Thursday, January 12, 2017

Will of William Blake, Esquire, Portland Place, Middlesex - The National Archives PROB 11/2162, probated 22 Dec 1852

The testator, William Blake, is the son of the William Blake whose will was blogged the 11th of Jan 2017.

William Blake was baptized 13 Jan 1774 at St Bartholomew, London son of William Blake and Alicia Hodgson.

William died at Danesbury, Hertfordshire 24 Nov 1852.

William Blake married Mary Nash 25 Jul 1797 at St Mary le Bone, London.

Their children (online tree at ancestry and verified where possible):

William Blake born 4 May 1798, baptized 11 June 1798 St Mary, Marylebone, likely died by 1805

Mary Blake born 15 Jun 1799, married Wilhelm Julius Augustus Henry Baron von Biel 23 Feb 1833 at All Souls, Marylebone, London and died 17 Jun 1873 at Zierow, Brunswick

Caroline Blake baptized 12 Jun 1801 at Irton, Cumberland married Henry Davidson 22 Jun 1837 at St George, Hanover Square

Ellen Blake was born 5 Aug 1802, baptized 2 Sep 1802 at Irton, Cumberland, and married John Alexander Hankey 30 Aug 1825 at St George, Hanover Square

Frances Blake was born 10 Jan 1804 and baptized 12 Mar 1804 at Irton, Cumberland and died 1879 at Portland Place, Middlesex

William John Blake was born 12 May 1805 and died 1875 at Danesbury

Emily Blake was born 27 Oct 1806 and baptized 2 Dec 1806 at St Mary, Marylebone, married Christopher William Giles Puller 5 Jul 1831 at St George, Hanover Square

Frederic Rodolph Blake was born 16 Aug 1808 and baptized 21 Sep 1808 at St Mary, Marylebone, married Henrietta Marten 20 Mar 1849 at Sandridge, Hertfordshire

Matilda Blake was born 27 Aug 1812 baptized 24 Sep 1812 at St Mary, Marylebone and buried 4 May 1814 at St Bartholomew

Henry Wollaston Blake was born 3 Mar 1815 and baptized 4 Apr 1815 at St Mary, Marylebone, married Charlotte Anne Wallbanks Childers 10 Dec 1850

Both Frederic and Henry had male descendants carrying the Blake surname into the 1900s.

Interesting that several of the children were born/baptized in Cumberland at Irton (Ravenglas is 3.8 miles from Irton). Again in this generation the roots of this Blake family in Cumberland appear to be well established. There was a George Blake at Arthuret (Eskdale Ward) on the 1641-42 Protestation Returns. I have never traced this Blake line but it is interesting as another researcher has stated that this Blake line may be related to the Blake family at Bridgwater, Somerset. However the distance from Arthuret to Ravenglas is 63 miles.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 12 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/2162
Name of testator: William Blake, Esquire
Place: Portland Place, Middlesex, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated 4 Jul 1850, probated 22 Dec 1852
Read: Electronic file images

[In margin] William Blake Esqr 10

1    I William Blake of Portland Place in the County
2    of Middlesex and of Danesbury in the County of Hertford Esquire so hereby
3    revoke all Wills Codicils and Testamentary dispositions made by me at any
4    time heretofore and declare this my last Will and Testament whereas several
5    joint appointments have been made by me and my late wife in pursuance
6    and execution of the power or power contained in the maSettlement made on
7    our marriage dates the twenty second day of July one thousand seven hundred
8    and ninety seven and also by myself since her decease by a deed pole bear
9    ing year date herewith and executed immediately before the execution
10    thereof And I am desirous but without prejudice to any appointment as
11    made of disposing of all the residue of my Estate and Effects in manner
12    hereinafter contained Now I hereby give devise and bequeath all the Rest
13    Residue and Remainder of my Estate and Effects Real and Personal
14    of or to which I may die seized possessed or entitled or leave power to dis
15    pose not already given directed or appointed by me and my said late Wife
16    jointly or by me alone since her decease or which at any time or times here
17    after may not be directed appointed or given by me by any deed or deeds execu
18    ted by me pursuant to the power or powers in my said Marriage Settle
19    ment or any other power or authority enabling me in that behalf unto my
20    Son William John Blake his heirs executors administrators and assigns
21    according to my estate right and interest therein respectively Provided always
22    that if my said Son William John Blake shall depart this life in my lifetime
23    without leaving a Wife or a Child or Children him surviving then the
24    said manors messuages farms lands and hereditaments trust monies stocks
25    funds and securities interest dividends and annual produce rents issues and
26    profits and Real and Personal Estates hereby appointed to him as last
27    aforesaid shall be subject and charged as aforesaid be to the use of and in trust
28    for my Son Frederic Rodolph Blake his heirs executors administrators and
29    assigns respectively for this and their absolute use and benefit And if
30    both of them the said William John Blake and Frederic Rodolph Blake
31    shall depart this life in my lifetime without having a Wife or a Child
32    or Children then respectively surviving then the said manors messuages
33    farms lands and hereditaments trust monies Stocks Funds and Securities
34    interest dividends and annual produce rents issues and profits and Real and
35    Personal Estate hereby appointed to them respectively as last aforesaid
36    shall subject and charges as aforesaid be to the use of and in trust for my Son
37    Henry Wollaston Blake his heirs executors administrators and assigns
38    respectively for his and their absolute use and benefit And in case all of
39    them my said Sons William John Blake, Frederic Rodolph Blake and
40    Henry Wollaston Blake shall respectively depart this life in my lifetime with
41    out leaving a Wife or a Child or Children then respectively surviving then
42    and in such case the said Manors or Lordships messuages farms lands
43    hereditaments trust monies Stocks Funds and Securities interest dividends
44    annual produce rents issues and profits and Real and Personal Estate
45    hereby appointed as last aforesaid shall (subject and charged as aforesaid
46    be to the use of and in trust for my daughters Ellen Hankey, Emily Puller
47    Mary Baroness von Biel, Caroline Davidson and Frances Blake and their
48    respective heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively in equal
49    shares and proportions for their respective absolute use and benefit as
50    tenants in common and not as joint tenants And I hereby direct limit
51    appoint and declare that in the event last aforesaid the shares of the said
52    Ellen Hankey, Emily Puller, Mary Baroness von Biel and Caroline Davidson of
53    and in the Real and Personal Estates hereby respectively appointed as last
54    aforesaid shall be sold and converted into money and be paid to the
55    Trustees or Trustee for the time being of their respective Marriage Settle
56    ments and be held by them upon the life trusts as are herein declared
57    of and concerning the trust monies thereby respectively appointed by me
58    and my said late Wife on the marriage of my said respective daughters or
59    as near thereto as the deaths of parties and other intervening circum
60    stances will then admit and I declare that the several devises and
61    bequests herein contained are without prejudice to the joint appointments
62    so made by me and my said late Wife and by report alone in manner
63    aforesaid and shall not in anywise prejudice any disposition so made of
64    the said settled property as aforesaid And I appoint my said Son William
65    John Blake sole Executor of this my Will In Witness whereof I the said
66    William Blake the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament set
67    my hand the fourth day of July one thousand eight hundred and fifty
68    Wm Blake Signed by the said William Blake the Testator as and for his
69    last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who
70    in his presence have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses the word
71    fifth being previously struck through and the word fourth written over it
72    in the date T B Young New Inn Geo Hart Clerk to Messrs Holme
73    New Inn
74    Proved at London the 22nd Dec 1852 before the Worshipful James Parker
75    Deane doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of William John Blake
76    Esqr the Son the sole Executor to whom Admon was granted having been
77    First sworn duly to administer

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth Thanks for your researches but I have some questions and some information for you.
    My great great great grandfather was William Blake (of 62 Portland Place Central London and Danesbury Welwyn in Hertfordshire) - his daughter Caroline being my great great grandmother on my father's side.
    I have been looking in to family history and always thought that Caroline was born in 1802. She did not marry until 1837 to a man also born in 1802. That is very late for the time - 35 years old. I wonder if she falsified her date of birth so as not to seem older than her husband, Henry Davidson. Where did you get the dates of birth for Caroline, Ellen and Frances? My records show them to be have been born in 1802, 1804 and unknown for Frances/Fanny who remained unmarried and perhaps was not prepared to lie about her date of birth to enhance her sister's marriage prospects!
    But you have got the right Blakes in Cumberland (now Cumbria) but I am not sure re historical connections with the county - Blake being a pretty common name. I have contemporaneous notes by William Blake of where the family lived from marriage in 1797 until Mary's death in 1850, William Blake and his wife Mary (nee Nash) rented (or owned -William Blake's notes do not say which) Holm Nook near Irton in Cumbria from 1800 to 1803 which would tally with your dates of birth for Caroline, Ellen and Frances being born locally.
    Thanks again
    Alison Venning
