Thursday, March 23, 2017

Will of Benjamin Blake, Chirurgeon's Mate on board the Ship President - The National Archives PROB 11/369, probated 2 Mar 1682

Benjamin Blake is the testator. There are a couple of possibilities for Benjamin in Family Search but there aren’t any particular references in this will to an area in the British Isles.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 22 Mar 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/369
Name of testator: Benjamin Blake
Place: Chirurgeon’s Mate being on board the Ship President
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 15 Nov 1680, probated 2 Mar 1682

[In margin] Test: Benjamin Blake

1    Memorandum That Benjamin Blake late Chirurgeons
2    Mate being on bord the Ship the President and falling very ill did upon the High and
3    open Seas dureing such his illnesse and pertinently over about the Fifteenth day of
4    November One thousand six hundred and eighty being then of sound and perfect
5    mind and memory and having a mind to make and declare his last Will and Testament
6    Nuncupative or by word of mouth as to the disposeing of his wages due on boat the said
q    Ship and what else hee had in the world hee did give and bequeath unto Joseph Branch
8    Chirurgeon his Fellow mate and do make him the said Joseph Branch his Executor
9    All which words or the same in effect hee the said desired uttered and declared for
10    and as his last Will and Testament and with an intent the same should stand for
11    and bee his last Will and Testament which words were spoken on bord the said Shipp
12    on or about the said Fifteenth day of November One Thousand Six hundred
13    and eighty hee being then in his perfect mind and memory and dyed within one or two
14    dayes then next following Richard Featherston John Guittings
15    Probatum fuit humoi Testum Nuncupation apud London Coram venerabli
16    viro Henrico Ganton beinge Legum Doctour Surragato venerabilis et egrigij viri Dri
17    Seolim Jenkins Militis Legum etiam Doctoris Curie Prerogative Cantuariensis
18    Magri Custodi sive Commissarij legitime Constituti Secundo die mensis
19    Martij Anno Domino (Stylo Anglia) Millesimo Sexcentismo Octogesimo primo
20    Juramento Joseph Branch Executoris in dicto Testamento nominate Cui Comissa
21    fuit Administratio omnium et Singulorum bonorum _____ dicti
22    defuncti de bene et fideliter Administrando eadem ad Sancta Dei Evangelia _____
23    Richarde Featherston et Johane Guittings Ertibus Tempore Conditioni ____
24    declar___ eadem Testamenti Nunc _entibus etiam Jurat

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