Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Will of William Kipp, Bednall Greene, Stepney, Middlesex - The National Archives PROB 11/212, probated 20 Jun 1650

My husband does a Kip/Kipp one name study and this will was for him.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 20 Mar 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/212
Name of testator: William Kipp
Place: Bednall Greene, Stepney, Middlesex, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 13 May 1646, probated 20 Jun 1650

[In margin] Test: William Kipp

1    William Kipp being at this tyme
2    sick in Body but in perfect sense and memory God bee praised therefore yet in respecte of
3    the fraylety of my life here today and gone tomorrow doe make and ordayne this my last will
4    and Testament in manner and forme following First I bequeath my soule to God Allmighty who
5    gave it to mee and unto my Saviour Jesus Christ who hath redeemed it by his blood on the Crosse
6    thereby satisfying my debt which by him against my mercifull God I was wune into Praying to
q    the Allmighty to strengthen mee and keepe more stedfast in the faith without doubting to my
8    last ende Secondly I bequeath my body to the grave (as my Executrix and friends hereafter
9    named shall dispose) there to remayne till our Resurrection to his heavenly Kingdome which
10    God grante Amen And as for my worldly Estate I give and bequeath all whether in moveables
11    or unmoveables ready money debts bonds bills Leases pictures housholdstuffe Plate Jewells
12    or whatsoever shall be found due or belonging unto mee at the tyme of my decease or to bee due
13    hereafter unto my deere and welbeloved wife Elizabeth, my fellowe helper and Comforter
14    in all my troubles making her by these presents my full Executrix of all my sayd Estate
15    (my debts which I owe and my funeral charges first being paid and deducted) And my
16    will is That after her decease (she having and receiving such maintenance and necessaries
17    as shalbe fitting for her life) Then the residue which shall be left I leave them to the possession
18    and benefit of our welbeloved daughter Debora Gerbeer and to such only of her children
19    as she shall please to dispose And I doe appointe Overseers of this my last Will and Testa
20    ment my beloved friends Sidney Bare and William Saunderson Esquires to ayde and assiste
21    my loving wife and daughter herein And if it shall please God to take my sayd wife to his
22    mercie before I dye then I make my sayd daughter Debora Gerbeere my sole heyre
23    And unto her I give and bequeath all my sayd Estate Moveables and immoveables ready
24    money debts bonds bills Leases Pictures housholdstuffe Plate Jewells or whatsoever shall
25    be found And in case my sayd daughter should be absent at the tyme of my death
26    and after my sayd wife’s decease then I make my sayd friends Sidney Bare and
27    William Sanderson Executors of this my last will and Testament for the use and behoofe
28    of my sayd daughter and her children And whereas I am now lawfully possesser of
29    a Lease in being for yeares of a house and houses Lands Orchards gardens with the
30    appurtenances in Bednall Greene in the parish of Stepney in the County of Middle
31    sex In parte whereof I now reside I doe alsoe give and bequeath the sayd house
32    and Lease and the benefit of the yeares unexpired unto my sayd wife Elizabeth
33    during her life and after her decease to my sayd daughter Debora Gerbeere and to
34    such only of her children now being as she shall please to dispose in her life tyme
35    under her hands and seale Read signed sealed and delivered to the use and uses
36    above sayd this thirteenth day of May and in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand
37    six hundred forty and sixe William Kip Witnesses present us Nath: Birkhead
38    Elizabeth Lindsey Katherine Gerbier Debora Gerbeer
39    Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London nono die
40    Mensis Maij Anno domini Millesimo sexcentesimo quadragesimo nono Coram
41    Magistro Henrico Smith Clerico Surrogato venerabilis viri domini Nathanielie Brent
42    Militis legum doctoris Curia Prerogativae Magistri sive Custodis legitime constituto
43    Juramento William Saunderson primo Executorum in dicto testament nominat sub
44    limitationibus in humoi testamenta nominat Cui Commisso fuit Administratio omnium
45    et singulorum bonorum Jurium et Creditorum dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter Adm
46    inistranda eadem ad sancta dei Evangelia Jurat salvo Jure et Reservata potestate
47    similem Commissionem facienda Sidney Bare alteri Executor in dicto testament sublimitata
48    in eadem inencanat nominat cum venerit eandem petiturus

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