Sunday, January 29, 2017

Will of Joseph Blake, Esquire, Berkley County, Province of South Carolina now South Carolina, United States of America - The National Archives PROB 11/792, probated 20 Feb 1752

The testator, Joseph Blake, is descendant of a known Blake line. His grandfather Captain Benjamin Blake was a brother of Admiral Robert Blake.

Admiral Robert Blake [101] is the Granduncle of Colonel Joseph-117 Blake [319]

                                Common Ancestor

                               * Humphry-43 Blake [25]
                                   (Abt 1563-1625)
                      * Sarah Swithers formerly Williams [100]
                                  (          -1638)
                               Married 5 Oct 1597 [26]
                     |                                                                |
                     |                                                                |
     * Captain Benjamin-66 Blake [111]         * Admiral Robert Blake [101]
                      (1614-1689)                                              (1598-1657)
           Elizabeth Blake [191]
             (          -1676)
               Married  [50]
          * Joseph-94 Blake [196]
          Elizabeth Axtell [316]
          Married 6 Dec 1698 [98]
     * Colonel Joseph-117 Blake [319]

Joseph Blake (the testator)  married Sarah Lindrey 16 Jun 1720 in Charleston, South Carolina.

Their children were all born in South Carolina.

Rebecca born circa 1721, married Ralph Izard circa 1741 and died circa 1762

According to the article published in the South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Society and blogged earlier today, this family continued at least to 1900 in the southern United States and perhaps descendants of this family are still living today. Finding a descendant of this family would greatly assist in determining the haplogroup of the Blake family of Somerset.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 29 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/792
Name of testator: Joseph Blake Esquire
Place: Berkley County, Province of South Carolina
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 18 Dec 1750, probated 20 Feb 1752

[In margin] Joseph Blake Esquire

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Joseph Blake of Berkley County in the Province of South Carolina
3    do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner
4    and form following Imprimis I will that my whole Estate be kept
5    together until it raises the Sum of two thousand Pounds Sterling
6    Money of Great Britain and One thousand Pounds Proclamation
7    Money or the Value thereof in the currency of this Province
8    Exclusive of the Maintenance of my Sons Daniel Blake and
9    William Blake and my daughter Ann Blake and other necessaries
10    and charges on the Estate to the time that the said Sum is cleared
11    Item after the said Sums of two thousand pounds sterling and
12    one thousand pounds proclamation money is cleared then I will
13    that the said Sums be kept at Interest and the Interest to be
14    applied towards Educating and Maintaining my Sons Daniel Blake
15    and William Blake and daughter Ann Blake until they at age
16    several and I will that as they severally arrive at age One
17    thousand Pounds Sterling Money or the Value thereof in the
18    currency of this Province be paid unto my Son Daniel Blake the
19    like Sum of one thousand Pounds Sterling to my Son William
20    Blake and the remaining Sum of one thousand Pounds Proclamation
21    Money to my daughter Ann Blake Item after the aforesaid Sum
22    is raised then I give devise and bequeath unto my Son Daniel
23    Blake and his heirs for ever the Plantation I now live on
24    called Newington and a tract of Land on the Cypruss Swamp lying
25    between the Lands of Mr James Postell and Barnaby Brandford
26    part of which I purchased of Mr James Postell deceased the
27    Remainder I took up of the King and that part of my Land on
28    Charles Town Neck which lies between the High Road and Cooper
29    River and Fifteen hundred Acres of Land to be taken out of my
30    Lands on Cumber River between Mrs Londson’s Line and the
31    Land I bought of Colonel William Bull the Line to run
32    towards Calf Pen Savanah as far back as will take in the
33    Quantity of fifteen hundred acres and a Plantation containing
34    five hundred ninety seven acres in two Tracts bounding on Mrs
35    Donings and Mrs Drake to the North East and to the Dr West
36    on Mrs Donings Mrs Sacheveralls and Doctors Brisbanes to the
37    S West on a tract of Land which was formerly Mr Dowses but now
38    mine and on Mr Days to the S East on Mr Richard Sparings Item
39    I give and bequeath unto my Son William Blake and to his heirs
40    for ever my Plantation containing more or less on Wadmelaw
41    River and New Cut commonly called Plainsfield lying between
42    the Lands of Mr John Atchinson and Mr Fuller and that part of
43    my Land on Charles Town Neck that lies between the High Road
44    and Ashly River bounding on Mr Cadsdens Mr Hunts and Mr
45    John Humes and two Tracts of Land lying between Mr Atchinsons
46    and Mr Stobols one tract containing two hundred and thirty acres
47    the other Seventy six and two Tracts of Land containing four
48    hundred and forty acres purchased of Stephen Dowse by Mrs
49    Jennis bounding on Mr William Elliott Mr John Drayton and Mr
50    Graves to him and his heirs for ever I give devise and bequeath
51    unto my love daughter Rebecca Izard to her and her heirs for
52    ever a tract of Land containing one thousand eight hundred and
53    seventy three acres in my Granville County on the Lead of Coosaw
54    Hatchers and Chili Phinaswamp bounding on James Therrs to the
55    N West and an Island on Port Royal River in Granville County
56    commonly called Catt Island containing four hundred acres to her
57    and her heirs for ever I give devise and bequeath unto my loving
58    daughter Ann Blake to her and her heirs for ever One thousand
59    acres of Land to be laid out by my Executors and Executrix on
60    the calf Pen Savanah to be taken out of my Lands on Cumber on
61    the head of the said Tracts and an Island containing two hundred
62    and eighty six acres of Land in Granville County on the North
63    East side of Port Royal River and on all other sides on Marshes
64    and Creeks out of the said River to her and her heirs for ever
65    Item I give all my Real Estate (that is not already given
66    devised or bequeathed) unto my two Sons Daniel Blake and William
67    Blake to them their heirs or assigns Item I give all my
68    household Goods and Plate to be divided between my two Sons
69    Daniel Blake and William Blake and my daughter Ann Blake to each a third Item
70    I give unto my son Daniel Blake my coach and harness and
71    Plinne Thorn his Wife Betty Molly and all their children
72    which they have or shall have Item I give unto my Son
73    William Blake Wally Johnny Molatto Peter Sirol Inda and all
74    their Children which they have or shall have Item I give unto
75    my daughter Ann Blake Lampset Nanny Patty and Molly
76    child of Hannah and all their Children which they have or
77    shall have Item I give all the remainder of my Personal
78    Estate (not already given devised or bequeathed) unto my
79    four Children Rebeccah Izard Daniel Blake William Blake
80    and Ann Blake to be equally divided between my four Children
81    in four equal parts and in case any of my three Children
82    Daniel Blake William Blake or Ann Blake should happen to die
83    without heirs and before they arrive to the Age of Twenty one
84    years then his hers or their shares to go to my daughter Izard
85    and the Survivor of the Survivors of the three in equal shares (that
86    is to say) In Case one dies then to be divided in three shares one
87    share to my daughter Izard and two shares between the Survivors
88    and so in proportion in case a greater number dies and in
89    Case my daughter Rebecca Izard should die before me or
90    before the death of any of my Children before age or
91    Marriage then I will that the Children of my said Rebeccah
92    Izard shall have the same share as if she was alive at the
93    contingency she would have had Lastly I do hereby nominate
94    and appoint my love daughter Rebeccah Izard my Son
95    Daniel Blake and my Son Ralph Izard Executrix and Executors
96    of this my last Will and Testament and Guardians to my
97    Children until they arrive at the age of Twenty one years and I
98    do give them Power to borrow as much of the Income of their
99    Estate as they shall think proper on their Education and likewise to
100    Improve the Estates of my said Children either by putting
101    Money at Interest buying Slaves or any other way they shall
102    judge most advantageous and I do hereby ratify and confirm this
103    to be my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former
104    Wills In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal
105    this Eighteenth day of December Anno Domini 1750 Joseph Blake
106    Signed Sealed and Published in the presence of us Jacob Molte
107    William Roper Alexander Rigg
108    Secretarys Office The foregoing writing of two Sheets of paper is a true copy from the Original
109    Will of the Hon[oura]ble Joseph Blake Esquire deceased Exam. And certified by Wm Pinckney Dep[u]ty Sec[reta]ty
110    11 February 1752
111    Appeared personally John Ouldfield of South Carolina
112    Planter at present residing in the City of London and William
113    George Freeman of South Carolina aforesaid at present also
114    residing in the City of London Gentleman and being Sworn on
115    the holy Evangelists to depose the truth made Oath each for
116    himself as follows That they very well know William
117    Pinckney deputy Secretary of the Province of South Carolina
118    aforesaid and are well acquainted with his Manner and Character
119    of handwriting having several times seen him write and having
120    more carefully viewed the Memorandum or certificate wrote at
121    the end of the Copy of the last Will and Testament of Joseph
122    Blake late of Berkley County in the Province of South
123    Carolina Esquire deceased bearing date Eighteenth day of
124    December anno domini 1750 and hereto annext which said
125    Memorandum or certificate is contained in the following Words to
126    wit Charles Town So Carolina Secretarys Office The foregoing
127    Writing of two Sheets of Paper is a true copy from the Original
128    Will of the honourable Joseph Blake Esquire deceased
129    examined and Certified per Wm Pinckney Depty Secty they these
130    appearers do severally say that they do verily believe the
131    whole contents of the said Memorandum or Certificate and the
132    said Name and Words Wm Pinckney Depty Secty thereto
133    Subscribed to be all of the proper handwriting of the said
134    William Pinckney Deputy Secretary of the said Province of
135    South Caroline aforesaid Jno Ouldfield Wm Geor Freeman
136    same day the said John Oldfield and William George Freeman
137    were Sworn to the truth of this affidavid before me Robt Chapman
138    Surrogate Present Hen: Stevens sr p
139    This Will was proved at London before the Worshipful
140    Robert Chapman doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right honourable
141    Sir George Lee Knight also doctor of Laws Master Keeper or
142    Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
143    constituted on the Twentieth day of February in the Year of our Lord
144    One thousand seven hundred and fifty two by the Oath of Daniel
145    Blake Esquire the Son of the deceased and one of the Executors
146    in the said Will named to whom administration was granted of
147    all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased
148    being first Sworn duly to administer Power reserved of making
149    the like Grant to Ralph Izard and Rebecca Izard his Wife the other
150    Executors named in the said Will when they or either of them shall
151    apply for the same The Letters of Administration of the Goods
152    of the said deceased heretofore to wit in the Month of September
153    last granted to John Nickleson the Curator or Guardian lawfully
154    assigned of the said Daniel Blake and also of William Blake Minors
155    two of the natural and lawful Children of the said deceased as well
156    for the use and benefit of the said Minors as of the said Rebecca
157    Izard and also of Ann Blake Spinster a Minor the other natural
158    and lawful Children of the said deceased then residing at South
159    Carolina aforesaid until one of the said Minors should attain the Age
160    of Twenty one Years or untill the Original Will of the said decease
161    if he made any should be brought into the Registry of the
162    Prerogative Court of Canterbury being first brought in voluntarily
163    and declared to be ceased and expired as by the Acts of the said
164    Court more fully appears

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