Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Will of Anne King, Widow, Upton Gray, Hampshire - The National Archives PROB 11/198, probated 4 Nov 1646

The next set of wills is actually for members of the King family in the areas around Andover, Hampshire. My 4x great grandmother was Joanna King daughter of Thomas King and Mary Carter and she was baptized at Upper Clatford where her father was a farmer. Locating the parents of Thomas King has proven to be somewhat difficult and so I collected these wills to see if I could find any clues. Thomas himself left a will but does not indicate any other members of his family then his son in law Joseph Blake. There are sixteen King wills.

Looking at Find My Past there was a marriage for Thomas King 2 May 1694 to Anne Winch at Upton Gray. The bride from Bray, Berkshire with bondsmen Symon Winch and Richard Winch.

There are another fifteen wills which include a Robert King in 1652. This is unlikely to be my King family located at Upper Clatford as it is 27 miles between them but will wait and see.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 26 Feb 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/198
Name of testator: Anne King
Place: Upton Gray, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 20 Jul 1637, probated 4 Nov 1646

[In margin] T[estamentu]m Anne King

1    In the Name of God Amen The twentith
2    day of July Ano Domini one thousand six hundred thirty seven And
3    in the thirteenth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lorde Charles by
4    the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King
5    defender of the faith etc I Anne King of Upton Gray in the County of
6    South[amp]t[on] widow being weake in bodie but of good and perfect memory
7    And understanding thanks be given to Almighty God therefore doe make
8    and declare this my present last will and testament in manner and forme
9    following That is to say first I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty
10    God my Creator assuredly trusting through the onely merits death and
11    passion of my blessed Savior Jesus Christ to have life everlasting And my
12    bodie I commend to the earth from whence it came to be buried in decent manner
13    in the Church of Upton Gray aforesaid neere unto the place where my husband
14    was buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named Item I give
15    devise and bequeath unto Robert King my sonne all that Messuage or Tenement
16    newly built wherein he the sayd Robert now dwelleth and all my lands Tene
17    ments and hereditaments hereunto belonging or therewith now used occupied
18    or enioyed with theappurtances called or known by the name of the Farme sett
19    lying and being in the parrish of Upton gray aforesaid And all these my
20    lands and Tenements called Biddin with theappurtances in Up Nately in the County aforesaid
21    To have and to hold the same unto him the sayd Robert King my sayd sonne
22    for and during the terme of his natural life without impeachment of or for
23    any manner of waste And from and after his decease then to such issue as
24    the sayd Robert my sonne shall hereafter happen to have of his bodie lawfully
25    begotten and to be begotten and to the heires of such issue for ever But if it shall
26    happen that the sayd Robert my sayd sonne shall dye without such yssue
27    Then my will and meaning is and I hereby give and devise the sayd Messuage
28    and Tenement and all and singular the sayd lands and hereditaments and other
29    the premises with thappurtenances unto my Cozen Barnard Hunt the sonne
30    of my sister Margarett and to his heires for ever Item I give devise and
31    bequeath unto the sayd Barnard Hunt all my barnes and lands called
32    Lipscombs with thappurtenances in Upton Gray aforesaid which I heretofore pur
33    chased and are now in the tenure or occupations of William Cleeke and
34    Robert Lee or one of them or their Assignes to have and to hold the same
35    unto him the sayd Barnard Hunt for and during the Tearme of his natural
36    life without impeachment of or for any manner of waste
37    Then from and after his decease then I give and devise one block
38    of the said land and lands with the appurtenances called Lipscombs in foure parts to
39    be devised unto my kinsman Humfrie Hunte one of the sonnes of the said Bernard
40    Hunte and to the heires of him the said Humfrie for ever And allsoe on the other parte of
41    the said barnes and lands with the appurtenances called Lipscombs in foure parts to be
42    devised unto my kinsman William Hunte one other of the sonnes of the said Bernard Hunte
43    and to the heires of him the said William for ever And from and
44    after his decease for the one parte of the sayd barnes and lands
45    called Lipscombs with thappurtances in foure parts to be devided) unto my
46    kinsman John Hunt and other of the sonnes of the sayd Barnard Hunt
47    and to the heires of him the sayd John for ever And the residue and other
48    parte of the said Barnes and lands with thappurtenances called Lipscombes unto
49    my kinsman Barnard Hunt the younger one other of the sonnes of the
50    sayd Barnard Hunt and to the heires of him the sayd Barnard the yonger
51    for ever Item I give and bequeath unto Anne King my servant one
52    flockbedd one fether bolster one paire of blancketts and one paire of sheets
53    and fortie shillings in money Item I give and bequeath unto Edward
54    Dy___nce heretofore my servant fortie shillings And to my kinsman James
55    Kinge twentie shillings and to my Cozen Johan Shoare twentie shillings And
56    to her sonne James Hunt twenty shillings And to my servant Roger Gregory
57    six shillings and eight pence Item I give and bequeath unto the Cathedrall
58    Church of Winchester twelve pence And to the Church of Upton gray
59    aforesaid six shillings and eight pence Item I give and bequeath to the poore
60    of the parrish of Upton Gray aforesaid twentie shillings to be distributed
61    amongst them at the discretion of my sayd Executors All which sayd legacies
62    and summes of money by me hereto before given I will shall be delivered
63    and payd by my Executors within the space of three moneths next
64    after my decease The residue of all and singular my goods Chattells debts
65    Credit and personal estate whatsoever over and besides the guifts and
66    legacies aforesaid I give and bequeath unto my sayd sonne Robert Kinge
67    and the sayd Barnard Hunt the father whome I make joynt Executors of
68    this my present last will and testament And I make and ordayne and appoint
69    my loving friends and neighbours John Nashe and Richard Guy Overseers
70    of this my sayd will to whome I give and bequeath thirteene shillings and
71    four pence apiece for their care and paines in that behalf to be taken of in
72    Witnes whereof I the sayd Anne Kinge have hereunto set my hands and
73    seale the day and yeare first above written The marke of the sayd Anne
74    Kinge Signed sealed and published after the interlining of these words
75    vizt (the name of) his) pence) in the presence of Robert Savoer John Cooke
76    John Aylcoyn Humfrey Sutton The marke of Roger Gregory
77    Probatum fuit testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram ingro
78    Francisco Ringsteed legum Baccho Surrogato venerabili et egregij viro
79    domini Nathanielie Brent militis et legume doctoris Curie Prerogative
80    Magistri sive Custodis Quarto die Mensis Novembris Anno domini 1646
81    Juramento Barnardi Hunt primo Executorum in testamento predicto nominat
82    cui Commissa fuit Administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum jurium et Credi
83    torum dicti defuncti et onis testamentum quatri ______ de bene et
84    fideliter etc Ad Sancta dei Evangelia in debita Juris forma Jurat ______ Commissa
85    in _____ Reservato potestate similem Commissionem facienda Roberto King
86    filio die defuncta et alteri Executori in dicto testamenta nominat in venerit
87    eadem petitur Ex

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