Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Will of Abraham Blake, Private Marine, HM Ship Vigilant - The National Archives PROB 11/1095, probated 18 Sep 1782

There is a baptism for an Abraham Blake 5 Dec 1756 in Kensington, Middlesex, England son of Richard and Isabel Blake. Richard was a labourer working in the gravel pits.

Abraham Blake, testator, was a private Marine and it isn’t possible to guess his age but this baptism would have him 25 years of age at the time of writing the will. There is another baptism in London in 1744 which would make him 37 years of age. Abraham Blake baptized 18 Sep 1744 in London, England son of John and Mary Blake.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 21 Mar 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1095
Name of testator: Abraham Blake
Place: Private Marine, HM Ship Vigilant, Sir George Home Baronet, Commander
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 10 Jun 1781, probated 18 Sep 1782

[In margin] Test: Abraham Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Abraham Blake private Marine belonging to his
3    Majesty’s Ship Vigilant Sir George Home Baronet Commander
4    being of sound and disposing Mind and Memory do make
5    publish and declare this my last will and Testament in manner
6    following that is to say to my Trusty Friend John Plinker
q    private Marine belonging to the aforesaid Ship I do
8    give devise and bequeath all the Wages Goods Chattels
9    and Estate whatsoever as may be due payable and
10    belonging unto me at the time of my decease I do give
11    and bequeath the same unto my trust friend John
12    Plinker as aforesaid and I do hereby nominate and
13    appoint the said John Plinker Executor of this my last
14    Will and Testament hereby revoking all former and other
15    Wills Testaments or Deed of Gifts by me at any time
16    heretofore made and I do ordain and ratify this to be
17    for and as my only last Will and Testament In Witness
18    whereof to this my said Will I have hereunto set my
19    hand and seal the Tenth day of June 1781 and in the
20    twenty first year of his Majestys Regine Abraham Blake
21    his Mark Signed sealed and delivered in the
22    presence of us at sea where no Stamp proper could be
23    had Geo Home Benjn Walmsley J Corearan Serj
24    On the eighteenth day of September in the year of our
25    Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two
26    Administration with the Will annexed of all and singular
27    the Goods Chattels and Credits of Abraham Blake late
28    a Marine belonging to his Majesty’s Ship Vigilant deceased
29    was granted to Joseph Blake the lawfull attorney of John
30    Plinker the sole Executor named in the said Will for the use
31    and Benefit of the said Executor now at Sea he having
32    been first sworn by Commission duly to administer

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