Monday, January 2, 2017

Will of William Blake, Esquire, City of Bristol, Gloucestershire, The National Archives, PROB 11/1213/141, probated 14 Jan 1792

I mentioned the marriage of a William Blake to Rebecca Milles 12 Jun 1754 at Duloe, Cornwall in the following blog.

Also mentioned in this blog the baptisms of a son Richard 1 Dec 1760 at Bristol, a son William 3 Dec 1757 and a daughter Rebecca 21 Apr 1759 all at Bristol to William and Rebecca Blake. Only the baptism of Mary is missing. Judging by the coat of arms on the memorial table for Richard Blake husband of Anne Augusta Blake (formerly Hayward), this line uses the same coat of arms as the Blake family of Calne.

A relook at the marriage records now online for Cornish parishes does not reveal this marriage mentioned above (the marriage is listed in Ancestry as William Blake and Rebecca Blakey 12 Jun 1754 at Duloe).  Find My Past, however, does list this as the marriage of William Blake and Rebecca Milles at Duloe 12 Jun 1754 (and a second reference has the surname of Rebecca as Blakey). But why not listed on the marriage records for Cornish parishes transcribed by the online parish clerks? That does appear somewhat confusing.

Who is this William Blake and how does he relate to the other members of the Ambrose Blake family in Gloucestershire or does he come down from another line also related to the Blake family at Calne?

Names mentioned in the will:

William Blake, Esquire, Bristol, testator
John Smith, tenant
Richard Blake, (married), son, child of first marriage
William Blake, (married), son, child of first marriage
____ Coriton Esquire, landlord
James Blake, son, child of second marriage
Mr Higgins, brazier, tenant
Mrs Hellier, tenant
John Marsh, Esquire, son in law
Clementia Blake, daughter, child of second marriage
Mr Hall, tenant
Mr Jeremiah Osborne, trustee (not for this testator)
Benjamin Pike, coach painter, tenant
Rebecca Mogg, daughter, wife of Jacob Mogg the younger
Jacob Mogg, the younger, gentleman, son in law
Mrs Tyler, tenant
Mr Jenkins, tenant
Mary Marsh, daughter, wife of John Marsh, Esquire
Maria Marsh, grand daughter
Carolina Marsh, grand daughter
Henry Marsh, grandson
Harriott Marsh, grand daughter
Mr Biggs, tenant
Mr Room, tenant
Mr Whitby, artist
____ Crattle
Mrs Dean, tenant
Mrs Blake, tenant
Joseph Dyer, distiller, tenant

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 12 May 2014
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1213/141
Testator:  William Blake, esquire
Place: Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 21 Mar 1791, probated 14 Jan  1792
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: William
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: Esq[uie]r

1    The Last Will and Testament
2    of me William Blake of the City of Bristol Esquire made
3    the twenty first day of March one thousand seven
4    hundred and ninety one (that is to say) Whereas I
5    am seized or possessed of two Estates part of the Manor
6    of Salcomb Regis in the County of Devon which I hold
7    by Copy of Court Roll of the Dean and Chapter
8    of Exeter for Lives and Widowhoods consisting of
9    Messuages or Tenements and Lands part whereof is
10    in my own possession and other part let to John
11    Smith I give the said Copyhold Estates with their
12    Rights and appurtenances to my Son Richard Blake
13    To hold to him for his life and the life of his widow
14    according to the Custom of the said Manor and
15    after his decease I give the said Estates with their
16    Rights and appurtenances to my Son William Blake
17    To hold to him for his life and the life of his widow
18    according to the said Custom of I give and devise unto
19    my said Son Richard all and singular my Messuages
20    Lands and hereditaments called Hole in the parish
21    of Saint Veep in the County of Cornwall part
22    whereof is Freehold and other part Leasehold held of
23    _______ Coriton Esquire for ninety nine Years
24    determinable with lives To hold to my said Son
25    Richard his heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns
26    for all my Estate Term or Terms and Interest therein
27    respectively I give and devise to my Son James all those
28    three Messuages or Tenements adjoining and Garden
29    Ground behind the same with their appurtenances
30    situate in a place called Turnagain Lane leading from
31    Saint James’s Churchyard in Bridewell Bridge in the
32    parish of Saint James and City of Bristol in the
33    occupations of Mr Higgins Brazier and others and also
34    all that Messuage or Tenement with its appurtenances
35    situate on the East Side of Saint James’s Church
36    Yard in the Occupation of Mrs Hellier To hold to my
37    said Son James his heirs Executors Administrators and
38    Assigns for all my Estate and Interest therein respectively
39    and I acquit release and discharge my Son James
40    his heirs Executors and Administrators and also his Estate
41    and Effects Real and Personal from all claims and
42    demands which I my heirs Executors or Administrators
43    can or may have on him or them I give to my
44    Son Richard and Son in Law John Marsh Esquire
45    three hundred pounds upon Trust that they or the
46    Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators do
47    and shall best the same in an annuity for the
48    life and for use of my daughter Clementia Blake
49    the said annuity to be secured on Land and made
50    payable to her and her assigns by quarterly payments
51    and until such annuite shall be purchased to place
52    out the said Sum of three hundred pounds on Land
53    or Government Security in the Joint Names of my
54    said Trustees and the Interest or Dividends ensuing
55    their from shall be paid to my said Daughter I
56    give and devise to my said Daughter Clementia her
57    heirs and assigns a freehold Messuage or Tenement
58    situate on the East Side of Saint James’s Church
    [Page 2]
60    Yard in the occupation of Mr. Hall Whereas the
61    Sum of two hundred and seventy pounds or thereabouts
62    which was placed out at Interest in the Name of
63    Mr Jeremiah Osborne a Trustee on that occasion
64    on Security of a Messuage in Kingswood Street
65    Bath now or late in the occupation of Benjamin
66    Pike Coach painter the possession of which is since
67    surrendered up to the Mortgagee also the Rents
68    received for the use of my said Daughter Clementia
69    It is my Will as far as I have any power or
70    Controul respectring the same that the Principal and
71    Interest Money due and to grow due therein shall
72    be had and received by my Executors hereinafter
73    named and paid to my said Daughter for her
74    use and benefit I give to my said Daughter
75    Clementia ten pounds per Annum during her life
76    to be paid to her and her assigns by my Son
77    Richard out of the Interest Money on his Bond
78    of Five hundred pounds given by him to me and
79    my Will and intention is that the before mentioned
80    devised and bequests to my Son James and Daughter
81    Clementia are upon Condition that each of them
82    shall hold and enjoy the same in full compensation
83    and discharge of any Claims or pretended Claim by
84    any of them upon me my heirs Executors or Admors
85    in respect to or by virtue of any Deed of Settlement
86    by me entered into for the benefit of the Children
87    or Issue of my first Marriage or otherwise and that
88    my said Son James and Daughter Clementia shall
89    on request to them made by my Executors Execute good and
90    valid Releases and Discharges in the Law to them
91    and also my Estate of all claims and demands
92    against me and my Estate upon any account
93    whatsoever and upon refusal so to do my devise and
94    bequest to them severally made and appointed by
95    this my Will shall be void and what is herein
96    given and devised to each of them I give and
97    devise to my said Son Richard and Son in Law
98    John Marsh To hold to them their heirs Executors
99    Administrators and assigns equally share and
100    share alike I give to the said Richard Blake
101    and John Marsh Five hundred pounds to be by
102    them or the Survivor his Executors or Administrators
103    vested in the publick Funds or on Land Security
104    in their Names In Trust to pay the dividends or Interest
105    thereof to my Daughter Rebecca wife of Jacob
106    Mogg the younger Gentleman during her life separate
107    from her present or any future husband and her
108    Receipt along from time to time shall be a
109    sufficient discharge for the same and after her
110    decease In Trust to pay and divide the said Sum
111    of Five hundred pounds equally between the Issue
    [Page 3]
112    or Children of my said Daughter Rebecca at their
113    respective ages of twenty one years and in case of
114    the Death of either of them before attainment to
115    such age to the Survivors or Survivor of them and
116    in default of such Issue to such person or persons
117    said Daughter notwithstanding her Coverture shall
118    by Deed or Will give limit direct or appoint I give
119    to my said Daughter Rebecca Mogg ten pounds
120    per Annum During her life to be paid to her and
121    her Assigns by my Son Richard being the remainder
122    of the Interest Money on his said Bond of Five
123    hundred pounds and after the decease of the said
124    Clementia Blake and Rebecca Mogg I give the
125    Principal Sum of Five hundred pounds secured by
126    such Bond to my Son Richard his Executors or
127    Administrators I give and devise to my Son in Law
128    John Marsh a Freehold Messuage with inclosed
129    pieces of Garden Ground in Front of the said
130    Messuage and used therewith and appurts thereto
131    belonging situate in Dove Street in the Parish
132    of Saint James in the County of Gloucester wherein
133    I now Dwell Also a Freehold Messuage in Duke
134    Street near Kings Square Bristol in the occupation
135    of Mrs Tyler also a Messuage in Dowry Square
136    in the parish of Clifton in the said County of
137    Gloucester in the occupation of Mr Jenkins which I
138    hold for the remainder of a term of one thousand
139    Years To hold the said three Messuages with their
140    Appurtenances to the said John Marsh and his
141    Assigns for life and after his decease I give and
142    devise the same three Messuages Garden Ground
143    and Premises with their appurtenances unto my
144    Daughter Mary Wife of the said John Marsh
145    and her assigns for her life then keeping upholding
146    maintaining the said Messuages and premises
147    and each and every of them in good tenantable
148    repair and after the decease of the Survivor of them
149    the said John Marsh and Mary his Wife I give
150    and devise the Messuage in Dove Street with its
151    appurtenances to my Grand Daughter Maria
152    Marsh her heirs and Assigns and I give and
153    devise the said Messuage in Duke Street with its
154    appurtenances unto my Grand Daughter Carolina
155    Marsh her heirs and Assigns and I give the said
156    Messuage in Dowry Square with its appurtenances
157    to my Grandson Henry Marsh his Executors
158    Administrators and Assigns for all my Estate term
159    and Interest therein I give and devise to my
160    Grand Daughter Harriott Marsh her heirs and Assigns
161    my moiety or half part of a Freehold Messuage
162    or Tenement with the Appurtenances situate in
    [Page 4]
163    Charles Street in the parish of Saint James aforesaid
164    in the Occupation of Mr Biggs and also my Moiety or
165    half part of a Messuage or Tenement with the Appurts
166    in Pipe Lane in the parish of Saint Augustine in
167    the City of Bristol in the occupation of Mr Room
168    which premises last mentioned are Leasehold and
169    held of the Feoffees of Saint Mary Redcliff parish
170    Lands determinable with lives to hold to my said
171    Grand Daughter Harriott her Executors Administrators ans Assigns
172    for and during all my Estate term and Interest therein
173    I give all my Books in my Dwelling house in Dove
174    Street to my Sons Richard and William Blake I give my
175    Silver Cup and Cover given me by Mr Corsers
176    Executor to my Son William I give the Rest of my
177    Plate to my daughters Mary Marsh and Rebecca
178    Mogg and my Son Richard Blake I give my China
179    in the House in Dove Street to my Daughter’s Mary
181    Marsh and Rebecca Mogg I give to my said Daughter
182    Mary Marsh my Portrait Drawn by Mr Whitby I give the
183    Household Goods and Implements of household and
184    other things appertaining thereto in my house at
185    Sidmouth in the County of Devon to my Son William
186    Blake I give the household Goods and Implements
187    of household and other things appertaining thereto
188    and my Books in my house at Egypt near Sidmouth
189    to my Son Richard Blake I give to my Nephews
190    Charles Blake Forty pounds I give to my now Servant
191    Maids three Guineas each and to my Servant Boy two
192    Guineas I give to the said Richard Blake and John
193    Marsh Fifty pounds to be applied for the benefit of
194    _______ Crattle by annual payments of ten pounds
195    I give and devise to the said Richard Blake and John
196    Marsh one fourth part of the Sugar house and
197    Dwelling house in Redcliff Street in the City of Bristol
198    part hold or Lease under the Chamber of the said
199    City as Feoffees of Forsters Alms houses and other
200    part under the Feoffees of Saint Thomas parish
201    Lands lately occupied by Mrs Dean and Blake as
202    Sugar house And now by Joseph Dyer Distiller together
203    with a Moiety of all the utensils Materials and
204    appurtenances used in carrying on the Sugar Refining
205    Business and one half of the Erections that now remain
206    there and also all my household Goods (except what
207    is herein otherwise disposed of in my house in Dove
208    Street aforesaid Also my three Shares in the Bristol
209    Fire office also my Bank Stock of two thousand three
210    hundred and sixty five pounds in the Four per cents also
211    my two hundred pounds Short Annuities and all and
211    singular other my Estate and Effects Real and personal
213    whatsoever and wheresoever after payment of my just
214    Debts Funeral Expences and discharges incident to whit trust
215    To hold to them the said Richard Blake and John Marsh
    [Page 5]
216    their heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns
217    Upon Trust to sell transfer dispose of and receive
218    the same and every part thereof and the Moneys
219    arising by such Sale transfer disposition and Receipt
220    to pay and divide as hereinafter mentioned (that is to
221    say) One sixth part to my Son William one sixth part
222    to my Daughter Mary Marsh One sixth part to
223    my Daughter Rebecca Mogg one sixth part to my
224    Son Richard Blake one sixth part to be divided equally
225    between my Son James and Daughter Clementia
226    Blake and the remaining sixth part to be divided
227    equally between my Grand Children Son or Sons and
228    Daughters of my Son William Blake And I hereby
229    nominate and appoint the said Richard Blake and
230    John Marsh Executors in Trust of this my Will and
231    revoking all other Wills by me made do declare this
232    to be my last In Witness whereof I have to this my
233    last Will and Testament contained in Five Sheets of
234    paper to the first four Sheets thereof set my hand
235    and to this fifth and last Sheet my hand and
236    Seal the Day and year above written Willm
237    Blake Signed Sealed Published and Declared
238    by the above named William Blake the Testator
239    as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence
240    of us who in his presence at his request and in the
241    presence of each other have hereunto subscribed
242    our Names as Witnesses The word “three” being interlined
243    instead of five in the fourth line from the Bottom of
244    the first Sheet hereof Richard Milles Susan Milles
245    Fenwick Bird
246    This Will was proved at London the
247    fourteenth day of January in the year of our Lord
248    one thousand seven hundred and ninety two before the
249    Right honorable Sir William Wynne Knight Doctor
250    of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the
251    Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted
252    by the Oaths of Richard Blake the Son of the deceased
253    and John Marsh the Executors named in the said
254    Will to whom Administration was granted of all and
255    singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said
256    deceased having been first sworn (by Commission) duly
257    to administer.

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