Monday, March 20, 2017

Will of Johanna Kip, Kleyn Heylig Land, Haarlem, The Netherlands - The National Archives, PROB 11/898, probated 25 May 1764

My husband does a Kip/Kipp one name study and this will was for him.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 19 Mar 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/898
Name of testator: Johanna Kip
Place: Kleyn Heylig Land, Haarlem, The Netherlands
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 4 Nov 1763, probated 25 May 1764

[In margin] Mrs Johanna Kip
[Top] Translated out of Low Dutch

1    On this day the fourth of November in the year one
2    thousand seven hundred and sixty three before me Wernerus
3    Kohne Notary admitted by the Court of Holland residing at
4    Haarlem appeared Mrs Johanna Kip Spinster of Age dwelling
5    on the Kleyn Heylig Land in this City who declared that having
6    some effects in England and Great Britain she hath by
q    these presents nominated and appointed Messrs Cornelis
8    van Ghennenick Clark of the Conveys and Licences here
9    Nicolas Galle Notary and Attorney in this City and Mr Francis
10    Jacob Galle Advocate in the respective Courts of Justice at the
11    Hague to be the only Executors and Administrators of all such
12    Effects which she at the time of her decease shall or may
13    have in the said kingdom of England and Great Britain
14    giving unto them full power and authority immediately after
15    the death of her the Testatrix to cause all the said Effects
16    none excepted to be placed upon the Names of them the
17    Gentlemen Executors or the Name or Names of such other
18    person or persons as they shall think fit and accordingly to
19    manage administer sell alienate or incumber the same
20    and to receive the Moneys arising therefrom and give
21    acquittances for the same she the Gentlewoman appearer
22    desiring that after her decease Letters of Administration may
23    be granted to the aforesaid Gentleman Executors in Common
24    Form Thus done paper signed and sealed in the City of
25    Haarlem in the presence of Jan Vermeulen and Pieter de
26    Grocg as Witnesses who have also signed these presents
27    the day Month and year as above
28    Johanna Kip
29    J Vermeulen
30    P Du Grocg
31    W Khone Notary
32    Faithfully Translated out of Low Dutch London
33    the 25th day of April 1764 By me Geo Schutz
34    Notary Public 1764
35    This Will was proved at London before the Most
36    Reverend Father in God Thomas by divine providence Lord
37    Archbishop of Canterbury primate of all England and Metropolitan
38    on the twenty fifth day of May in the year of our Lord one
39    thousand seven hundred and sixty four in the prerogative
40    Court of Canterbury by the Oaths of Cornelis Van Ghennenick
41    and Nicolas Galle two of the Executors named in the said
42    Will as to the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased lying
43    and being in the kingdom of England and Great Britain to
44    whom administration was granted they having been first
45    sworn by Commission duly to administer Power reserved of
46    making the like Grant to Francis Jacob Galle the other Executor
47    named in the said Will when he shall apply for the same

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