Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Will of Ignatius Charles Blake, Captain 13th Regiment - The National Archives PROB 11/1467, probated 24 Sep 1807

The testator, Ignatius Charles Blake, is a member of the Galway Blake family. His parents were Joseph Blake and Honoria Daly. He was one of eight children with his eldest brother being the 1st Baron Wallscourt. Ignatius Charles Blake was related twice over to Denis John Blake, a fifth cousin with Robert Blake and Catherine Darcy their common ancestors. He was also a tenth cousin with Geoffrey Blake being their common ancestor.

Ignatius Charles Blake married Helena Cashell the 16 Jun 1794 at St Andrew parish at Berwick upon Tweed, Midlothian, Scotland. Their son Joseph Henry Blake (later 2nd Baron Wallscourt) was born 23 Jul 1795 and died 11 October 1816. A daughter Louisa Helena Blake died 15 Feb 1803.

The descent of Ignatius Charles Blake from Richard Caddell alias Blake (of County Galway, Ireland):

Richard Caddell alias Blake and Eveline
Walter Blake
Geoffrey Blake
William Blake and Athy (unknown)
John Blake and Annabel de Burgo
Andrew Blake
Walter Blake and M Bodkin
Robert Blake and Catherine Darcy
Sir Richard Blake and Gylle Kirwan
Robert Blake and Elizabeth Lynch
Joseph Blake and Mary Browne
Richard Blake and Maria Yonge
Joseph Blake and Honoria Daly
Ignatius Charles Blake

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1467
Name of testator: Ignatius Charles Blake, Captain in his Majesty’s 13th Regiment of Light Dragoons
Place: Unknown
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 11 Aug 1796, probated 24 Sep 1807

[In margin] Ignatius Charles Blake

1    This is the last Will
2    of me Ignatius Charles Blake a Captain in
3    his Majesty’s thirteenth Regiment of Light Dragoons
4    made published and declared this Eleventh day
5    of August in the year of our Lord one thousand
6    seven hundred and ninety six whereas I the said
7    Ignatius Charles Blake will at the death of my
8    Father Joseph Blake of Ardfry in the County
9    of Galway in the Kingdom of Ireland Esquire
10    be entitled to the Sum of three thousand pounds
11    by virtue of my said Father’s Marriage
12    Settlement I do declare by give and bequeath the
13    said Sum of three thousand pounds unto Freancis
14    Blake of Rehara in the County of Roscommon
15    in the Kingdom of Ireland Esquire Robert Blake
16    of the City of Dublin Gentleman and William
17    Cashell of the Borough of Berwick upon Tweed
18    in the Kingdom of England Esquire upon the
19    Trusts nevertheless and to and for the
20    intents and purposes hereafter mentioned
21    and expressed (that is to say) Upon Trust that
22    they my said Trustees whom I also appoint
23    Executors of this my Will and the Survivors and
24    and Survivor of them and such their person
25    and persons as shall or need in the Trusts by
26    virtue of the Clause hereinafter for that purpose
27    contained do and shall as soon as the said Sum
28    of three thousand pounds shall be received
29    place out or invest the same on Government or
30    real Securities at Interest and from time to
31    time call in the Principal Money so to be placed
32    out or invested and place out or invest the same
33    in or upon new or other Securities of the like
34    at Interest until the same shall become
35    payable by Virtue of this my Will and In
36    Trust to pay to or otherwise authorize permit and
37    suffer my Dear Wife Hellen to receive the
38    Interest dividends and yearly proceeds therefore
39    arising for and during her natural Life for and
40    towards her Maintenance and the maintenance
41    and Education of my Child now living and all
42    and every such my Child or Children by my said
43    Wife Helen as shall hereafter be born and from
44    and immediately after the death of my said
45    Wife upon this further Trust to pay and apply
46    the Interest of the said Sum of Three thousand
47    pounds for and towards the maintenance and
48    education of all and every such my Child or
49    Children as shall be then living until they all respectively
50    attain the age of twenty one Years And upon this
51    further Trust to pay the said Sum of three thousand
52    pounds and all Interest then due unto and amongst
53    all my Children who shall be then living equally
54    share and share alike and if there shall be but
55    one such Child then to such one Child as and
56    when he she or they shall respectively attain the
57    age of twenty one Years And if any such Child
58    shall depart this Life under the age of twenty
59    one years then the part of share of him her or
60    them so dying shall be paid to the Survivors
61    and Survivor of such Children at his her or their
62    age or ages of twenty one years And I direct that
63    all the Shares so to survive shall from time to
64    time survive together with all the original
65    Shares and parts until such original Shares and
66    Parts shall become one and payable provided always
67    and it is my further Will that if all my said
68    Children shall die before any of them shall attain
69    the age of twenty one Years then and in that Case
70    they my said Trustees and the Survivors and Survivor
71    of them and such other person or persons as shall
72    succeed in the Trusts by Virtue of the Clause
73    hereinafter for that purpose contained shall pay
74    the said principal Sum of three thousand pounds
75    and all Interest then due on the same unto my
76    said dear Wife Helen so and for her own sole use
77    and benefit And as to all the Rest Residue and
78    Remainder of my personal Estate and Effects
79    whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature
80    kind or quality soever the same shall be or consist
81    at the time of my death I give and bequeath the
82    same unto the said Francis Blake Robert Blake and William
83    Cashell upon Trust that they the same Francis
84    Blake Robert Blake and William Cashell and
85    the Survivors and Survivor of them and such other
86    person and persons as shall __eed in the Trusts
87    by Virtue of the Clause hereinafter for that purpose
88    contained do and shall as soon as conveniently may
89    be after my decease convert the same into Money
90    and the Monies arising therefrom place out at
91    Interest on the like Securities and Upon the same
92    Trusts as are hereinbefore mentioned and
93    expressed concerning the aforesaid Sum of Three
94    thousand pounds provided always and it is my
95    Will that in case my Son now living or any other
96    Son which I may hereafter have by my said
97    Wife Helen shall before his Share of the said Sum of
98    three thousand pounds and of any other personal
99    Estate shall become due and payable by Virtue
100    of this my Will secured to the possession of my said
101    Father’s Estate Then and in that case the part or Share
102    of such Son in the said Sum of three thousand pounds
103    and other my personal Estate shall be paid to the other
104    or others of my said Children at his her or their
105    Age or Ages of twenty one Years And I further will
106    and direct that in case it shall appear to my said
107    Trustees or the Trustees or Trustee for the time being
108    expedient and for the Benefit and advantage of
109    any of my said Children that any Sum or Sum
110    of money should be raised and paid for the purpose
111    of Placing them or any of them out in any Trade
112    Business or Employment for their advancement
113    in the world before their respective Shares of the
114    said Sum of Three thousand pounds and other
115    my Personal Estate become absolutely vested or
116    payable Then and in every or any such Case the said
117    Trustees shall have full power and authority to
118    raise and pay the same accordingly for such Child
119    or Children and the same shall be allowed and
120    deducted out of the share or shares of such Child
121    or Children for whom the said Sum or Sums
122    shall be raised and paid and I do hereby further
123    Will order and direct that when and as soon
124    as the Trustees before named shall by death or
125    otherwise be reduced to the number of two then
126    such two Trustees shall thereupon within one
127    Month there next after by any writing or writings
128    under their hands and Seals elect and make a
129    choice of such other proper person to be a Trustee
130    together with the remaining Trustees for the
131    purposes aforesaid as shall with them make
132    the Number of three And in Case the said Trustees
133    before named shall by death or otherwise be
134    reduced to the number of one Trustees Then such
135    surviving Trustee shall thereupon within one
136    Month next after by any Writing or Writings under
137    his hand and Seal elect and make choice of
138    such two other fit and proper persons to be
139    Trustees together with such remaining Trustee
140    for the purposes aforesaid as shall with him
141    make up the number of three and so from
142    time to time as well the new Trustees as the
143    old ones shall elect and choose as often as the
144    said Trustees for the time being shall by death
145    or otherwise be reduced to a less number than
146    three And it is my Will that when and as often
147    as any now Trustees or Trustee shall be appointed
148    as hereinbefore mentioned the Securities and
149    Monies which shall be then vested in the
150    person or persons so dying shall respectively
151    with all convenient speed be conveyed and
152    transferred in such manner as that the same
153    shall be effectually vested in the securities and
154    such new Trustees or Trustee upon the same
155    Trusts and to and for the Intents and purposes
156    of this my Will and my Will is and I do hereby
157    order and direct that my said Trustees hereby
158    appointed and to be appointed or any of them
159    or any of their heirs Executors Administrators or
160    Assigns shall not be charged or chargeable with
161    or accountable for any more Monies than they
162    respectively shall actually receive neither shall any of them
163    be answerable or accountable for the Receipts and
164    or defaults of the other or others of them or for
165    the Misbehaviour Neglect default Failure
166    Insolvency or Insufficiency of any person or persons
167    to be employed by them in any capacity in or
168    about the ____ or any way concerning the
169    same or any part thereof nor for the insufficiency
170    or suficienty or any Funds real or other Securities
171    in or upon which they shall place out any of
172    the Trust Monies nor shall they or any of them
173    be answerable or accountable for any other
174    involuntary Loss whatsoever And my Will is that
175    such and every of my said Trustees respectively may
176    deduct and retain out of the Monies which shall
177    come to him and their hands respectively and allow
178    to each other thereout all such reasonable Costs
179    Charges and Expences as he or they shall or may
180    sustain incur pay or be put into in or about or in
181    any respect of the Trusts hereby in them reposed
182    hereby revoking all former and other Will and
183    Wills by me at any time heretofore made I
184    publish and declare this writing contained in
185    this and the four preceding Sheets of paper to be
186    and contain my last Will and Testament In Witness
187    whereof I the said Ignatius Charles Blake the
188    Testator have to two part of this my last Will
189    and Testament set my hand and Seal the day
190    and year first above written Ign C Blake
191    This writing contained in this and the preceding
192    four sheets of paper was signed sealed published
193    and declared by the Testator Ignatius Charles
194    Blake as and for his last Will and Testament
195    in the presence of us who in his presence at his
196    request and in the presence of each other have
197    subscribed our Names as witnesses hereunto
198    J Hindmarsh Edward Willoby Will. Willoby
199    This Will was proved at London the
200    twenty fourth day of September in the year of our
201    Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven
202    before the worshipful Samuel Pearce Parson doctor
203    of Laws and Surrogate of the Right honorable
204    Sir William Wynne Knight doctor of Laws
205    Master keeper or Commissary of the prerogative
206    Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath
207    of William Cashall one of the Executors named in
208    the said Will to whom Administration was granted
209    of all and singular the Goods Chattles and Credits
210    of the deceased he having been first sworn duly to
211    administer power reserved of making the like
212    Grant to Francis Blake Esquire and Robert Blake
213    the other Executors named in the said Will when
214    they or either of them shall apply for the same

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