Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Will of William Blake, Esquire, Bedford Row, Middlesex - The National Archives PROB 11/1516, probated 26 Nov 1810

This will of William Blake of Bedford Row includes legacies to his daughters including Frances [will blogged 10 Jan 2017], Alicia, wife of Thomas Strickland, and Caroline wife of John Robley, and makes his only son William sole executor. William Blake aged 77 was buried in the North Aisle of St Bartholomew 05/06/1810, and Alicia Blake, his wife was buried 08/04/1809. William Blake’s will refers to property at Chiswick and in Aldersgate, the latter on a long lease.

Within the will, William mentions his nephews and nieces Frears thus helping to prove that this was likely the William Blake who lived at Ravenglas, Cumberland. There are several bequests that could be researched to perhaps learn more about William Blake in his younger years. Searching on innholder, Ravenglas, Frears, Edward Frears did not reveal any further information on this Blake family in Cumberland.

Children living at the time of his death included Frances, Alicia, Caroline and William. The remainder of his children must be assumed to be deceased.

William Hodgson Blake, born 9 Jul 1767 and baptized 6 Aug 1767 at St Bartholomew the Great, London; buried 13 Sep 1767

Alicia Blake was born 17 Jan 1769, baptized 15 Feb 1769 at St Bartholomew the Great, London and married Thomas Strickland 3 Apr 1800 in London

John Rodolph Blake born 29 Oct 1770 and baptized 31 Oct 1770 at St Bartholomew the Great, London; buried 9 Feb 1774

Frances Blake born 25 Jul 1772 at Chiswick, died by 26 Nov 1811 at Liverpool

William Blake, born 31 Jan 1774 and baptized 27 Feb 1774 at St Bartholomew the Great, London and married Mary Nash 25 Jul 1797 at St Mary le Bone, London

John Blake born 17 Oct 1775, Aldersgate Street, London; died in 1799 at Polygars, S India

Caroline Blake born 13 Apr 1777 at Aldersgate Street, London, baptized 24 Aug 1777 at St Botolph without Aldersgate and married there to John Robley 2 Jul 1799.

There are a number of wills that belong to this family but a review of the wills of the Robley family do not add to the knowledge of this Blake family hence they will not be transcribed but the will of William Blake (the son of the testator) will be transcribed next. I will return to Lancashire wills once completed.

Will of Caroline Robley, Widow of Tiverton, Devon, PROB 11/1990/219, probated 19 Dec 1843

Will of John Robley of Bloomsbury, Middlesex, PROB 11/1671/56, probated 7 May 1823

Will of William Blake of Portland Place, Middlesex, PROB 11/2162/390, probated 22 Dec 1852

There wasn’t a will found for Alicia Strickland in the PCC list of wills or a search of Ancestry.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 11 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1516
Name of testator: William Blake, Esquire
Place: Bedford Row, Middlesex, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated 7 Dec 1811, probated 26 Nov 1810
Read: Electronic file images

[In margin] William Blake Esqr 10

1    This is the last Will
2    and Testament of me William Blake of Boston now in
3    the County of Midd[lese]x Esqr which I write publish and declare
4    in manner following that is to say I give devise and bequeath
5    unto my Son William Blake the younger his heirs Ex[ecut]ors
6    and admors all and every the copyhold and leasehold
7    messauges or Tenements and premises at Chiswick in the
8    County of Middx and in Aldersgate Street London comprised
9    in a lease thereof bearing date on or about the 21st day of
10    August 1804 from me to Messrs Edw[ar]d Sage and William
11    Rawdon for a long term of years at the yearly rent of five
12    hundred and fifty pounds and upon trust from time to
13    time during the time provided by the said lease to pay the
14    said rent as the same shall grow due and be received unto my
15    daur Frances Blake her Executors admors and assigns to whom
16    I give the same for her and their absolute use and benefit and from
17    and after the end of the same term devised by the said lease it is
18    my will that the said copyhold and leasehold premises shall
19    be deemed and taken as part of the residue of my Estate I
20    give unto my said daur Frances Blake the Sum of
21    three thousand pounds I give and bequeath unto her Trustees
22    for the time being under the marriage Settlement of my
23    daur Alicia the Wife of Thomas Strickland Esqr the Sum of
24    three thousand pounds upon trust to lay out and invest the
25    same in the purchase of Government Stocks or Funds or on
26    real Securities at Interest with full power to alter and transpose
27    the same at their discretion and pay the dividend or interest
28    thereof into the proper hands of my said daur Alicia for her
29    life for her separate use and from and after her decease upon
30    trust to assign transfer and pay the principal thereof unto and
31    amongst all and every or such one or more of the child or
32    children of her my said daur Alicia or their Issue which
33    shall be living at her decease as she my said daur whether
34    married or sole and notwithstanding her coverture shall by any
35    deed or writing under her hand and seal attested by two or
36    more credible witnesses or by her last will and Testament in
37    writing or any writing purporting to be or in the nature of
38    her last will and Testament to be by her executed in the
39    presence of and attested by the like number of witnesses shall
40    direct limit or appoint give or bequeath the same and in ____
41    thereof into and amongst all and every the child and children of
42    her my said daur Alicia Strickland which shall be living at
43    her decease and the issue of such of their as shall be then dead
44    such issue treating the life share as their deceased parents
45    would have before if living and not otherwise share and share alike
46    I give and bequeath unto the trustees for the time being under the
47    marriage settlement of my daur Caroline the Wife of John
48    Robley Esqr the sum of three thousand pounds upon the life
49    Trusts for my daur Caroline and her issue in all respects as are
50    herein before declared respecting the trust monies hereinbefore
51    by me given for the benefit of my said daur Alicia and her Issue
52    as aforesaid and it is my Will that the said Trust monies
53    shall become payable by my Exor at the end of twelve calendar
54    months next after my decease and then in case any now
55    Trustees shall after such payment be appointed under the
56    said Settlement of my said daurs Alicia and Caroline or either of
57    them then the said Trust monies so by me given for their
58    benefit as aforesaid or the Securities on which the same shall
59    be invested shall from time to time be so assigned or transferred
60    as to be and remain vested in the Trustees for the time being under
61    the said respective marriage settlements etc be by them ____
62    upon the trusts aforesaid I give unto Mr Samuel Boote of
63    Ravenglas an annuity of twelve Guineas a year for his life
64    I give unto Miss Ann Greene of Bradford in Yorkshire an
65    annuity of give pounds a year for her life I give unto my
66    nephews and nieces William Frears Edward Frears Elizabeth
67    Frears and Isabella Frears the sum of twenty pounds each for
68    mourning I give unto Christopher Paxton Esqr the Sum of
69    Fifty pounds and unto the said Ann Green the sum of Twenty pounds
70    for mourning I devise all the residue and remainder of my real
71    and personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever unto my only son the
72    said William Blake the younger his heirs Exors and admors absolutely
73    for ever and I appoint my said Son William Blake sole Exor of this
74    my Will In witness whereof I the said Testor William Blake
75    have to this my last Will and Testament contained in three sheets
76    of paper set my hand to the first two sheets and my hand and seal to
77    this third and last sheet thereof the eighth day of dec[emb]er in the year
78    of our Lord 1809 Wm Blake Signed sealed and published and
79    declared by the said Testor William Blake as and for his last will
80    and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his
81    request and in the presence of each other havew hereunto subscribed our
82    names as witnesses thereto Gil Bleasedale Threadwell Street
83    Edwd Rickersleets Saml Rogers his clerks
84    Proved at London 26th No[vemb]er 1810 before the Worshipful John
85    daubery dr of laws and surrte by the oath of William Blake the
86    son and the Exor being sworn to admin

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