Saturday, January 21, 2017

Will of John Blake, Burgess, Grantham, Lincolnshire - The National Archives PROB 11/27, probated 28 Jul 1539

The testator John Blake mentions his wife Margaret, his son William and his daughter Agnes. He is a Burgess in Grantham, Lincolnshire.

A search on Google revealed that there was a Blake family at Grantham in the mid 1700s and in the mid 1800s. He was a perpetual commissioner.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 20 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/27
Name of testator: John Blake, Burgess
Place: Grantham, Lincolnshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 22 Jul 1539, probated 28 Jul 1539

[In margin] Testam[ent] Jo Blake

1    In the name of god Amen In the yere of our Lorde god a Thousand five hundredth
2    and xxxix the xxij day of June I John Blake of Granth[a]m in the Countie of Lincoln Burgess hole of mynde and
3    memory and partely sike and feble of body do make my Last Will and testament in manner and form following First
4    I bequeath my soule unto the mercy of almighty god And my body to be buried within the Chantre greve of Corpus
5    Christy within the parish of the Church of Grantham Also I geve and Bequeath for my mortuary as the Lawe will admit
6    Also I geve to the high awter of Grantham Church iij s iij d Also I geve to the Reparacions of Grantham Church xx j s
7    Also I bequeath to William Blake my sonne all my lands as well purchased as inheritage Lands Provided alwayes
8    that yf I or myn executor can favourably have paid three hundredth marks due unto me for the dowery of my
9    wife marrage that then my wife to have her Joynter of my purchasest Lands for the terme of her lyfe according to my
10    promise made to her in that behalf And for lack of payment of the said two hundredth marks I will my said purchasest
11    Lande to remayne to Willim my sonne and to the heires of his body lawfully Begotten And for lack of heires of
12    his body lawfully Begotten I will my hole Landes do Remayne to Agnes Blake my doughter and to the heires of
13    her body lawfully Begotten Also I will by the consent and assent of Margaret my wife that all the costs and charges
14    of the law for the getting and obteyning of the said two hundredth marks Before named Be borne of my hool goods
15    Also I do geve to Richard Sey fyftene pounds by goods for his childs parte Which I have in governance Also
16    I do geve to Agnes Blake my Doughter twenty pounds which I do owe unto her for the sale of a howse Also I doo
17    geve to Alice Yats £vl Also I do geve to Thomas Sey iij li vj s viij d which I do owe unto him for his Childs parte
18    Those Bequests and debts before named I will they be delivered and paid of my hooll goods And the Residue of my goods
19    Remayning I will be divided in thre parts The first parte I give and bequeath to Margaret my Wife The second parte I
20    geve to William Blake my sonne and to Agnes my doughter to be equally devided betwixt them The third parte of my
21    goodes I will be disposed for the helth of my soule as hereafter foloweth I will at my Buriall day the seventh day and
22    the thirty day be gevyn where need is xx s every day The Residue of my third parte I geve to William Blake my son
23    to dispose for the helthe of my soule as he thinketh best Which William Blake I do make my full Executor And I Will
24    that master William Grifton of London and John Harmstronge of Grantham be Supervisors and to se the performance
25    of this my Last Will and testament And to helpe my sonne William in everything usefull And I give to the sam Wm
26    Grifton for his paines foure marks And to the said John Harmstronge for his paynes taking xiij s iiij d
27    and charges born whersoever they shalbe called for the performance of this my last Wille Those Bering Witness
28    Master Richard Aleyn Thomas Leye Robert Taillone William Patyinson John Harmstrong William Mens Richard
29    Sharp with other mee J
30    Probatum fuit testamentum suprascripti defuncti xxij die mensis Julij Anno domini Millesimo quingentismo
31    xxxix apud London coram dno _cte dni mri Regis Iuramento Willm Blake executoris cui commissa fuit
32    marat etc approbatum et insinuatum et comissa fuit administracio omnium et singulorum bonorum jurm creditorium
33    dei defuncti prefato Executori de bene et fidelities administrand Ac de pleno et fideli Inventario die post
34    festum sancti fidis proximo futurum exhibendo Necnon de plano et vero compoto reddend Ad Sancta dei Evangelia
35    in debita iurus forma jurat

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