Saturday, April 22, 2017

Will of George Blake, Mariner, on board his Majesties Sloop Spy - The National Archives PROB 11/775, probated 2 Dec 1749

The testator is perhaps the George Blakie baptized 24 Jun 1718 at Roxburgh, Scotland son of Robert Blakie and Margaret Shortreed.

There is an Andrew Blaickie born 23 Jul 1720 at Lilliesleaf, Roxburgh Scotland son of Robert Blaickie and Jannet Mien and baptized there 31 Jul 1720.

A variety of spelling of Blake in Scotland perhaps, no ideas on that.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 22 Apr 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/775
Name of testator: George Blake, Mariner
Place: on board his Majesties Sloop Spy
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 22 Sep 1742, probated 2 Dec 1749

[In margin]: George Blacky otherwise Blackie otherwise Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I George Blake Mariner now belonging to his Majestys Sloop
3    Spy at Sea oft Cape Nichola do for avoiding controversies after
4    my decease make publish and declare this my last Will and
5    Testament in manner following that is to say all such Wages
6    Sum and Sums of money Lands Tenements Goods Chattels and
q    Estate whatsoever as shall be any ways due owing or belonging
8    unto me at the time of my decease I do give devise and bequeath
9    the same unto my Brother Andrew Blake of the parish of
10    Roxburgh near Kelsey in the Shire of Twedale North Britain
11    And I do hereby nominate and appoint my said Brother whole
12    Executor of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof
13    to this my said Will I have set my hand and Seal the twenty
11    second day of September 1742 and in the Sixteenth Year of the
15    Reign of his Majesty King George the Second over Great Britain
16    France and Ireland etc The mark of George Blake Signed
17    Sealed and delivered in the presence of us William Simpson Wm
18    Liddell Josh Jeffery
19    On the second day of December in the Year of our Lord
20    One thousand Seven hundred and forty nine Administration
21    with the Will annexed of the Goods Chattels and Credits of George
22    Blacky otherwise Blackie otherwise Blake late belonging to his
23    Majestys Sloop Spy a Batchelor deceased was granted to John Witty
24    the lawful Attorney of Andrew Blacky otherwise Blackie otherwise
25    Blake the Brother of the said deceased and sole Executor named in
26    the said Will for the use and benefit of the said Executor now
27    residing at Roxburgh in the Shire of Tweedale in Scotland being
28    First sworn duly to administer

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