Saturday, March 18, 2017

Will of John Kingdon, Bachelor, North Molton, Devon - The National Archives PROB 11/153/179, probated 11 Feb 1628

The testator, John Kingdon, of Northmolton, Devon, is listed as a bachelor. He mentions his brothers Henry and Philip. His nephew John Kingdom son of Philip Kingdon is mentioned as well as his Goddaughter Joane Radley. His mother was named Beaton Kingdon.

The reason for collecting this will is lost to time. Certainly North Molton always interests me as my Pincombe and other families lived in North Molton. I am also related to the Braye family. One of my Vicary cousins married into the Kingdon family in North Molton. However, as mentioned, the reason for collecting this will is totally lost to time but might be helpful to another.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 17 Mar 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/153/179
Name of testator: John Kingdon, Bachelor
Place: North Molton, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 27 Feb 1624, probated 11 Feb 1628
[In margin] Johannis Kingdon

1    In the Name of God Amen The
2    xxvij th daie of February Anno domini One thousand sixe hundred twenty fouer
3    I John Kingdon of Northmolton in the Countie of Devon Batchellor beinge
4    sicke of body but in perfect minde and memory (thankes bee given to allmightie God) did make
5    his present last will and Testament nuncupative in manner and forme following First he
6    bequeathed his soule unto allmightie God his maker Redeemer and Saviour and his boddy
q    he committed to the earth from whence it came and to bee buried in the Church yard of North
8    molton or else where it should please god Item he gave and bequeathed towards the repayring
9    of the Church there vij d Item he gave unto the poore mens boxe there xij d Item he gave and
10    bequeathed unto his Goddaughter Joane Radley vj d Item he gave and bequeathed unto Henry
11    Kingdon his brother five pounds of lawfull money of England Item he gave and bequeathed
12    unto Phillip Kingdon his brother five pounds of lawfull money of England Item he gave and
13    bequeathed unto John Kingdon the Sonne of Phillip Kingdon five pounds of lawfull
14    money of England. Item he gave and bequeathed unto Walter Brayes sixe children to each
15    of them vj d apiece The rest of his goods left his debts paid and legacies discharged and his
16    body decently buried he gave and bequeathed unto Beaton Kingdon his Mother, whom
17    did make his full and whole Executrix and did ordeyne and appoint his welbeloved friends
18    John Dee the elder and John Balle his Rulers and Overseers to see this his Testament to
19    bee p[er]formed In the presence of John Dee John Balle and others being witnesses
20    hereunto Signed Johis Dee sen
21    Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud
22    London Coram Venerabili viro domino Henrico Marten Milite legum
23    doctore Curie Prerogative Cantuariensis Magistro Custode Sive Commissario l[egi]time
24    constituto undecimo die mensis Februarij Anno domini iuxta Cursum et Computac
25    [i]o[n]em eccliesie Anglicane (Millesimo Sexcentesimo vicesimo septimo Juramento Beaton
26    Kingdon matris dicti defuncti et Executoris in huiusmodi Testamento nominat Cui
27    Commissa fuit Administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum iurium et Creditorum
28    dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter Administrando eadem ad sancta dei Evangelia
29    Coram Johanne Coren Cl[er]ico Vigore Commissionis in ea p[ar]te al[ia]s Emanat Jurat ex[aminatus]

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