Monday, February 6, 2017

Will of Arthur Blake of Pemblain, Glamorganshire, Wales - The National Archives, PROB 11/1475, probated 8 Mar 1808

Arthur Blake, the testator, from the website  

Arthur Blake born about 1745 youngest son of Andrew Blake of St Kitts by Marcella French of Ireland. His elder brother Patrick (History of Parliament 1742-1784) was MP for Sudbury and created a baronet in 1772, died 1.7.1784. Arthur Blake Esq 7.5.1763 Capt 86th regt from Lt 17th regt. / 21.1.1768 Capt Lt 3rd dragoons./ 6.12.1774 Arthur Blake Esq formerly of Conduit St but late of Quevilly Normandy, fugitive, surrendered to Kings Bench Prison / 11.2.1775 at St Geo Martyr Southwark (the parish of Kings Bench) AB Esq married Anne Susannah Garland. Their son Arthur Garland Blake bapt 6.9.1779 St Marylebone, son Edward Parker Blake bapt 1.9.1782 there (9.8.1782 newspaper announcement of birth at AB's house Holles St, Cavendish Sq) / Sun Fire Insurance 1777 Arthur Blake Esq nr Opera House Haymarket / 1779 Arthur Blake gent Charlinch Somerset  / 1781 Arthur Blake Esq Boddington Surrey / 11.1.1783 Capt Arthur Blake from half pay of 100th regt to Capt in Major Symes corps of foot  28.1.1783 exchanges / 1787 memoirs of miss Ann Sheldon vol 3  p60 Mr Arthur and Mr Kit Blake / 12.2.1789 Arthur Blake of Langham offered to stand for Sudbury / 27.5.1790 bandeleer taken from Bastille by person who arrested De Launay presented to Leverian museum by Arthur Blake / 21.11.1792 contributed to France fund of Socy for Const Info  / 1.6.1793 Leeward Is to Falmouth 40 days passenger & servant / 24.1.1794 proposed SCI member / 2.5.1794 steward at SCI dinner / 14.6.1794 ordered to Privy Council  / 23.6.1794 letter to Morning Chronicle from Devonshire St, Portland Place / 16.10.1794 on witness list treason trials  /  4.2.1795 steward of Friends of Freedom dinner / 2.4.1795 subscr 10gns to state trials defence fund / 14.4.1796 portrait of Capt Arthur Blake by Sir Joshua Reynolds for sale  / 23.5.1796 offered to stand for Sudbury again / 28.6.1796 steward for Tooke's Westminster campaign dinner / 5.10.1796 steward of Friends of Freedom dinner / 18.3.1797 steward of Friends of Parliamentary Reform dinner / 27.6.1798 W Barber Collingwood's Chambers, Grays inn, ad for creditors of Arthur Blake / 28.1.1802 Arthur Blake's neat house in Mortimer St purchased  / 6.12.1806 lately at his lodgings in Bath aged 61 Arthur Blake died / 1808 PCC will of Arthur Blake of Pemblain, Glamorgan / 1815 PCC will of Arthur Garland Blake (Madras civil servant from 1798)

As mentioned in Anne Susannah Blake’s transcription yesterday, Arthur is the 10th great grandson of Richard Caddell alias Blake of Galway, Ireland.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 6 Feb 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1475
Name of testator: Arthur Blake, Esquire
Place: Pemblain, Glamorganshire, Wales
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 2 Aug 1797, probated 8 Mar 1808

[In margin] Anne Susannah Blake 14

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Arthur Blake late of Beddington in the County
3    of Surrey but now of Pemblain in the County of
4    Glamorganshire do make declare publish and
5    announce this Instrument or writing to be my
6    last Will and Testament and I First and hope
7    it will without Quibble or for the want of any
8    particular Word or Words or manner of setting forth
9    by any particular expression or Expressions (according with
10    Law as it is termed) be viewed as such my
11    last desire request bequest and Testament that
12    is to say I Arthur Blake trust in these last
13    moments as I have ever done through the
14    vicissitudes of a most troublesome life that my
15    Creator will accept my Spirit when it shall
16    have departed this vile body notwithstanding
17    the many Transgressions It has been guilty of
18    and this the most hope and expect because
19    I have never doubted or questioned the Existence
20    of a Supreme Being but on the Contrary Always
21    trusted in him as my greatest Saviour and help
22    altho my life has been chequered with many
23    ungrateful Circumstances and Events and I do now
24    most solemnly I declare that my principal comfort
25    and support has ever been as it now is in the
26    benevolence of my Creator and in the faith of our
27    Lord Jesus Christ in which faith I was brought
28    up and educated and in which faith I die all
29    my worldly property of what nature or kind
30    soever if any remains unsettled after my just
31    debts are paid I give bequeath and devise
32    unto my two dearly well beloved children and
33    Sons Arthur Garland Blake and Edward
34    Parker Blake to be equally divided between them
35    when they arrive at the age of twenty one
36    years or to the Survivor if one should die and in
37    case both should die before the attainment
38    of twenty one years then I bequeath the same
39    as above mentioned to my most unfortunate
40    Wife Anne Susannah Blake as the heir of
41    that property (if any should remain unsettled)
42    came from her I appoint as Guardians to
43    my dear Children during their minority
44    Nathaniel Garland of Epson in the County of
45    Surrey Esquire Wm Houghton of Conduit Street
46    Hanover Square Esquire and their mother Anne
47    Susannah Blake and I hereby appoint the
48    aforesaid Anne Susannah Blake sole Executrix
49    to this my last Will and Testament written with
50    my own hand and sealed with my own Seal this second day of August in
51    the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
52    and ninety seven as Witness my hand Arthur
53    Blake Signed sealed published and declared
54    by the Testator as his last Will and Testament
55    in the presence of us who have hereunto
56    subscribed our names this seventeenth day of
57    Octr in the yer of our Lord one thousand seven
58    hundred and ninety seven John Stevens John
59    Macknamara John Edward
60    This Will was proved at London on the
61    eighth day of March in the Year of our Lord one
62    thousand eight hundred and eight before the
63    Worshipful Charles Coote Doctor of Laws Surrogate
64    of the Right Honorable Sir William Wynne
65    Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or
66    Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
67    lawfully constructed by the Oath of Anne Susannah
68    Blake Widow the Relict of the deceased the sole
69    Executrix named in the Said Will to whom Admon
70    was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels
71    and Credits of the Said deceased having been first
72    sworn duly to administer.

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