Sunday, April 30, 2017

H11 Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2017

H11 Newsletter
 Volume 1 Issue 2 2017

Table of Contents
1.   Background
2.   FT DNA Project
3.   Project Statistics
4.   Family Finder
5.   Upgrading of reports by FT DNA
6.   Recent publication – The Genetic History of Northern Europe, Mittnik et al
7.   Blood of the Isles Database – Dr. Bryan Sykes
8.   Genetic Genealogy in Practice, Blaine T Bettinger and Debbie Parker Wayne

1.   Background:

When I introduced the H11 Newsletter in February 2011 I was not sure whether I would try for twice a year or four times per year. I have decided that visiting and reviewing the project four times a year is probably better and I will attempt to stay with that schedule. Any items of interest to members of the H11 haplogroup for submission in this newsletter please submit to Elizabeth Kipp ( .

2.   FT DNA Project:

There are now 221 members in our H11 project. Full sequence results are completed on 195 members of the group. There are some members who have not taken any mtDNA tests but I have not removed them from the project as eighteen of them have tested with the Genographic Project but not yet at FT DNA. There are six kits recently purchased not yet returned.

3.   Project Statistics (yDNA statistics removed):

Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded
DISTINCT mtDNA Haplogroups
Family Finder
Genographic 2.0 Transfers
Maternal Ancestor Information
mtDNA Full Sequence
mtDNA Plus
mtDNA Subgroups
Total Members
Unreturned Kits

4.   Family Finder:

Family Finder Results within the Project may well prove to be interesting but privacy concerns prevents me from sharing any of these results with the group. However, you are able to go into your own projects and see the Family Finder Results that you have. 

5.   Upgrading of reporting by FT DNA:

FT DNA has now upgraded their assignment of haplogroups to reflect the latest phylotree:

Within the study group we have members in every sub-haplogroup except H11a5 (and it can be seen in the chart above that the mutation C15040T marks this subgrouping). It is very helpful that FT DNA has now started to assign members based on this version of the phylotree.
6.   Recent publication – The Genetic History of Northern Europe, Mittnik et al.

Thank you to one of the members of our study who sent this link to me. With the Eupedia article the following mention of H11:

"H11 is found across most of northern, central and eastern Europe, but also in Central Asia, where it might have been propagated by the Indo-European migrations (see below). H11a was identified in a Mesolithic hunter-gatherer from the Narva culture in Lithuania by Mittnik et al."

7.   Blood of the Isles Database – Dr. Bryan Sykes:

One of my first introductions to H11 was in the Blood of the Isles Database back in 2007. This database actually had two members who shared my mutations which prior to finding these entries I had only seen several matches that I shared on FT DNA. I am in the process of testing at Living DNA and knowing the locations for all of my lines back into the mid 1600s with the exception of my mtDNA line I am curious what I might discover. The location for the two samples in the Blood of the Isles Database was Argyllshire/Ayrshire, Scotland. Over the years I have found two other individuals who trace back to this area and share my mutations. A number of individuals who share these same mutations trace back to County Antrim, Ireland. One of these individuals is descendant of the group of emigrants who came with the Rev William Martin to the Carolinas in 1772 and have an ancestry that goes back to Agryllshire/Ayrshire. 

8.   Genetic Genealogy in Practice, Blaine T Bettinger and Debbie Parker Wayne:

A member of the study has mentioned this particular book (which I have also purchased and I am in the process of working my way through it) and on page 57-58 he brought to my attention “James Lick’s mtHap Haplogroup Analysis tool” and the website url which may interest readers of this newsletter. The explanation of the colours and terminology, etc. :

You use this particular tool in conjunction with your FASTA file. If you have completed the complete genetic scan of the mitochondria then your FASTA file can be downloaded from your mtDNA – Results page, scroll down to the bottom of this page and on the lower right hand side “Download FASTA File.”

Any submissions to this newsletter can be submitted to Elizabeth Kipp (

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