me for the said five hundred pounds that then the within
87    Clause of my Will giving to my daughter Dorothy wife of the
88    said Charles five hundred pounds in the manner therein
89    declared And I do againe faithfully declare that I never made
90    any promise to the said Charles after other form or manner
91    whatsoever be null and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever
92    as if never inserted therein at the same time giving to my
93    said daughter and the said Charles five shillings current money
94    and no more out of my whole Estate hereby publishing and
95    declaring this to be my true and last Will and Testament so
96    farr as relates to my said daughter and the said Charles her
97    husband and adding it as a Codicill to my said Will confirming
98    hereby my Will as aforesaid as to every thing else contained
99    therein In witness whereof I do sett my hand and seale this third
100    day of September anno domini One thousand seven hundred
101    and twenty five Chas Blake Signed Sealed Published and
102    declare in presence of Phile: Lloyd R Bennett Jno Stevens
103    March the 8th 1732 Then came Richard Tilghman Esquire Mr Otto
104    Coursey and Mr Richard Tilghman junior the subscribing
105    witnesses to the foregoing Will and made Oath on the holy
106    Evangelists of Almighty God before me the Subscriber that
107    they saw the Testator Mr Charles Blake sign seale and heard
108    him publish and declare the same to be his last Will and
109    Testament and at the time of his so doing he was to the best
110    of their knowledge and apprehension of sound and disposing
111    mind and memory and that they aforesaid Richard Tilghman
112    Esquire Mr Otto Coursey and Mr Tilghman junior did subscribe the
113    said Will as witnesses in the presence of the Testator Wm
114    Hemsley D Commissioner of Queen Ann’s County A Copy of
115    the foregoing Will and Codicill delivered to Mr John Sayer
116    Blake Esquire
117    March the 9th 1732 Came before me the subscriber Philemon
118    Lloyd and Richard Bennett Esquire two of the subscribing witnesses
119    to the foregoing Codicill and made oath on the holy Evangelists of
120    Allmighty God that they saw the Testator Mr Charles Blake sign
121    seale and heard him publish and declare the same to be part of
122    his last Will and at the time of his so doing he was to the best
123    of their knowledge and apprehension of sound and disposing
124    mind and memory and that they the aforesaid Philemon Lloyd and
125    Richard Bennett Esquires did sign the same as witnesses in the presence
126    of the Testator and the aforesaid Richard Bennett Esquire made
127    oath that he saw John Stevens the other witness sign as an
128    Evidence in the presence of the Testator Wm Hemsley D Commissioner
129    of Queen Ann’s County
130    In Testimony that the aforegoing is a true Copy from the
131    Originall Will now remaining in the Prerogative Office of
132    the province of Maryland the seal of the said Office is hereunto
133    affixt at the City of Annapolis this second day of May Anno
134    domini 1733 John Gibson Registrar Prer of Exd
135    Proved at London (with a Codicill annexed) the fourteenth
136    day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven
137    hundred and thirty three before the Worshipfull John
138    Andrew doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipfull
139    John Bettesworth doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary
140    of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted
141    by the oath of Philemon Blake Esquire a son of the deceased
142    and one of the Executors named in the said Will to whom
143    Administration was committed being first sworn duly to
144    administer Reserving power to make the like Grant to John
145    Blake another Son of the deceased and the other Executor named
146    in the said Will when he shall come to pray the same

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