Thursday, March 2, 2017

Will of Anne King, widow, Upton Gray, Hampshire - The National Archives PROB 11/629, probated 2 May 1729

Just over 70 years later, a second will by Anne King widow at Upton Gray. Notably this family was also in London.

Mary, one of her daughters, was married to Luke Imber 28 Jan 1723 at Micheldever. It is 18 miles from Upton Gray to Micheldever (and interestingly enough 14 miles to Andover Hampshire).

The testator has a daughter named Anne and a son named James.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 27 Feb 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/629
Name of testator: Anne King
Place: Upton Gray, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 1 Aug 1728, probated 2 May 1729

[In margin] T[estamentu]m Anne King

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Anne King widow and Relict of Thomas King late of Upton
3    Gray in the County of South[amp]ton being in perfect health but knowing
4    the uncertainty of this mortal life do hereby make and declare
5    this to be my last will and Testament first I commend my soul to the
6    hands of almighty God and my body I commit to the Earth to be
7    decently buryed at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named
8    and as to my worldly Estate I give and dispose thereof as followeth
9    that is to say first I give and bequeath to my daughter Anne King
10    the several Goods and things mentioned in a paper writing or
11    Schedule hereunto annexed and I hereby make constitute and
12    appoint my Son James King to be my full and sole Executor of
13    this my last Will and Testament to whom after my just Debts and
14    funeral Expences are paid and discharged I give all my personal
15    Estate whatsoever In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my
16    hand and seal this first day August one thousand seven hundred
17    and twenty eight Anne King signed sealed and delivered in the
18    presence of Mary Tothill Saray Foster
19    Whereas in and by my last Will dated the first day of
20    August 1728 I have given and bequeathed several things as in
21    a schedule thereunto annexed which are as follows that is to
22    say I give to my daughter Anne King the part of my Goods as
23    followeth a sett of red Curtains in a Trunk wherein is a Callicoe
24    quilt and Counterpane of her own and in a Chest there is two
25    parcels of Linnen in two bags the one is for my daughter Anne
26    King and the other for my daughter Mary Imber and there is
27    standing in a Flaskett in the store Room at my Son King’s house
28    in the Soke at Winchester four pewter dishes Eight puter plates
29    one pye plate one large kettle one little kettle a good skillet that
30    holds about two quarts one little pott and led one large Bell mottie
31    portie and mortar one Tea board one Dutch Oven Table which
32    things I also give to my daughter Anne King I also give to my
33    daughter Anne King the part of my Goods which I have at Upton
34    Gray which is the old Trunk with all the Linnen as is in it one
35    Featherbed and some Blankets and a thick quilt and one Bolster
36    and a Rose Stool I also give to my daughter Anne King the nine
37    Cane Chairs that stand at my Son Imbers and likewise the fourred
38    Chairs there and I give to my two daughters Anne King and
39    Mary Imber all my wearing Clothes to be by them equally divided
40    betwixt them and a half three and twenty pence I give to my
41    daughter Imber witness my hand this 15th of February one thousand
42    seven hundred and twenty Eight Anne King
43    Appeared personally James King of the parish of St
44    James Garlick hithe London Gentleman and being sworn
45    upon the holy Evangelists of God to depose the truth did swear
46    and depose as followeth that he is the natural and lawful son
47    of Anne King late of the parish of St James Garlick hythe aforesaid
48    widow deceased and sole Executor and Residuary Legatee named
49    in the Will of the said deceased and that he this deponent well knows
50    and is acquainted with the Character and manner of hand writing
51    of the said deceased and this deponent having now seen a paper
52    writing purporting a Testamentary Schedule or Codicil of the said
53    deceased beginning thus “whereas in and by my last will dated
54    the first day of August 1728” and ending thus “witness my hand this
55    15th of February one thousand seven hundred and twenty eight”
56    and subscribed thus Anne King he this deponent doth in his
57    conscience verily believe the names Anne King subscribed at the
58    foot or bottom of the said schedule is of the proper handwriting
59    of the said Anne King deceased James King 28 Aprilis
60    1729 Juratio fuit dictus Jacobus King super veritati hujno attestis
61    toram me J Andrew Surr
62    Probatum fuit hujusmodi Testamentum apud London
63    coram venerabili viro Johanne Andrew Legum Doctore Surrogato
64    venerabilio et Egregij viri Johannis Bettesworth Legum Doctoris
65    Curia prerogative Cantuariensis Magistri Custodis sive Commissarij
66    legitime Constitute secondo die mensis Maij anno domini Millesimo
67    septingentesimo vicesimo nono Jura mento Jacobi King filij dicte
68    defuncta et Executoris in dicto Testamento nominat Cui Commissa
69    fuit administration omnium et singulorum bonorum jurium et Creditorum
70    dicta defuncti de bene et fideliter administrando eadem ad Sancta
71    dei Evangelia Jurat

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