Thursday, January 5, 2017

Will of Ezekiel Blake, Spirit Merchant of Hemel Hempstead - The National Archives, Prob 11/1819 - 20 Aug 1833

The Phillimore Hertfordshire Parish Registers for Hemel Hempstead have the marriage of Ezekiel Blake of Hemel Hempstead marrying Susanna Austin of Berkhamsted 30 July 1793 (the Banns are published on Find My Past and indicate that they were published the 14th , 21st and 28th of July). The marriage took place at Great Berkhampstead, Hertfordshire.

Ezekiel Blake’s burial was listed in the non-comformist burials on Find My Past for Hemel Hempsted on the 19th of May 1833 and his age was listed as 62 years of age (giving a likely birth year 1771).

The Death Duty Registers indicate that Susannah Blake, his Widow, was his executor.

Susanna Blake is listed in the Death Duty Register of 1850 with James Blake listed as her Executor.

Searching for Blake births at Hemel Hempstead between 1793 and 1813:

James Blake son of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born on the 4th of April 1796 and registered the 26th of April 1817

Charlotte Blake daughter of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born on the 1st of January 1798 and registered the 26th day of April 1817

Ezekiel Blake son of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born on the 8th of December 1799 and registered the 26th of April 1817

Caroline Blake daughter of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born on the 17th of December 1801 and registered the 26th of April 1817

Joseph Blake son of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born on the 26th of June 1803 and registered the 26th of April 1817

Maria Blake daughter of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born the 4th of April 1805 and registered the 26th of April 1817

Shelomath Blake daughter of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born on the 1st of July 1807 and registered the 26th of April 1817

Hariot Blake daughter of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born on the 29th of August 1811 and registered the 26th of April 1817

Elizabeth Blake daughter of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born the 11th of December 1813 and registered the 26th of April 1817

An Ezekiel Blake of Hemel Hempstead married Elizabeth Saunders 21 Mar 1763 at Hemel Hempstead. The witnesses were John Turner and Joseph Hill. They were both of the parish of Hemel Hempstead.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 3 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1819
Name of testator: Ezekiel Blake, Wine and Spirit Merchant
Place: Hemel Hempsted, Hertfordshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated 4 May 1833, probated 20 Aug 1833
Read: Electronic file images

[In margin] Ezekiel Blake
[In margin] 9

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Ezekiel Blake of Hemel Hempsted in the County of Hertfordshire and spirit
3    Merchant I nominate constitute and appoint Thomas Furnivall late of Hemel
4    Hempsted aforesaid Linen Draper and Francis Warren of that place Mealman
5    joint Executors of this my will and I give to each of them the sum of five
6    pounds for the trouble they may have in the execution of this my will provided
7    they accept the trusts thereof I give devise and bequeath unto my said Executor
8    all my Messuages Cottages Lands Tenements and hereditaments whether freehold
9    copyhold or leasehold and also all my leasehold goods furniture plate linen china
10    and household effects and all other my real and personal Estate whatsoever To hold
11    to them their heirs Executors Administrators and assigns according to the nature
12    and quality thereof respectively upon trust to permit my Wife Susannah to enjoy
13    the same for the term of her natural life and to pay to or permit and suffer her to
14    receive the rents issues and profits dividends and income thereof And from and
15    after her decease Upon trust to sell and dispose of either by public Auction
16    private Contract and either together on in parcels all my said messuages
17    cottages lands tenements and hereditaments to any person or persons who
18    shall be willing to become the purchaser or purchasers thereof at or for
19    the best price or prices that can be reasonably obtained for the same And
20    I do hereby declare that upon the sale of all or any part of my said Estate
21    the receipt of my said trustees shall be a good and sufficient discharge or
22    discharges to the purchaser or purchasers thereof for the purchase money
23    which in every such receipt shall be expressed to be received and that such
24    purchaser or purchasers shall not after payment by him or them
    [Page 2]
25    of this purchase money and such receipt given as aforesaid and be obliged
26    to see to the application of such purchase money or be answerable for any
27    loss misapplication or nonapplication thereof provided nevertheless that in
28    case my said trustees shall deem it advisable to sell the whole or any
29    part of my said messuages cottages lands tenements and hereditaments
30    during the life time of my said Wife and my said Wife shall signify
31    her consent thereto by writing under her hand it shall be lawful for
32    them to make such sale and to give discharges for the purchase money
33    as aforesaid And the money to arise from the sale I direct shall be
34    invested by my said trustees on Government or real security and the
35    dividends interest and annual produce thereof paid to my said Wife for
36    and during the term of her natural life if such sale shall take place
37    during her life time as aforesaid And here and after her decease I give
38    and bequeath the money arising from the said of my said messuages
39    cottages lands tenements and hereditaments and the rents issues and
40    profits thereof until sale and all my personal Estate unto and equally
41    between all my children equally to be divided between then share
42    and share alike and I declare that my said trustees and executors shall
43    not be answerable one for another and by no means for involuntary
44    losses and that they shall be allowed and may retain to and reimburse
45    themselves  all their costs, charges, damages, and expenses to be occasioned
46    by the due execution of this my Will or the trusts hereby in them
47    reposed And I hereby revoke and make void all former wills by me
48    made and publish and declare this to be my last In Witness whereof
49    I have hereunto set my hand and seal the fourth day of May one
50    thousand eight hundred and thirty three Ezekiel Blake
51    Signed Sealed published and declared by the said testator Ezekiel
52    Blake as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in
53    his presence and at his request have hereunto subscribed our names as
54    Witnesses thereof Will[ia]m Smith Hemel Hempsted Henry Donning
55    George Tipping J Clerk of Messrs Grover Smith and Grover Hemel Hempsted
56    On the 20th August 1833 Admon (with the Will annexed) of the Goods
57    Chattels and Credits of Ezekiel Blake late of Hemel Hempstead the County of
58    Herefordshire and Spirit Merchant deceased was granted to Susannah Blake
59    Widow the Relict and the Residuary Legatee for life named in the said Will
60    having been first sworn by Comm duly to administer Thomas Furnivall
61    and Francis Warren the Ex[ecut]ors and Residuary Legatees In trust named in the
62    said Will having first renounced the probate and execution thereof and also
63    the Letters of Admon (with the said Will annexed) of the Goods of the said
64    deceased
    [In margin]
65    On the 8th July 1850 Admon with the Will annexed of the saide Chattels and credits of
66    Ezekiel Blake late of Hemel Hempstead in the County of Hertfordshire and Spirit Merchant
67    deceased with administration by Susannah Blake Widow deceased while living this Relict
68    and the Residuary Legatee for life named in the said Will was granted to James Blake one of the
69    natural and lawful Children and as such one of the Residuary Legatees mentioned
70    in the said Will having been first sworn duly to administer Thomas Furnivall and Francis Warren
71    the executors and Residuary Legatees In Trust named in the said Will having heretofore
72    renounced the Probate and execution  thereof and also the Letters of Admon with the said Will
73    annexed  of the Goods of the said deceased

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks for this. Ezekiel is my 4x great grandfather and this confirms his wife's name for me

    Jo Blake
