Monday, January 23, 2017

Will of Denis John Blake, Esquire, late Captain in his Majesty's 89th Regiment of Foot, Dublin - The National Archives, PROB 11/1412, probated 25 Aug 1804

The testator, Denis John Blake, is a member of the Galway Blake family. His parents were Charles Blake and Margaret Daly. His older brother, as mentioned, in the will was Charles and his sister was Frances married to John Darcy. Charles Blake married Margaret Daly 3 May 1762 possibly in Galway.

The line continues back to Francis Blake married to Frances Daly circa 1721. This Francis was the son of Martin Blake and Mabel Browne. Continuing back Martin was the son of Francis Blake and Julia Blake giving two Blake lines back to the originator of this Blake line in Ireland (Richard Caddell).

Francis was the son of John Blake and Margaret Martyn and Julia was the daughter of Martin Blake and Ann Joyes.

John was the son of Robert Blake and Catherine Darcy and Martin was the son of (Alderman) Andrew Blake and Juliane Martin.

Robert was the son of Walter Blake and M Bodkin and Andrew was the son of Patrick Blake.

These two men are 4x great grandsons of Richard Caddell.

Walter was the son of Andrew Blake and Patrick was the son of Richard Blake.

Andrew was the son of John Blake married to Annabel de Burgo and Richard was the son of John Blake.

John was the son of William Blake and Athy (unknown) and John was the son of Walter Blake.

William was the son of Geoffrey Blake and Walter was the son of Geoffrey Blake. William and Walter were brothers. Geoffrey was the son of Walter Blake and Walter was the eldest son of Richard Caddell alias Blake and his wife Eveline.

Charles Blake, brother of the testator, married Georgina Brown 3 Aug 1790 and they had six children, the second son was named Denis John Blake.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 23 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1412
Name of testator: Denis John Blake, Esquire, late Captain in His Majesty’s 89th Regiment of Foot
Place: Dublin, Ireland
Type of Record: Will
Dated 17 Oct 1802, probated 25 Aug 1804

[In margin] Denis John Blake, Esquire
[Top] Extracted from the Registry of His Majesty’s Court of Prerogative Court in Ireland – Dublin October 2nd 1802

1    Being perfectly sound in my understanding
2    I think it necessary to write and dispose of any
3    property I have at this present or hereafter may
4    have In the first place my debts are to be paid
5    the Sum of Fifty pounds Ster[ling] with interest from
6    March 1802 to my dear friend and Brother
7    Charles Blake Esquire Merlin Park County Galway
8    Secondly Sixty pounds in Gold due by me to Mrs
9    Bodkin of Be__ery County Galway Thirdly Twenty
10    pounds nine and sixpence to Lieut Dunn 89th
11    Regt after paying these debts above mentioned it
12    is my desire that the residue of my property
13    should then be divided into two equal shares one share of
14    which is to go to my Brother Charles Blake Esquire
15    Merlin Park to do as he pleases with and the
16    other share to my Sister Mrs Frances Darcy
17    under the following restrictions not to have the
18    power of drawing it off my Brother’s Estate
19    before her death when she will have the power
20    of willing it as she pleases having received the
21    legal interest duly Denis John Blake
22    Captain 89th Regt Foot Robt Power
23    William and so forth
24    to our beloved in Christ
25    Charles Blake Esquire one of the
26    Residuary Legatees named in
27    the last Will and Testament
28    of Denis J Blake late a
29    Captain in his Majesty’s 89th
30    Regt of Foot deceased having
31    and so forth evoking
32    rewards and beloved the
33    Right Worshipful Patrick
34    Dingman doctor of Laws
35    (our Commissary in the said
36    Court) in or within business
37    of growing and committing
38    Letters of Administration
39    and so forth of said deceased
40    with his last Will and
41    Testament annexed unto
42    the said Charles Blake Esquire
43    which lately deposed in
44    Judgment before our said
45    Judgment before our said
46    Commissary between the
47    said Charles Blake the party
48    promoting the said business
49    of the one part and Margaret
50    Blake pretending to have
51    an interest in the Goods and
52    so forth of said deceased the
53    party against whom the
54    said Business was prmoted
55    of the other part (rightly and
56    duly processing) Reas Signed
57    and promulged a cerain
58    definitive Sentence in writing
59    whereby he promised
60    agreed and declared that the
61    said Denis John Blake deceased
62    having a Mind and intention
63    to make his last Will and
64    Testament and being at such
65    time of sane and disposing
66    Mind Memory and Understanding
67    did on or about the 17th day of
68    October in the year of our
69    Lord one thousand eight
70    hundred and two rightly and
71    duly make Sign Seal publish
72    and declare his last Will and
73    Testament in writing all in
74    his the said deceased hand
75    writing beginning Dublin
76    Oct 2nd 1802 being perfectly
77    sound in my understanding
78    and ending having received
79    the legal interest duly
80    and subscribed Denis J Blake
81    Capt 89th Reg of Foot
82    and did pronounce decree
83    and declare that the said
84    deceased did give will and
85    bequeath dispose and do
86    in all things as in the said
87    last Will and Testament is
88    contained and did depose for
89    the form and validity of
90    said Will and of every part
91    thereof and did approve of
92    and receive the same
93    (First so requiring) rev
94    therefore grant Letters of
95    administration of the Goods
96    and so forth of said Dennis
97    John Blake unto the said
98    Charles Blake one of the
99    Residuary Legatees aforesaid
100    named in said Will the
101    Executor being manner
102    therein and being first
103    sworn personally having
104    and so forth) Date: 30th
105    January 1803 Anno d
106    Copy which I attest Wat
107    Hagarty D Regr
108    The twenty fifth day of August in the
109    year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
110    four administration with the will annexed of all
111    and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of
112    Denis John Blake late a Captain in his Majesty’s
113    eighty ninth Regiment of Foot at Dublin Esquire
114    deceased was granted to Charles Blake Esquire the
115    natural and lawful Brother and one of the
116    Residuary Legatees named in the said Will having
117    been first sworn by Commission duly to administer
118    No Executor being named in the said Will

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