Friday, January 13, 2017

Will of Francis Blake, Liverpool, Lancashire - The National Archives PROB 11/1006, probated 7 Apr 1775

Francis Blake would appear to be originally from County Mayo Ireland. The Galway Blake family certainly lived in Mayo as well. However a search through the Francis Blake’s in Martin Blake’s extensive history of the Blake family does not permit me to isolate this particular Blake line to one in which Francis is one of the children.

Francis Blake mentions his brother John Blake, gentleman, his sisters Mary Rush and Ellis Concanon and his nieces and nephews, children of his sisters. The nephews have the names Thomas Rush, Peter Concanon and Thomas Concanon. The Thomas is suspicious and perhaps the name of their father. Thomas is unfortunately a very common forename in the Galway Blake family.

I checked the census in Liverpool but the first is not until 1841 and it is unknown if the family actually moved to Liverpool (the Concanon family).

Checking Irish records for a marriage between Mary Blake and Rush or Ellis Blake and Concanon was also not helpful.

There actually was a marriage to an unknown Rush by an unknown daughter of Mark Blake and Mary Browne in the right time frame but no further information in Martin Blake's history of the Blake Family of Galway. Mark Blake and Mary Browne actually did have a son John who died about 1786 and the second unknown sister married John Concannon. But no Francis is listed! Another son Mark Blake died in 1783 and is not mentioned in the will. He married his cousin Mary Blake daughter of Maurice Blake and Sibilla French. Is it possible that this is the line for Francis Blake? Interesting to find that two unknown daughters married into the Rush family and the Concannon family! No Thomas though in this family line going back a couple of generations.

The Mark Blake/Mary Browne family lived first at Rusheen, Co Mayo and afterwards at Ballinafad (Galway). John Blake, son of Mark Blake, became a Dominican Frair at the Abbey of Strade and after titular  Prior of the Abbey of Rathfran, Co Mayo. One might think Francis would have made note if this was his brother John.

I will leave these thoughts with the reader!

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 13 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1006
Name of testator: Francis Blake
Place: Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated 26 Jul 1774, probated 7 Apr 1775
Read: Electronic file images

[In margin] Francis Blake

1    The Last Will and Testament
2    of me Francis Blake of Liverpool in the County of Lancaster
3    Merchant by me made and duly published this twenty Sixth
4    day of July in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred
5    and Seventy four in the following manner First I order and
6    direct all my just debts Funeral Expences and the charge of
7    proving this my Bill to be paid out of my Real and
8    Personal Estate Item I give and bequeath unto my Executors
9    herein after named the Sum of three hundred pounds of lawful
10    Money of Great Britain to be by them received and put out
11    to Interest on such Securities as they in their discretion shall
12    think good and sufficient for the insufficiency or loss of which
13    they my said Executors shall not be answerable or accountable
14    provided the same be not through their wilful neglect or
15    default Upon Trust that they my said executors or the Survivors
16    or Survivor of them do and shall pay unto my Sister Mary
17    Rush of the County of Mayo in the Kingdom of Ireland
18    Widow the Yearly interest product and profits of the said
19    Sum of three hundred pounds during her life and after the
20    death and decease of my said Sister Mary Rush then my
21    Will and mind is that the said principal Sum of three hundred
22    pounds and the Interest produce and profits thereof shall be
23    paid to and received by my Nephew Thomas Rush Son of
24    my said Sister Mary Rush his executors administrators or
25    Assigns Item I give and bequeath unto my Executors Mathias
26    Holme of Liverpool aforesaid Merchant Jacob Nelson of the
27    same place Mariner and Charles Brown of Mold in the
28    County of Flint Esquire the Sum of two hundred pounds of
29    lawful Money of Great Britain to be by them received and
30    put out to Interest on such Securities as they in their discretion
31    shall think good and Sufficient (for the insufficiency or loss
32    of which they my said Executors shall not be answerable
33    or accountable provided the same be not through their wilful
34    neglect or default) Upon Trust that they my said Executors
35    or the Survivors or Survivor of them do and shall pay unto
36    my Brother John Blake of the County of Mayo aforesaid
37    Gentleman the yearly Interest produce and Profits of the
38    said Sum of two hundred pounds during his life and after
39    the death and decease of my Brother John Blake then my
40    Will and Mind is that the said Principal Sum of two hundred
41    Pounds and the Interest produce and profits thereof shall be
42    paid to received by and equally divided between my Sister
43    Ellis Concanon of Minola in the said County of Mayo
44    Widow Peter Concanon Thomas Concanon and Margaret
45    Concanon Sons and Daughter of the said Ellis Concanon and
46    their several Executors Administrators or Assigns as Tenants
47    in Common and not as joint Tenants Item I
48    give devise and bequeath unto my Executors herein after
49    named their heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns All
50    and Singular my Messuages Dwelling houses and Tenements
51    wheresoever situate lying and being And also all and Singular
52    my household Goods Plate Linnen China and other Furniture
53    of household Upon Trust to permit and Suffer my said
54    Sister Ellis Concanon and the said Peter Concanon Thomas
55    Concanon and Margaret Concanon to have hold use occupy
56    and possess and enjoy the same And the Rents Issues and
57    Profits thereof and of every part thereof to receive and take
58    to their own Use as Tenants in Common and not as joint
59    Tenants until my said Nephew Thomas Concanon shall
60    arrive to the Age of twenty one Years and from and after
61    his Arrival to that Age Upon Trust to permit and Suffer
62    the said Margaret Concanon to have hold use occupy
63    possess and enjoy and the Rents Issues and Profits of the said
64    several Messuages dwelling houses and Tenements household
65    Goods Plate Linnen China and other Furniture of household
66    to receive and take to and for the only proper use and behoof
67    of her the said Margaret Concanon the heirs Executors
68    Administrators and Assigns for ever or for and during such
69    Estate Term and Interest as I now or shall or may at any
70    time hereafter have therein Item I give and bequeath to my
71    said Executors the Sum of three hundred pounds to be by
72    them received and put out to Interest on such Securities as
73    they in their discretion shall think good (for the insufficiency
74    of loss of which they my said Executors shall not be
75    answerable or accountable provided the same be not through
76    their wilful neglect or default Upon Trust that they my said
77    Executors or the Survivors or Survivor of them do and shall
78    pay unto my said Sister Ellis Concanon the Yearly Interest
79    produce and profits of the said Sum of three hundred pounds
80    during her life in case she does not chuse to come over to
81    Liverpool to reside in my Dwellinghouse and Use and
82    enjoy my household Furniture as herein before is provided
83    But in case my said Sister Ellis Concanon shall chuse
84    to accept of my said house and household Furniture
85    as herein before is provided then and in such case this bequest
86    and the Trust here by created shall cease determine and be
87    utterly void to all Intents and purposes I also give
88    and bequeath unto James Nelson and [blank] Williams
89    of Edmond Street in Liverpool the Sum of fifty pounds to be
90    paid to them by my said Executors out of the first Effects
91    belonging to me which shall be remitted from the Island
92    of Jamaica after my decease to be by them applied and
93    disposed of so soon as may be convenient after Receipt
94    thereof to and for the Use and benefit of and amongst such
95    poor and distressed housekeepers and other poor persons in
96    Liverpool and in such manner as they in their discretion
97    shall think proper It is also my desire that my said
98    Executors do give to my Servant Woman Mary Watt in case
99    she be living with me at this time of my decease the Sum
100    of four Pounds four shillings per annum so long as she shall
101    continue a Servant to my said Sister Ellis Concanon after
102    my decease and in case my said Servant shall not chuse to
103    serve my said Sister or otherwise to dispose of herself in life
104    than I desire my said Executors to pay to the said Mary
105    Watt the Sum of three pounds three shillings Yearly during
106    the Term of her natural life Item I give and bequeath unto
107    my said Executors herein after named the Sum of four
108    hundred pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain to be
109    by them received and put out to Interest on such Securities
110    as they in their discretion shall think good and Sufficient for
111    the insufficiency or loss of which they my said Executors
112    shall not be answerable or accountable provided the same
113    be not through their wilful Neglect or default Upon Trust
114    that they my said Executors of the Survivors or Survivor
115    of them do and shall pay apply and dispose of the Interest
116    Produce and Profits of the said Sum of four hundred pounds
117    to and for the Maintenance Education and bringing up of my
118    said Niece Margaret Concanon until she shall attain her
119    said Age of twenty one Years and from and after the said
120    Margaret Concanon’s attainment to her said Age of twenty
121    one Years then my Will and mind is that the said Principal
122    Sum of four hundred pounds and the Interest Produce and
123    Profits thereof shall be paid to and received by my said
124    Niece Margaret Concanon her Executors Administrators or
125    Assigns Item I give and bequeath unto each of my
126    Executors herein after named the Sum of five pounds of
127    lawful Money of Great Britain And as for and concerning
128    all the Rest Residue and Remainder of my Estates both Real
129    and person and of what nature and kind soever and where
130    soever situate and being not herein before disposed of I give
131    devise and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto
132    my said Nephews Peter Concanon and Thomas Concanon
133    their heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever
134    or for and during such Estate and Interest as I may have
135    therein as Tenants in Common and not as joint Tenants
136    and it is my Will and mind that my Executors Mathias
137    Holme and Jacob Nelson shall put my said two Nephews
138    Peter and Thomas Concanon out as apprentices to go to
139    the Sea in the West India Trade and not to the African
140    trade if my said Nephews shall agree and approve thereof
141    And Lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint
142    the said Mathias Holme Jacob Nelson John Blake and
143    Charles Brown Executors of this my last Will and Testament
144    hereby revoking and making void all former and other Will
145    and Wills by me at any time heretofore In Witness whereof
146    I have hereunto put my hand and Seal and published and
147    declared these presents to be my last Will and Testament
148    the day and Year first before written Francis Blake
149    Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Testator
150    Francis Blake as and for his last Will and Testament in the
151    presence of us who at his Request and in his Presence
152    have our Names hereunto Subscribed as Witnesses Eliz Stuart
153    Moses Layton Thos Orrell
154    Appeared Personally Moses Layton of
155    Liverpool in the County of Lancaster Gentleman and being
156    sworn on the Holy Gospels made Oath that he knew Francis
157    Blake late of Liverpool aforesaid Merchant deceased for
158    upwards of ten years next before and to the time of his
159    death which happened as he hath been informed and believed
160    on the twelfth day of September in the year of our Lord One
161    thousand seven hundred and seventy four and this Deponent
162    saith that he was desired to attend the said Francis Blake
163    in order to take Instructions for altering of a Will which
164    he had made some short time before his death wherein he had
165    appointed William Tatlock of Liverpool aforesaid Beer Beror
166    one of his Executors that he desired that the said William
167    Tatlock might be left out and that Jacob Nelson of
168    Liverpool Mariner might be named an Executor in his
169    Room but through a Mistake in the Clerk who made
170    the latter Will which was wrote from the former with
171    the Alterations both the Names of William Tatlock and
172    Jacob Nelson were inserted together with the other persons
173    therein named and appointed Executors that this deponent
174    on the day of the date of the Execution of the said Will
175    attended the said Francis Blake the Testator to see him
176    execute the same and upon reading over the same to him
177    he objected to the said William Tatlock being one of
178    his Executors therefore this deponent at his Request
179    erased out the Name of the said William Tatlock before
180    he executed the said Will and this deponent further saith
181    that the Will hereunto annexed beginning thus “The last
182    Will and Testament of me Francis Blake of Liverpool
183    in the County of Lancaster Merchant” and end thus “In
184    Witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and Seal
185    and published and declared these presents to be my last
186    Will and Testament the day and Year first before written
187    and thus Subscribed “Francis Blake” is in every Respect in
188    the same Plight and Condition as when the same was
189    executed particularly having words “and from and after
190    his arrival to that age” interlined between the fifth and
191    sixth lines of the second side of the said Will reckoning from
192    the Top thereof Also having the Words “use and” interlined
193    between the twenty Second and twenty third lines of the said
194    second side of the said Will reckoning as before Also having
195    the names “Jacob Nelson” written on an erasure in the twenty
196    fourth line of the third being the last Side of the said Will
197    reckoning as before And also having an Erazure in the twenty
198    eight line of the said third Side reckoning as before the said
199    Erazure beginning after the Word or name “Holme” and
200    continuing to the Word or Name “Jacob” in the said twenty
201    eight line All which he declares to be true by virtue of
202    his Oath, Moses Layton, On the seventeenth day of
203    March One thousand Seven hundred
204    and Seventy five the said Moses Layton was Sworn to the
205    Oath of the aforegoing Affidavid before me, John Lever
206    This Will was proved at London on the seventh
207    day of April in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven
208    hundred and Seventy five before the Right Worshipful Sir
209    George Hay Knight doctor of Laws Master Keeper or
210    Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
211    lawfully constituted by the Oaths of Matthias Holme
212    Jacob Nelson and Charles Brown three of the Executors
213    named in the said Will to whom Administration was
214    granted of all and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits
215    of the deceased being first Sworn by Commission duly to
216    Administer power reserved of making the like grant to John
217    Blake the other Executor named in the said Will when he
218    shall apply for the same

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