Friday, March 17, 2017

Will of William King, Yeoman, Elvetham, Hampshire - The National Archives PROB 11/612, probated 6 Nov 1726

It is 32 miles from Upper Clatford to Elvetham and 9 miles from Upton Grey to Elvetham.

The testator, William King, is married to Ann and has five children mentioned in the will initially: William, Matthias, Thomas, Sarah and John. He also mentions two married daughters  Mary Garnes and Martha Grey.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 16 Mar 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/612
Name of testator: William King, Yeoman
Place: Elvetham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 28 Jan 1719, probated 6 Nov 1726
[In margin] Testamentum Gulielmus King

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I William King of the parish of Elvetham in the County of
3    South[amp]ton Gent being somewhat indisposed as to health but of a
4    sound perfect and disposing Mind and Memory Thanks be to God for
5    the same and considering the certainty of death and the uncertainity
6    of the Time when do make this my last Will and Testament in
q    Manner following and First and principally I recommend my Soul
8    into the hands of Almighty God from whom I received the same
9    and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buryed at the
10    discretion of my Executrix here after named And as such worldly
11    Goods and Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow
12    upon me I give devise and dispose of the same as followeth And
13    First my Will and desire is that all my debts that I shall
14    justly owe to any person or persons at the Time of my decease
15    be satisfied and payd out of my said Estate and also my Funerall
16    Expences Item I give and devise unto my loving Wife Ann King
17    all my personal Estate Stock Goods and Chattles whatsoever so
18    long as she continues a Widow to go on with the Trade on the
19    Road that I now use or any other Business towards the
20    breeding up of my Children and Educating them with Learning
21    provided nevertheless that in Case it shall happen that my
22    said Wife shall marry again to a second husband then and in
23    such Case I do hereby give and devise all my said personal Estate
24    Goods and Chattles whatsoever to be divided amongst my five
25    children viz William Matthias Thomas Sarah and John but my
26    Will is that William and Sarah shall have Ten pounds apiece
27    out of my said Estate more than any other of my said Children
28    And my Will and Meaning is that my said Wife should not
29    lessen my said Stock but goe on with the Business on the Road
30    so long as she continues her State of Widowhood and in Case she
31    happen to dye my Widow then my Will is that she leave the
32    same to be divided amongst my aforesaid Children according as
33    I have done by this my Will Item I give to my daughter
34    Mary Garnes and Martha Grey one Shilling apiece and Whereas
35    there is a debt due and owing to me from Sir Andrew Healey
36    Bar deceased when when payd if ever my Will is that my said
37    daughter Mary shall have Thirty pounds and my daughter
38    Martha Twenty pounds part of the same they allowing their
39    Share or parts towards the Law Charges in Recovering the said
40    debt and the Residue of the said debt when recovered I give
41    and devise unto my said Wife and aforesaid five Children that I
42    had by her to be equally divided between them Share and Share
43    alike Item I give and devise unto my said loving Wife for her
44    own Use my best Bedd and all the Furniture in the Room
45    where the said Bed now stands And doe hereby nominate and
46    appoint my said Wife Ann King full and sole Executrix of this
47    my Will hereby revoaking all former Wills by me heretofore
48    made and this to be taken for my last Will In Witness
49    whereof I the said William King the Testator have here unto
50    set my hand and Seal this twenty eighty day of January in the
51    year of our Lord 1719/20 Will King Signed Sealed published and
52    declared as the last Will and Testament of the said William
53    King the Testator and also attested in the presence of the
54    said Testator by us Eliz Lamport John Cooper Edwd Lamport
55    Probatum fuit hujusimodi Testamentum apud
56    London vicesimo sexton die Mensis Novembris Anno domini
57    Millesimo septingentesimo vicesimo sexton coram Venerabili Viro
58    Johane Andrew Legum doctore Surrogato Venerabilis et
59    Egrigij Viri Johannis Bettesworth Legum Doctoris Curie
60    prerogativae Cantuariensis Magistri Custodis sive Commissarij
61    legitime constitute Juramento Anna King Vidua Relicta dicti
62    defuncti et Executricis in dicto Testamento nominate Cui
63    commissa fuit Administratio omnium et singulorum Bonorum
64    Jurium et Creditorum dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter Ad[minis]trando
65    eadem ad Sancta dei Evangelia jurat Examr

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