Monday, January 16, 2017

Will of George Blake, Liverpool, Lancashire - The National Archives PROB 11/2049, probated 17 Feb 1847

George Blake, the testator, was married to Margaret Steele but no marriage was found (this surname found on Family Search with the baptism of James).

George and Margaret Blake baptized their children at Oldham Street Presbyterian, Liverpool (records from Family Search):

Isabella born 19 Jun 1814 and baptized 31 Jul 1814
George born 10 Feb 1816 and baptized 18 Apr 1816
James born 30 Jul 1818 and baptized Aug 1818
William Blake born 16 Jun 1823 and baptized 29 Jan 1824
Margaret born 22 Dec 1826 and baptized 10 Feb 1827
Matthew born 6 Mar 1829 and baptized 21 Apr 1829

Isabella Blake married Arthur Oughterson but date is unknown (A bond was created 11 Dec 1834 at St Philip, Liverpool and Isabella was 20 years of age) (1). George Blake Oughterson was born 22 Nov 1837 at Liverpool and baptized 21 Dec 1837 at Oldham Street Presbyterian, Liverpool. Isabella Oughterson died Dec quarter 1837 at Liverpool and she was 23 years of age. A daughter Isabella Oughterson was baptized 6 Oct 1836 at Oldham Street Church, Liverpool (2).

Isabella Blake was born 19 Jun 1814 and baptized 31 Jul 1814 at Oldham Street Presbyterian Liverpool, daughter of George Blake (3).

(1)    England, Cheshire, Marriage Bonds and Allegations, 1606-1900," database, FamilySearch ( : 8 December 2014), Isabella Blake in entry for Arthur Oughterson, 11 Dec 1834; citing St. Philip, Liverpool, Lancashire, England, Item 5, Cheshire Record Office, Chester; FHL microfilm 1,894,628.
(2)    Scotland Church Records and Kirk Session Records, 1658-1919," database, FamilySearch ( : 30 November 2016), Isabella Blake in entry for Isabella Oughterson, 06 Oct 1836; citing Baptism, Liverpool, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom, The National Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh; FHL microfilm .
(3)    England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," database, FamilySearch ( : 6 December 2014), Isabella Blake, 31 Jul 1814; citing , reference ; FHL microfilm 304,665.

Margaret Blake married Henry Torrens Browne Jun quarter 1846 in West Derby Registration District (Liverpool is in West Derby). Record located on Find My Past.

An online website for the Stewart family notes that: Anne [Stewart], ….. baptized 30 Mar 1820 at St Peter’s Liverpool was married 9 Sep 1841 (verified on Find My Past) at St Peter’s, Liverpool,  to James who was the second son of George Blake and his wife Margaret (Steele) Blake. James Blake was baptized Aug 1818 at Oldham Street Presbyterian Church, Liverpool and owned soap works in Great George Square, Liverpool, which was later incorporated into Lever Brothers. He died circa 1872 and she died 6 May 1911 having had issue.
This particular record appears under John Stewart but it is difficult to follow on the website (John Stewart named as a JP, architect and surveyor) (a John Stewart is one of the trustees in the will below).

On Find My Past (Record set England Marriages 1538-1973) John Stewart is given as the father of Anne Stewart and George Blake as the father of James Blake. A second record in England Births and Baptisms 1538-1975 lists the baptism as 30 Mar 1820 at Liverpool for Anne daughter of John and Mary Anne Stewart.

The London Gazette, Part 2, 1847 on page 1509 notes: Richard Stevenson, Esq one of Her Majesty’s Commissioners authorized to act under a Fiat in Bankruptcy, bearing date the 31st day of December 1847, awarded and issued forth against George Blake and James Blake, of Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, and also of the city of Dublin, Soap Manufacturers, carrying on business under the firm of G. and J. Blake, will sit on the 27th day of June instant, at eleven in the forenoon precisely, at the District Court of Bankruptcy, in Liverpool, in order to make a Dividend of the estate and effects of George Blake, one of the said bankrupts; when and where the creditors, who have not already proved their debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the benefit of the said Dividend. (Google Book search)

Does this record point to a possible ancestry for George Blake? Is he from Ireland originally (there is a soapworks attributed to his heirs (George and James Blake) in Dublin, Ireland)? There is a record in the 1841 census of Liverpool of a George Blake (independent) married to Margaret and with them James Blake (24 years) Merchant (born in Lancashire). Both George and Margaret are born in Ireland. They are living in Wavertree (District 9), Childwall, Lancashire. George is listed as 76 years of age and Margaret is 57 years of age on this census. Childwall is a suburb of Liverpool.

The Galway Blake family were found in Dublin and George is not a common forename in this family. However, it could not be determined if he was descendant of this family.

Using the new GRO Index for searching, the death of George Blake March quarter 1847 in West Derby at the age of 82 years was located. Given his age of 76 years in 1841, 82 years of age in 1847 is quite reasonable and likely the census record above is correct for this George Blake. It is also prior to the marriage of his son James who is living with them. However both Margaret, their daughter, and William and Matthew, their sons, are not with them on this census and are perhaps in school or visiting.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 14 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/2049
Name of testator: George Blake, Gent
Place: Toxteth Park near Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated 23 Dec 1846, probated 17 Feb 1847

[In margin] George Blake 119

1    This is the Last Will and Testament
2    of me George Blake of Toxteth Park near Liverpool Gent whereas my
3    property mainly consists of freehold and leasehold mess[uag]es warehouses ten
4    aments in Liverpool aforesaid Tog[ethe]r with a Soapery and premises there belonging
5    to me now in the occupation of my sons George Blake James Blake who
6    are yearly tenants of the same to me and also of shares and stock in the
7    London and North Western Railway Company and shares in the Commercial
8    Bank of Liverpool and my desire is that subject to the intermediate
9    gifts hereinafter made by me my property until my youngest Son
10    Matthew Blake (now of the age of 18 years or thereabouts) do attain the
11    age of 25 years or previously die shall be administered by John Stewart of
12    L[iver]pool a[s]f[ore]s[aid] Surveyor Duncan Gibb of the same place Merchant and my
13    son the Rev[eren]d William Blake of Cam in the County of Gloucester Clerk
14    (whom I appoint the Ex[ect]ors of my Will) and by the surv[iv]ors and surv[iv]or of
15    them and other the Trustee or Trustees for the time being to be appointed
16    or secured in his or their stead in the manner and with the powers herein
17    after expressed and shall be holden and applied as hereafter directed Now
18    I do make the following dispositions to take effect in the meantime that
19    is to say I give a legacy of £5 to each of my Servants Jane Quail Mary
20    Leather Mary Brice and Thomas Lloyd who shall be in my Service at
21    my decease I give an annuity of  £20 per annum (too from legacy duty
22    during the life of Margaret the Wife of Matthew Gibson of Halifax in
23    the County of York to commence from my decease and to be paid by equal
24    quarterly portions unto such person or persons for such intents and pur
25    poses and in such manner and form as the s[ai]d Margaret Gibson not withstand
26    ding her coverture by the said Matthew Gibson or any other husband
27    and as well when covert as sole by any writing under her hand shall from
28    time to time direct or appoint and in default of such appointment than in
29    to her own hands for her own sole use separate and apart from any hus
30    band and so that the same may not be subject to his respective debts contracts
31    forfeiture or engagements and so that the receipts of the said Margaret
32    Gibson or her appointees may be an effectual discharge for the same
33    notwithstanding her coverture And I give all my furniture plate lin
34    en china pictures paintings prints books and other household and domestic
35    effects including my stock of fuel beer wines spirits and liquors and also my
36    carriage and horses with their harness and stock of hay and corn unto my Wife
37    Margaret Blake absolutely I also give unto her the sum of one thousand
38    pounds sterling And I direct that the trustee or trustees for the time being
39    of this my will do pay unto my s[ai]d wife a clear annuity of £400 per
40    annum during her natural life or until she marry by equal quarter
41    ly portions in every years the first of the s[ai]d quarterly portions to be paid
42    at the end of three months next after my decease provided my s[ai]d
43    wife so long outlive me but should she die or marry on any other day
44    than one of the s[ai]d quarterly days so appointed for payment of her s[ai]d
45    annuity than my will is that a proportionate part of the s[ai]d annuity
46    shall be paid in respect of so much of the currant quarter of the year as
47    shall have elapsed up to the day of her decease or marriage and I give
48    the sum of £3500 sterling unto my son George Blake I also give unto my Son
49    James Blake the sum of £2000 sterling and my desire is that the several
50    pecuniary legacies hereinbefore given shall be paid as soon as conv
51    iently can be after my decease I give unto my Grandson George Blake
52    Oughterson if he attain the age of 25 years but not otherwise the sum of
53    £1000 to be paid to him as soon after he shall attain that age as can be but
54    without interest in the meantime but should he attain such age in
55    my lifetime than to be paid within six months after my decease with in
56    terest after the rate of £4 per cent per annum from the day of my death
57    And I give all my real and personal Estate of every description not hereinbe
58    fore disposed of unto and to the use of the s[ai]d John Stewart Duncan Gibb and
59    W[ilia]m Blake their heirs ex[ecut]ors adm[instrat]ors and ass[igns] upon the trusts and for the intent
60    and purposes and under and subject to the powers and provisions hereinafter
61    contained that is to say upon trust that they the s[ai]d John Stewart
62    Duncan Gibb and William Blake and the surv[iv]ors and surv[iv]or of them and the heirs
63    exors and admors of such survor and other the trustee and trustees for the time being
64    of this my will do hold and administer my said Estates and sell let and manage the
65    same in such manner as by virtue of the special provisions herein
66    after contained or for the general benefit of my Estates or for the advan
67    tage of the persons who may be interested therein as my sd trustee or
68    trustees shall think fit And upon truat that he and they (subject to the pay
69    ment of my debts funeral and testamentary expences and of the legacies and
70    annuities as af[ore]s[ai]d) do and shall accumulate by way of compound interest on
71    investment and reinvestment in his or their names or name in or upon
72    such stocks funds securities and share as he and they is and are hereinafter author
73    is[su]ed to take retain purchase or acquire all the rents profits dividends interest
74    and income of my said residuary real and personal and of my testamentary estate
75    as from the day of my death until my youngest son Matthew Blake
76    shall attain the age of 25 years of shall previously die and when and as my sd
77    youngest son Matthew shall so attain the age of 25 years or shall pre
78    viously die my Will is that the following appropriation payments distri
79    bution and division of and from my sd estates and the accumulation and other
80    produce thereof shall be made and take place as hereafter directed that is to
81    say I direct that the sum of £5000 or such stocks funds securities and
82    shares as afsd as may be of the amount or value of £5000 sterling on
83    the day when my sd son Matthew shall attain the age of 25 years or
84    on the day of his death previously shall by the trustee or trustees for the
85    time being of this my Will be retained or appropriated in his or their
86    name or names or be paid or transferred by him or them to such 3 Trus
87    tees as he or they may order and as my daughter Margaret the wife of
88    Henry Torrens Brown if she be living shall approve to be holden and
89    applied upon or according to the terms hereinafter expressed that is to say
90    Upon trust that the sd Trustee or Trustees for the time being of the said
91    fund do and shall with the consent or approbation in writing of my sd
92    daughter if and whilst living and after her decease then in the discretion of the sd
93    trustee or trustees lay out and invest the sd £5000 if retained or paid in mo
94    ney in or upon such stocks funds securities and shares as hereinbe
95    fore referred to and with such consent or approbation or in such discret
96    ion as afsd vary and transfer the stocks funds securities and share and also all
97    such stocks funds securities and shares as may be so appropriated or
98    transferred for or towards satisfaction of the said £5000 into and for other
99    stocks funds securities and shares of the like nature as opportunity
100    may present or occasion shall require and stand possessed of the sd
101    £5000 or the stocks funds securities or shares to be appropriated or
102    transferred in satisfaction of or to be invested from the same and of the dividends
103    interest and monie thereof upon the trusts hereinafter before afsd that is to say
104    upon trust to pay the dividends interest and income of the same from time to
105    time to become due during the lifetime of my sd daughter Margaret
106    Brown unto such person or persons and for such intents and purposes and in
107    such manner and form as she notwithstanding her coverture by the sd Henry
108    Torrens Brown or any other husband and as well when covert as sole shall
109    from time to time by any note or writing under her hand direct or appoint
110    and in default of such direction or appointment then unto her own hands
111    for her own sole use separate and apart from the said Henry Torrens Brown
112    or any other husband and so that the same may not be subject to his respect
113    tive debts contracts forfeitures or engagements and so that the receipts in writ
114    ing of the sd Margt Brown or her appointees may be effectual discharges
115    for the same notwithstandg her coverture and from and after the decease of the
116    sd Margt Brown then upon trust that the sd trustee or trustees do and shall
117    from and out of the sd dividends interest and income thenceforth to be continue
118    due and during the life of the sd Hy Torrens Brown or until any Fiat of
119    Bankruptcy shall be issued against him whereout he shall be found
120    Bankrupt and which shall not be annulled within twelve months after
121    wards or until he shall file any declaration of Insolvency or take the
122    benefit or any act made or to be made for the relict of Insolvency debtors or
123    any vesting order in Bankruptcy and Insolvency shall be obtained
124    against him which shall not be vacated within twelve months afterwards
125    or until any Judgment or Judgments to the amount of £500 or upwards
126    shall be registered against him which shall not be satisfied within twelve
127    months after[war]ds or until he shall do any Act which but for the effect of this
128    provision would be an assignment charge incumbrance or anticipation
129    so in the lifetime of my said daughter Margaret Brown put unto the sd
130    Henry Torres Brown the clear annuity of £100 by equal quarterly portions
131    on the 25th day of March the 24th day of June the 29th day of Sept and the
132    24th day of December in every year the 1st quarterly payment to be made on
133    such of the sd days as shall next happen after the decease of my sd daugh
134    ter provided the sd annuity so long have continuance but no proportional
135    part thereof to be paid in respect of any current quarter of a year during
136    which the sd annuity shall determine and from and after the decease of my sd
137    daughter and subject to the said annuity of £100 during its continance
138    that as to the sd trust monies stocks funds securities and share and the divide
139    nds interest and income of the same or of so much thereof as may not be re
140    quired for payment of the sd annuity of £100 during its continuance the sd
141    trustee or trustees shall stand possessed of the same upon trust for the Child
142    Grandchild or other issue or all or any one or more of the children grand
143    children or other issue of my sd daughter Margt Brown (such grandchild
144    dren and issue resp[ective]ly to be born in her lifetime in such manner and form and if
145    more than one in such shares and proportions and for such times with such
146    limitations over or substitutions in favor or any one or more of the oth
147    ers of the sd children Grandchildren and issue resply and either by way of legacy
148    portion present or remote interest or otherwise and to vest and be paid transferred
149    or assign[e]d at such age day or times ages days or times and upon such con
150    tingencies and under and subject to such directions and regulations for mainten
151    ance education and advancement and such conditions and restrictions as my
152    said daughter as well when covert as sold and notwithstanding her cov
153    erture by any husband shall from time to time by any deed or deeds
154    writing or writings with or without power of revocation and new appoint
155    ment (such new appointment to be in favor of some one or moreof the
156    objects of this present provision to be sealed and delivered by her in the presence
157    of 3 to be attested by 2 or more credible witnesses or by her last will and
158    Testament or by any writing purporting to be in the nature of or purport
159    ing to be her last Will and Testament or any Codicil or Codicils thereto to be
160    resply signed by her in the presence of and attested by the like number of credible wit
161    nesses shall direct or appoint and in default of and subject to every or any such
162    direction or appointment then the said trustee or trustees shall stand poss
163    essed of the sd trust monies stocks funds securities and shares and the dividends
164    interest and income of the same (subject to the sd annuity of £100 during its
165    continuance) upon trust for the child if one or all the children if more
166    than one of my said daughter Margt Brown who being a son or sons
167    shall attain the age of 21 years or die under that age leaving surviving
168    issue or who being a daughter or daughters shall attain that age or
169    be previously married and equally among such children if more than one
170    and his her or their exors admors or assigns but in case my said daughter
171    shall not have any child who being a son shall attain the age of 21 years
172    or die under that age leaving surviving issue or who being a daughter
173    shall attain that age or be previously married Then from and after her de
174    cease (and subject to the sd annuity of £100 during its continuance) the sd trust
175    monies securities and shares and the dividends interest and income of the
176    same shall fall into and form part of my residuary and personal estate and go
177    as the same is hereinafter disposed or and upon further trust that the
178    sd trustee or trustees for the time being do and shall also in life manner
179    retain lay out appropriate or invest the sum of £5000 sterling or such
180    stocks funds and securities hereinbefore referred to either in the name or
181    names of the trustee or trustees for the time being of this my Will or of 3
182    Trustees to be appointed by him or them and to be approved of by my
183    son George Blake living to the intent that the trustee or trustees for
184    the time being of such (and so and shall with the consent or approbations
185    my sd son George Blake if and whilst living and after his decease then in
186    the discretion of the sd trustee or trustees of the sd fund lay out and invest
187    the sd £5000 if retained or paid in money or do much thereof as may be
188    retained or paid in money in the name or names of the sd trustee or
189    trustees in or upon such stocks funds securities and shares hereinbefore re
190    ferred to and with such consent or approbation or in such discretion as afsd
191    vary and transpose the sd stocks funds securities and shares and also all such
192    stocks funds securities and shares as may be appropriated or transferred for
193    or towards satisfaction of the sd £5000 into or for other stocks funds secure
194    ties or shares of the like nature as opportunity may present or occasion
195    shall require and stand possessed of the sd £5000 or the sd stocks funds securities
196    or shares to be appropriated for or invested from the same and the dividends
197    interest and income thereof upon the trusts hereinafter expressed that is to say
198    Upon trust that the sd trustee or trustees during the lifetime of my sd son
199    George Blake or until any fiat in Bankruptcy shall be issued against
200    him whereon he shall be declared Bankrupt and which shall not be
201    annulled within twelve months afterwards or until he shall file
202    any declaration of Insolvency or take the benefit of any act made
203    or to be made for the relict of Insolvent debtors or any vesting order
204    in Bankruptcy or Insolvency shall be obtained against him which
205    shall not be vacated within twelve months afterwards or until any
206    Judgment or Judgments to the amount of £500 or upwards shall be
207    registered against him which shall not be satisfied within 2 years afterwards or
208    until he shall do any act which but for the effect of this provision would be
209    an assignment charge incumbrance or anticipation of the same or any
210    part thereof or provided that any such act or event shall not have hap
211    pened do and shall pay the dividends interest and income of the sd last
212    mentioned trust monies stocks funds securities and share unto the sd
213    George Blake or his assigns for his and their own use and benefit and from and after
214    the decease of my sd son Geo Blake or the determination of his life
215    interest by any such act or event as afsd then the sd trustee or trustees shall stand
216    possessed of the sd £5000 or the stocks funds securities and shares to be appropri
217    ated for or invested from the same and the divds interest and income of the same
218    upon trust for the child grandchild or other issue of all or any one or more
219    of the Children grandchildren or other issue of my sd son George Blake to be
220    born in his lifetime in such manner and form as if more than one in such shares
221    and proportions and for such terms with such limitations over or substitutions in
222    favor of any one or more of the others of the sd children grandchildren and issue
223    resply and either by way of legacy portion present or remote interest or other
224    wise and to vest and be paid transferred or assignd at such age day or time ages
225    days or times and upon such contingencies and under and subject to such direc
226    tions and regulations for maintenance education and advancement and such con
227    ditions and restrictions as my sd son George Blake from time to time by any
228    deed or deeds writing or writings with or without power of revocation and new
229    appointment such new appointment to be in favor of the objects of this pre
230    sent provision to be sealed and delivered by him in the presence of and to be attested
231    by 2 or more credible witnesses or by his last will and Testament or by any
232    writing purporting to be in the nature of his last Will and Testament or
233    any Codicil or Codicils thereto to be resply signed by him in the presence of
234    and attested by the like number of credible witnesses shall direct or appoint and in
235    default of and subject to every or any such direction or appointment than the sd
236    trustee or trustees shall stand possessed of the trust monies stocks funds secure
237    ties and shares and the dividends interest and income thereof upon trust for the Child
238    if only one or all the children if more than one of my sd son Geo Blake who
239    being a son or sons shall attain the age of 21 years or die under that age
240    leaving surviving issue or who being a daughter of daughters shall
241    attain that age or be previously married and equally among such children if
242    more than one and his her or their exors admors or assigns but in case my
243    sd son George Blake shall not have any child who being a son shall
244    attain the age of 21 years or die under that age leaving surviving issue
245    or who being a daughter shall attain that age or be previously married
246    Than the sd trustee or trustees shall stand possessed of the sd last mentioned
247    trust monies securities and shares and the dividends interest and income thereof
248    upon trust for such person or persons for such intents and purposes and in
249    such manner and form as the sd George Blake either before or after such fail
250    ure of issue or by any deed or deed instrument or instruments in writing
251    to be sealed and delivered by him in the presence of and attested by 2 or more
252    credible witnesses or by his last Will and Testament or any writing in the na
253    ture of or purporting to be his last Will and Testament or any Codicil or Codi
254    cils thereto to be resply signed by him in the presence of and to be attested by 2
255    or more credible witnesses shall direct and appoint and in default of and
256    subject to such direction or appoint as last afsd the sd £5000 or the stocks
257    funds securities and shares which may be appropriated for or invested from
258    the same and the interest dividends and income thereof or so much thereof as may
259    not be so appointed as afsd shall fall into and form part of my residuary
260    and personal estate and go as the same is hereinafter disposed of And
261    upon further trust that the said trustee and trustees of this my Will do also
262    retain lay out appropriate or invest in like manner the sum of £5000 ster
263    ling or such stocks funds securities and shares as hereinbefore referred to for
264    the benefit of each of my sons James Blake William Blake and Matthew
265    Blake and his or their family or families and so that each of my 3 last named
266    sons may have a similar life interest in and the like power of appoint
267    ment to or in favor of his child children grandchildren and other issue of and
268    concerning £5000 sterling or such stocks funds securities and shares to be so
269    appropriated for or invested from the same and that in default of and subject to
270    such appointment the same may go to his respective child or children and in
271    case he resply have not have any child who being a son shall attain
272    the age of 21 years or who being a daughter shall attain that age and be pre
273    viously married then he resply may have the like power of appoint
274    ment of and concerning such £5000 resply or the stocks funds securities and shares
275    to be appropriate for or invested from the same and that in default of such ap
276    pointment the same or the unappointed portion thereof may fall into and
277    go as part of my residuary personal Estate as hereinbefore declared concern
278    ing the first mentioned £5000 or the stocks funds and securities to be ap
279    priated for or invested from the same and the dividends interest and income
280    thereof for the benefit of my sd son Geo Blake and his family Provided always
281    and my Will is that is shall be lawful for each of my sd sons George
282    Blake James Blake Wm Blake and Mattw Blake by any deed or writing
283    whether testamentary or otherwise to be executed by him in the presence of
284    and attested by two or more credible witnesses and notwithstanding his life inter
285    est may have determined in his lifetime by any such means as afsd to
286    appoint all or any of the dividends interest and income of the £5000
287    or the stocks funds securities and shares wherein he respectively is or was to
288    have a life interest unto or for the benefit of any Wife whom he may
289    then having living or with whom he may thereafter intermarry for her
290    life to take effect from and after his respective decrease or such determina
291    tion of his respective life interest and so that in case such appointment shall
292    take effect in possession during the lifetime of my son so resply appointing
293    in consequence of his life interest having determined by any such
294    means as afsd the sd dividends interest and income so to be appointed
295    shall during the joint lives of such son and his sd wife be for her sole and se
296    parate use apart from him and free from his control debts forfeiture or en
297    gagements as if she were a feme sole but so that she shall not have
298    any power of charging incumbering or anticipating the same And I
299    further declared concerning the sd sum of £5000 or the stocks funds securities
300    or shares of that amount or value for the benefit of my sd daughter
301    Margt Brown and her husband and family or from the execution of the
302    trusts hereinbefore declared concerning the Sum of £5000 or stocks in
303    funds securities or shares of that amount or value for the benefit of
304    each any or either of my sd sons Geo Blake James Blake and Wm Blake
305    and his respective family that in every or any such case it shall be lawful
306    for the said trustee or trustees to pay or transfer such respective fund unto
307    any 3 trustees to be appointed by my sd trustee or trustees and to be
308    approved by my sd respective daughter or son if living and to have at the
309    expence of the resp[ect]ive trust fund a deed of Settlement of the same executed
310    conformable to the provisions of this my Will and that subsequently there
311    to the trustee or trustees for the time being of this my Will shall be entirely
312    absolved from any responsibility concerning such respective settled fund
313    And I further declare that the trustee or trustees for the time being of this
314    my Will may in such respective settlement consent to the introduction
315    of such clauses for the investment of the respective settled funds in
316    Government or real securities or such stocks funds securities and shares as here
317    tobefore referred to and for varying and transforming the same and to such pro
318    visions for the advancement maintenance and education of the child
319    or children of my said daughter or such respective Son of and from the
329    fund to be so settled and the dividends interest and income thereof and such
321    powers of appointment of new trustees and clauses or Indemnity to persons
322    dealing with the trust funds and to the trustee or trustees thereof as the sd trustee
323    or trustees for the time being of this my Will shall think fit and my Will
324    further is that subject to the trusts and purposes afsd all my real and personal
325    Estate and the produce of the same shall go to and be equally divided among
326    my sd sons George Blake James Blake William Blake and Matthew
327    Blake and their respective heirs exors admors and assigns but that in case my
328    sd son Matthew Blake shall be under the age of 21 years his share
329    shall go to my said sons George Blake James Blake and William Blake
330    equally amongst them provided also and my will is that in the meantime
331    and until my sd son Matthew Blake shall attain the age of 25 years or shall
332    previously die (and when the division of my property is hereinbef directed to
333    take place as afsd) the yearly sum of £200 shall out of the produce of
334    my general residuary estate be paid unto my said son William provided
335    he so long live and by equal quarterly portions on the 25th day of March
336    the 24th day of June the 29th day of September and the 24th day of December
337    in every year the first quarterly portion to be paid on such of the sd days
338    as shall next happy after my death provided my said son William so
339    long outlive me but no proportionate part of the said £200 to be paid
340    in respect of any current quarter of a year during which my sad son
341    Matthew shall attain the age of 25 years or shall previously die or my
342    sd son William shall have died And I further direct that the sd trus
343    tee or trustees for the time being do until my sd son Matthew shall
344    attain the age of 25 years or shall previously die pay unto him or apply
345    for his benefit whilst a minor the yearly sum of £100 by such payments
346    and at such times as the sd trustee or trustees shall think fit And I further
347    declare that the trustee or trustees for the time being of this my will may
348    in his or their discretion advance into or for the benefit of my Son
349    Matthew an amount of and to be deducted from his ultimate share of
350    the residue of my estate any sum or sums of money not exceeding alto
351    gether £2000, sterling and so that he may be established in any trade trus
352    tees may deem advisable And my will is that the sd trustee or trustees do
353    permit my said sons Geo Blake and James Blake who now hold as yearly
354    tenants my Soapery and premises at L[iver]pool and the survivor of them to con
355    tinue to occupy the same at the same rent which they now pay for the
356    same until my sd trustee or trustees shall think fit for or dispose of the
357    same And I further declare that my sd sons George Blake and James Blake
358    or the survivor of them upon the sale of the said Soapery shall have
359    the option of purchasing the same at the like price as any other person
360    or persons may bona fide be willing to give for the same but that to
361    prevent any difficulty in my trustee or trustees selling the same this
362    not having available evidence that such option has been given or
363    been declined or omitted to be accepted the declaration in writing many
364    such respect of my sd trustee or trustees shall be a full protection to any
365    purchaser or purchasers And inasmuch as I have on behalf of my
366    sd sons George Blake and James Blake given a guarantee or guar
367    antes to the Company of Proprietors of the Bank of Liverpool by
368    means whereof my said sons are enabled to draw or have advances
369    to the extent of £9000 my Will is that altho such guarantee might
370    determine upon or subsequently to my decease the same if the trustee
371    or trustees for the time being of this my Will so think fit to declare in
372    writing shall continue for such further period or periods as he or they
373    from time to time shall think proper and in such case I declare that the
374    guarantee so to be continued shall have the same force and efficacy
375    upon and against my Estate assets as if the same had originally been
376    given by me up to the end of such period or periods and I further
377    declare that the sd trustee or trustees if he or they think fit may make
378    any similar guarantee in substitution for such first mentioned
379    guarantee in favor of my sd sons to an extent not exceeding £9000
380    with the same Bank or any other Banking firm or Establishment
381    or any Merchant or Capitalist and that the sd trustee or trustees may if
382    he or they so think fit declare that he or they will hold the ultimate
383    shares of my sd sons George Blake and James Blake in my residu
384    ary Est[at]e subject to the lien of any such guarantee and my will is that in
385    case my Estate or assets have to pay bear or sustain any sum of money
386    loss or expense by reason or in consequence of such guarantee as I
387    may have already made or hereafter may make in favor of my said
388    sons George Blake and James Blake or by reason or in consequence of
389    any such guarantee being so continued or affected in their favor after
390    my decease then the same shall be made good and be deducted from and out
391    of their respective ultimate shares in the residue of my estate or if such
392    shares would not be sufficient to meet or discharge the deficit then from and out of
393    the sd respective sums of £5000 or the stocks funds securities and shares of
q    such respective amount of value hereinbefore directed to be appropria
395    ted or holden for the benefit of them respectively and their respective families
396    and I declare that the trustees or trustee for the time being of this my
397    Will may for the purposes of the distribution and division of my Estate
398    and effects hereinbefore directed or (or any other purpose previously thereto or
399    in case it shall appear eligible to him or them and in his or their full andun
400    fettered discretion sell dispose of and convert into money all or any part of
401    my real and personal Estate when and as he or they from time to time shall
402    think fit and also that he and they may cause or let all or any portion
403    of my freehold and leasehold property for such term or terms and at such rent
404    or rents and either with or without taking a premium for any such renting
405    or letting (the monies to be waived for such premium or premiums
406    forming part of my personal Estate as he or they make think proper and
407    also that he and they when and as they shall think fit may renew the
408    lease or leases of my leasehold Estates for such term or terms and pay such
409    fine or fines and make sure Surrender or Surrenders as he or they may
410    think proper for any such purpose and may raise and pay such fines and the
411    expences of such removal from and out of the produce of my said Estates and
412    he or they may repair and insure against damage from fire all or such
413    portion of my freehold and leasehold Estates as he or they may judge pro
414    per And I authorize him or them to retain so long as he or they may
415    judge convenient and to sell and dispose of what he and they may think fit all
416    my shares and stock in the London and North Western Railway or in any
417    other Railway which may belong to me at my decease and all my shares
418    in the Commercial Bank of Liverpool or in any other Establishment en
419    terprise or undertaking and also to pay all calls which may be requisite in
420    respect of any shares which may form part of my personal Estate and also
421    to pay all instalments and calls on any new shares that may be appropri
422    ated in respect of any shares which may form part of my personal Estate
423    or any stock which may be issued or received in respect or or on account
424    of such shares in case my said trustee or trustees shall not think fit to sell
425    and dispose of the same And I authorize and empower the trustee or trustees
426    for the time being of this my Will to lay out and invest the produce of the
427    sale collection or reversion of my real and personal Estate from time
428    to time and also the accumulations of income hereinbefore directed to be
429    made until my said youngest Son Matthew Blake shall attain the
430    age of 25 years or shall previously die at interest in the name or names
431    of the sd trustee or trustees in or upon some of the Government or parli
432    amentary stocks or funds of Great Britain now Bonds of the Corporat[io]n
433    of Liverpool or Bonds of The Trustees of The Liverpool Docks or Freehold
434    leasehold or copyhold securities such leasehold being holden of or under
435    the Corporation of Liverpool and having at least 60 years to run or in
436    the purchase of or upon the security of shares stocks debentures or
437    securities of any Company Society or undertaking which may be in
438    corporated by Act of parliament and may be paying a dividend and from
439    time to time to sell or dispose of such stocks funds securities and shares
440    or any of them and invest the produce of the same in or upon or vary and
441    transpose all or any of such stocks funds securities and shares into funds of the
442    like nature as the sd trustee and trustees for the time being may think proper
443    and my Will is inasmuch as the said trustee or trustees may in the ad
444    ministration or management of my Estate find it convenient from time to
445    time to sell and dispose of portions of my freehold Estate that for preventing
446    any questions between the representatives of my sd sons all my freehold
447    Estate shall as between such representatives be considered person
448    Estate altho any Sale thereof may not take place either previously to or for
449    the purposes of the distribution afsd my intention not being to convert
450    such freehold out and out but only to give power to sell the same And my
451    will further is that it shall be lawful for the sd trustee or trustees for the
452    time being of this my will as to the respective funds hereinbefore design
453    ed for the benefit of my sd 5 Children resply and their respective families
454    which may not be settled by distinct Settlement as hereinbefore author
455    ised from and after the death of my sd respective children or the determina
456    tion of their respective life interests (but as to the funds designed for my
457    daughter subject to the annuity for her husband during its continuance
458    and as to the fund designed for each of my Sons subject to any owner
459    ship to be appointed to his respective wife to apply the interest divide
460    nds and annual income of the than vested or presumptive share of each
461    of the children resply of my sd respective children of and in the sd respect
462    tive trust monies stocks funds and securities in or towards the mainten
463    ance education and advancement of such my Grandchild or Grandchil
464    dren and also in or towards his or her schooling pocket money and clothing
465    And further that so much of the interest dividends and annual in
466    come arising from the portion or share of each of the same Grandchil
467    dren resply as shall not be applied for his or her maintenance educati
468    on and advancement shall from time to time be added to the principal mo
469    nies of the same portion or share and improved at interest together with
470    the same and as part thereof by way or in the nature of compound
471    interest and follow and be subject to all the terms and dispositions herein
472    expressed declare and ccontained or and concerning the principal of the same
473    portion or share until the same principal monies or the securities on
474    which the same shall be invested shall become payable or is or
475    are hereby directed to be paid assigned and transferred and further
476    that it shall be lawful for the sd trustee or trustees for the time being
477    of this my Will at anytime after the death of my said Children resply
478    or the determination of the respective life interest of my sd sons in
479    such funds resply but as subject as afsd or in the lifetime of my sd
480    children resply with their respective written consent and also as to my
481    daughters share in the funds with the written consent of the sd
482    Henry Torrens Brown Surg the continuance of his annuy and as
483    to the fund respectively designed for each of my sosn with the written
484    consent of my Wife to whom he may have made any appointment
485    as aforesaid to advance to and for each or any of the children of my said
486    respective Children any part not exceeding one half of the expectant
487    part or share of such Grandchild resply of and in the sd trust monies
488    stocks funds and securities for the advancement and preferment in the world
489    of the same Grandchild and that the money to be so advanced to and for
490    each of the same Grandchild[re]n shall be deducted taken and allowed out of
491    his and her share of the sd trust monies stocks funds and securities not
492    withstanding his or her death before the same share shall become
493    absolutely vested in him or her And I do hereby authorise and empower
494    my  sd exoors and trustees and the survivors and survivor of them and other the
495    trustee or trustees for the time being of my sd will to settle and adjust
496    all accounts which shall or may be open or expecting between me or my
497    estate and any person or persons or the estate of any person or persons and to re
498    ceive and pay the balance or balances which shall appear to be due and owing
499    to or from me or my estate and also if the sd Exors or the successor or successors of
500    them or the sd trustee or trustees shall so think fit to compound for any debt or
501    debts which may be due to me or to my estate and to accept and take such composi
502    tion for the same as they or he shall think advisable and on receipt of all
503    debts due and owing to me or my estate or any such composition for the same
504    as afsd to give such releases and discharges for the same as shall be proper
505    and also to submit any such accounts or debts as afsd to arbitration and to re
506    lease compound for or otherwise act in relation to the same as the arbi
507    trator or arbitrators shall arward and generally to manage and get in my sd
508    debts and all my testamentary estate and effects in such manner as they my
509    sd Executors or the survivors or survivor of them or the trustee or trus
510    tees for the time being of this my Will shall think most for the advantage
511    of the parties beneficially interested therein under the gifts and trusts herein
512    before contained provided always and my Will further is that the person
513    or persons whom it may concern to pay any money on the sale colec
514    tion or reversion of several or personal Estate or who have or hath or from time
515    to time shall or may have all or any part of my personal or testamenta
516    ry estate or any monies subject to this my Will in his her or their hands
517    or upon securities given or to be given by him her or them or whom it
518    may concern to pay any other monies forming part of my Estate resply
519    shall not be obliged or required to see to the application of disposition of
520    the same purchase trust or other money or any part thereof or the inter
521    est dividends and annual income thereof or of any part thereof after pay
522    ment of the same to the person or persons who for the time being shall
523    be the acting trustee or trustees under this my Will or be answerable or
524    accountable for the misapplication or nonapplication of the same mo
525    ney or any part thereof by him or them and that every receipt which
526    shall be given for the sd purchase trust or other monies or any part
527    thereof or the interest dividends and income of the same or any part
528    thereof by the person or persons who for the time being shall be the acting
529    trustee or trustees under this my Will shall be a good effectual and sufficient
530    acquittance and discharge for every sum therein acknowledged to be recei
531    ved provided also and my Will further is that in case each any or either of
532    them the sd John Stewart Duncan Gibb and Wm Blake or any trustee or
533    trustees to be appointed under this present provision or to come or succeed
534    their or either of their place shall die or be desirous of being discharged
535    of and from the afsd trusts or shall go or be about to go to reside beyond
536    Seas or shall neglect or refuse or become incapable to act in the sd trusts
537    before the sd trusts shall be fully executed and performed then and in that case
538    and as soon and as often as the same shall happen it shall be lawful for
539    my sd 4 sons or the survivors or survivor of them or the exor or admor
540    of the survivor of them or in case of his her or their default for 1 cal
541    endar month after being thereunto requested by the acting trustee or trus
542    tees for the time being or the last acting trustee under this my Will or
543    the exor or admor of such last acting trustee or in case there be not any
544    exor or admor of the survivor of my sd 4 sons then for the acting trustee
545    or trustees for the time being or the last acting trustee his exors or admors
546    to nominate any fit person or persons to supply the place of the trustee
547    or trustees respectively so dying desiring to be discharged or going or being
548    about to go to reside beyond Seas or refusing or neglecting or becoming
549    incapable to act as afsd and that immediately after every such appointment
550    the trust estate monies and efforts which under and by virtue of this my Will
551    shall be or have been vested in the tr[ust]ee or tr[ust]ees so dying desiring to be
552    discharged or going or being about to go to reside beyond Seas or refu
553    sing neglecting or become incapable to act as aforesaid and shall then
554    be subject to the trusts of this my Will shall be conveyed assigned and
555    transferred so and in such manner that the same may vest in such
556    in such new trustee or trustees solely or jointly with the surviving or con
557    tinuing trustee or trustees and in his her or their heirs exors admors and
558    assigns upon the trusts hereinbefore expressed and declared of and concerning
559    the same and that every such new trustee either before or after such convey
560    ance assignment or transfer shall be made or executed shall have and may
561    exercise the same powers privileges and authorities of approbation con
562    tent discretion and of giving effectual receipts maintenance advancement
563    and education and all other powers and authorities whats[oeve]r as if he had been
564    appointed a trustee by this my Will provided also and I further declare
565    that the sd several trustees and the trustees to be appointed by virtue of
566    the provision last hereinbefore contained respectively and their respective
567    heirs exors admors and assigns severally shall be charged and chargeable
568    only for such monies as they respectively shall actually receive by vir
569    tue of the trusts hereby created And notwithstand[in]g his or their or any of
570    their giving or signing or joining in giving or signing any receipt or
571    receipts for the sake of conformity and that any one or more of them
572    shall not be answerable or accountable for the other or others of them
573    or any or either of them for the acts receipts neglects or defaults of the other
574    or others of them but each of them only for his own respective acts re
575    ceipts neglects or defaults And that they or any of them shall not be
576    answerable or accountable for any Bank or Broker or other person within
577    whom or in whose hands any part of the sd trust monies shall or may
578    be deposited or lodged for safe custody or otherwise in the execution of
579    the trust hereinbefore contained and that they or any of them shall
580    not be answerable or accountable for the rise or fall in the price or val
581    ue of stocks or the insufficiency or deficiency in title or value of any secur
582    ity or securities stocks or funds in or upon which the sd trust monies or
583    any part thereof shall be placed out or invested nor for any other misfor
584    tune loss or damage which may happen in the execution of the aforesaid
585    trusts or in relacing thereto except the same shall happen by or through
586    his or their own wilful default resply and then and in the case each person
587    resply shall alone be answerable for such loss or damage as shall
588    arise from his or her own default and also that it shall be lawful for the sd
589    trustees herein named and such future trustees or trustees to be appoint
590    ed as aforesaid and every or any of them their and every of their heirs exors
591    admors and assigns by and out of the monies which shall come to their res
592    pective hands by virtue of the trusts afsd to deduct retain and reimburse
593    and for himself and themselves resply and also to allow to his and their Cotrustee all
594    costs charges damages expences and fees to counsel for advice which they
595    or any of them shall of may suffer sustain expend disburse lay out be
596    at or be put into in or about the execution of the afsd trust or in exec
597    ution thereunto and also that it shall be lawful for the sd trustee or
598    trustees for the time being in his her or their discretion to settle adjust
599    and allow the accounts of any trustee or trustees who shall die or be de
600    sirous of being discharged of and from the afsd trusts or who shall go or
601    be about to go to reside beyond Seas or shall neglect or refuse or become
602    incapable to act in the sd trusts and in whose place or stead a new trustee
603    or trustees shall be appointed as afsd and also to receive and give dischar
604    ges for the money which shall appear to be the balance of the same
605    accounts without any responsibility in the person or persons paying
606    the same money to see the application thereof or be answerable or
607    accountable for the misapplication or nonapplication of the same And
608    I hereby revoke every other will or testamentary disposition and declare
609    that this writing contains the whole of my last Will and Testament
610    In witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament
611    written on forty seven sheets of paper set my hand the twenty third day
612    of December one thousand eight hundred and forty six Geo Blake
613    Signed and declared by the said George Blake the Testator as and for
614    his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same
615    time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other
616    have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto John Eden Solicitor
617    Liverpool Mary Leather
618    In the Consistory Court of Chester
619    In the Goods of George Blake deceased
620    The 21st day of January 1847
621    Appeared Personally John Eden of Liverpool
622    in the County of Lancaster Gentleman and Mary Leather of Toxteth
623    Park Spinster and being sworn upon the holy Gospels made oath as
624    follows and first the deponent John Eden for himself saith that he is one
625    of the subscribed witnesses to the last Will and Testament of George Blake
626    late of Toxteth Park near Liverpool Gentleman deceased bearing date the
627    twenty third day of December one thousand eight hundred and forty six
628    and hereto annexed that he was present on the said twenty third day of
629    December one thousand eight hundred and forty six and saw the said
630    George Blake duly execute the same as and for his last Will and Testa
631    ment by signing his name “Geo: Blake” at the foot or and thereof as it now
632    appears in the joint presence of this deponent and the said Mary Leather
633    the other subscribed Witness and this deponent and the said Mary Leather
634    did then in the presence of the said George Blake and of each other at the
635    same time act and subscribe their names as witnesses to the due execution
636    of the said Will as they now appear And this deponent the said
637    John Eden for himself further saith that with reference to the different al
638    terations obliterations interlineations and erasures appearing in the
639    said Will that the same was originally intended only as the draft of a
640    Will of the deceased and was prepared by this deponent as the Solicitor of
641    the deceased and executed by him the said deceased in manner aforesaid as
642    his will in consequence of his very advanced age and sinking state of
643    health and the possibility of his death before the same could be regularly
644    engressed for his execution and this deponent further saith that the said
645    George Blake actually did die without executing any Jugeossment or fair
646    or other Copy of his said Will whereby the said draft became his only last
647    Will and Testament And this deponent further saith that the several
648    alterations interlineations and erasures appearing in the said Will as
649    hereinafter mentioned that is to say The words “and premises” interlined the
650    word “named” struck through and the word “made” interlined also the
651    words “County of Gloucester” and the word “by” interlined in the first page
652    thereof The word “described” struck through and the word “directed” interlin
653    ed The words “2 Carriage and horses” struck through and the words “and
654    also my Carriage and horses with heir harness and stock of hay and corn” inter
655    lined and the words “equal” interlined and the words “On the     day
656    of   the    day  of       the        day of
657    and the      day of       in every” struck through and
658    the words “in every” interlined in the second page thereof The words “on
659    such of the sd days as shall happen” struck through and the words “at the end
660    of three months” interlined the word “no” struck through and the letter “a”
661    interlined the words “I also give unto him whatever balance may be found
662    to the debit of his account in my books at my decease” struck through also the words “possibly” struck through and
663    the word “conveniently” interlined in the third page thereof The word “that”
664    struck through and the word”shall” interlined the word “should” struck
665    through the word “described” struck through and the word “directed”
666    interlined the figures “£4000” struck through and the figures “£5000” interlined
667    the figures “£4000” struck through and the figures “£5000” interlined the
668    words “these presents” struck through and the words “the said fund inserted
669    in the sixth page thereof The figures “£4000” struck through and the figures
670    “£5000” interlined the word “so” interlined the figures “£4000” struck through
671    and the figures “£5000” interlined in the seventh page thereof The word and “for
672    such intents” struck through in the eighth page thereof the word “resting”
673    struck through and the word “acting” interlined the word “whereby”
674    struck through and the words “in Bankruptcy” interlined in the ninth
675    page thereof The word “continued” struck through and the word “continuance”
676    interlined in the tenth page thereof The words “or more” struck through in
677    the eleventh page thereof the words “more than” struck through in the
678    twelfth page thereof the words “the sd trustee or trustees shall stand possess
679    ed of” struck through The words “upon trust for such person or persons
680    for such intents and purposes and in such manner and form as the sd Margaret
681    Brown as well when cover as sole and notwithstanding her coverture by the
682    sd Hy Torrens Brown or any other husband and either before or after such
683    failure of the issue as afsd by her last Will and Testament or any writing in
684    the nature of or purporting to be her last Will and Testament or any Codi
685    cil or Codicils thereto to be resply signed by her” struck through on the thir
686    tenth page thereof The words “in the presence of and attested by 2 or more
687    credible witnesses shall direct and appoint and in default of and subject to such direc
688    tion or appointment as last aforesaid then the said £4000 £5000 or the
689    stocks funds securities and shares which may be appropriated for or invest
690    ed in the same and the dividends interest and income thereof or so much of the
691    same as may not be so appointed as afsd shall but subject to the said an
692    nuity of  during its continuance” struck through the words “shall” inter
693    lined also the word “all” struck through and the word “or” interlined in the
694    fourteenth page thereof The words “as afsd” struck through and the words “or
695    upwards” interlined in the sixteenth page thereof The word “in” struck
696    through in the seventeenth page thereof The words “more than” struck through
697    and the word “only” interlined also the word “surviving” interlined in the
698    nineteenth page thereof The word “interest” struck through in the twentieth
699    page thereof The words “and in” struck through the word “such” struck thro
700    and the word “each” interlined in the twenty second page thereof The word
701    “has” struck through and the word” was” interlined in the twenty third
702    page thereof The figures “£4000” struck through and the figures “£5000”
703    interlined in the twenty fourth page thereof The word “William” struck
704    through in the twenty sixth page thereof The word “first” interlined in the
705    twenty seventh page thereof The words “and James Blake” and the words”
706    premises” interlined in the twenty eighth page thereof The words “or
707    Guarantees” interlined and the words “at Liverpool” struck through in the
708    twenty ninth page thereof the word “effects” struck through and the
709    word “assets” interlined the words “in substitution for such first mentioned
710    Guarantee” interlined the word “attest” struck through and the word
711    “extent” interlined in the thirtieth page thereof the word “estates” struck
712    through and the word “shares” interlined also the word “shall” struck
713    through in the thirty first page thereof the words “or” and “on” interlined
714    the word “dock” struck through the word “the” interlined the word “docks”
715    interlined the word “or” struck through and the word “and” interlined the
716    words “in the purchase of or and from” also interlined in the thirty fourth
717    page thereof The word “on” being struck through and the word “or” inter
718    lined the words “desiring it continued” struck through and the words “dur
719    ing its continuance” interlined in the thirty sixth page thereof The words
720    “ of his annut part or” interlined and “ten”  part of the word Grandchildren
721    struck through in the thirty eighth page thereof The word “or” interlined
722    in the thirty ninth page thereof The words “to be” struck
723    through and the words “or the” interlined in the fortieth page thereof
724    The word “contrary” struck through in the forty first page thereof the word
725    “so” interlined in the forty third page thereof The word “neglects” interlined
726    in the forty fourth page thereof The word “wilful” interlined in the forty fifth
727    page thereof and the words “and every sheet of” struck through in the forty
728    seventh and last page thereof were all made obliterated written interlin
729    ed struck through and erased as they now appear in the course of drawing
730    out the said draft and reading the same over to the said Testator or by his
731    direction and previous to the execution of the same by the said Testator as
732    his Will in manner aforesaid and the said Will is now in the same state
733    as when executed by him as aforesaid And this deponent Mary Leather be
734    herself saith that being merely called up to see the said George Blake
735    sign the said Will and to attest his signature and her attention not being
736     at all directed to the said alterations she is entirely unable to depose to
737    them not having noticed the state of the said Will when executed as afore
738    said but she saith that the said Will was executed by the said George
739    Blake and attested by this deponent and the said John Eden in the
740    manner to which he hath deposed in all respects John Eden
741    Mary Leather Signed and sworn at Liverpool aforesaid by the
742    said deponents John Eden and Mary Leather the twenty first day of
743    January one thousand eight hundred and forty seven Before med
744    Thomas Nolan Surrogate
745    In the Consistory Court of Chester
746    In the Goods of George Blake deceased
747    The 20th day of January 1847
748    Appeared Personally John Eden of Liverpool in the
749    County of Lancaster Gentleman one of the subscribed Witnesses to the
750    last Will and Testament of George Blake late of Toxteth Park near
751    Liverpool in the County of Lancaster Gentleman deceased bearing date
752    the twenty third day of December 1846 and now remaining in the public
753    Episcopal Registry of Chester and being sworn upon the holy Gospels
754    made oath that he was employed by the said George Blake to prepare
755    the said Will as his Solicitor and that the same was written as it now
756    appears previous to its execution on forty eight sheets of draft paper
757    which have been number as 47 only in consequence of the mistake of
758    this deponents Clerk who numbered the two sheets following the first
759    with the number “2” as they now appear and that the said sheets
760    numbered respectively “2” formed a part of the said Will when executed
761    by the said Testator George Blake no alteration addition or substitution
762    being made of or to any of the sheets forming the said Will when executed
763    but two having been numbered alike soley through the inadventence
764     of this deponent’s Clerk as aforesaid John Eden Signed and him
765    sworn at Liverpool aforesaid the day and year aforesaid Before me
766    M W Falloon Surrogate
767    Proved at Chester in Common form of Law on the 30th day of
768    January 1847 by John Stewart Duncan Gibb and the Reverend
769    William Blake the Executors therein named the right of every
770    person being saved and time allowed to exhibit all Inventory
771    H Kaikes Registrar
772    Proved at London 17th Feb 1847 before the Judge by the oaths of
773    John Stewart Duncan Gibb and the Reverend William Blake Clerk
774    the son the Executors to whom Admon was granted having been first
775    sworn by Comon duly to administer

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