Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Will of John King, Natley Scures, Hampshire - The National Archives PROB 11/421, probated 17 Oct 1694

The testator, John King, does not mention a wife or children. He does name his brothers as John King and Richard King and brother’s in law William Hall and William Dyer. He names his friends William King of Bramshill (12 miles from Upton Gray) and John Nash of Mattingly (8 miles from Upton Gray).

John King lives at Nately Scures as it is presently known. Nately Scures is five miles from Upton Gray and this road passes through Mapledurwell so continues in the same general area as the King wills already transcribed.

This area is somewhat distant from Upper Clatford (26 miles) and I am not sure now why I decided to transcribe these wills. However, once done I will not repeat them! My Thomas King died in 1762 and his children were in their 30s at that time. He married in 1728 so perhaps born between 1695 and 1705. He was a farmer according to his will. I have not learned very much about him in that instance. His farm was next to that of Thomas Collins and his daughter (Joanna (King) Blake would marry the widower Thomas Collins after she herself was widowed for fourteen years (Joseph Blake died in 1767). There is more information on the farm of Thomas Collins which may have included the farm of Thomas King.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 7 Mar 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/421
Name of testator: John King
Place: Natley Scures, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 14 Apr 1694, probated 17 Oct 1694

[In margin] Johannis King

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I John King of the parish of Natley Skears in the County of South[amp]ton
3    husbandman being infirme of body but of sound and disposeing minde and
4    memory thanks bee given to Almighty God for the same doe make this my
5    last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) And
6    first I give and bequeath my precious and mortall Soule into the hands of
q    Almighty God from whome I received the same And my body to the Earth to
8    bee decently interred att the discretion of my Executor hereafter named And
9    for that parte of worldly goods as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestowe
10    upon mee I give and dispose thereof as followeth And first my will is that all
11    my just debts and Funerall charges bee paid and discharged Item I give and
12    bequeath unto my brother Richard King the summe of ten pounds And to his
13    three children Anne King Richard King and Jane King Five pounds apiece
14    or to each to bee paid att the end of one yeare next after my decease Item
15    I give and bequeath unto my brother Thomas King the summe of thirty
16    pounds to bee paid likewise att the end of one yeare next after my decease
17    Item I give and bequeath to the three children of my brother in Lawe
18    William Hall the summe of one and thirty pounds that is to say to my
19    godson John Hall sonn of the said William Hall twelve pounds And to
20    the other two children William Hall and Bridgett Hall the summe of nineteene
21    pounds to bee equally divided betweene them and to bee paid att the end
22    of one yeare next after my decease Item I give to my brother in Lawe
23    William Dyer twenty pounds and to his daughter Mary Dyer tenn pounds
24    to bee paid likewise att the end of one yeare next after my decease Item
25    I give to my said brother in Lawe William Hall All my household goods
26    Utensills of husbandry wearing apparel both linen and woollen whatsoever
27    All the rest and residue of my estate whatsoever not herein and hereby
28    before disposed off I give and bequeath unto my said brother Richard King
29    whome I nominate and appointe to bee Executor of this my last Will and
30    Testament And my further will and meaning is that in case it shall happen
31    that any of the debts now due and oweing unto mee by bond or other
32    security whatsoever shall prove desperate Or that my said Executor shall bee
33    putt into any costs or charges for the recovery of the same by any suite
34    att Lawe or in Equity That then the severall persons herein before named
35    unto whome I have given any legacy or legacies shall abate and allowe
36    for the same out of theire respective legacies according to the propor[t]ion of
37    theire legacies And if it shall happen that any of the aforesaid Legatees
38    shall happen to dye before the end of one yeare next after my decease
39    or his her or theire legacy shall become due and payable, that then and in
40    such case my will is that the legacy or legacies of such legatee or legatees
41    soe dyeing as aforesaid shall goe into and bee equally divided amongst
42    the Survivors or Survivor of the said legatee or legatees And lastly
43    I doe desire my loving kinsmen and Friends William King of Bramshill
44    in the said County of South[amp]ton gent and John Nash of Mattingly in the
45    said County husbandman to bee Overseers of this my will And I doe
46    hereby revoke all former wills by mee made In Witness whereof I the
47    said John King have here unto sett my hand and seale this fourteenth
48    day of Aprill in the sixth yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord and
49    Lady William and Mary by the grace of God King and Queen of England
50    Scotland France and Ireland defender of the Faith etc Anno qz domini
51    1694 John King his marke Signed sealed published and declared as the
52    last Will and Testament of the said John King in the presence of us
53    Thomas Everd James Tyler Wm Baker
54    Probatum apud London fuit huiusmodi Testamentum
55    coram ven[era]bili et egregio viro domino Thom Pinfold Mili[ti]ce Legum d[octo]r
56    Surro[gato] ven[era]blis et egregij viri dei Richardi Raindo Militis Legum etiam
57    doctoris Curia Prerogat Cantuar Mag[ist]ri Custodis sive Commissario Legitime
58    constitute decimo septimo die mensis Octobris Anno domini Millesimo Sexcentesimo
59    Nonagesimo Quarto Juramento Richardi King fratris dicti defti et Executori
60    in dicto Testamento nominat Cui commisa fuit administratio omnium et singulorum
61    bonorum iurium et creditorum dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter Administrando eadem Ad
62    Sancta dei Evangelia Jurat

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