Saturday, April 29, 2017

Will of John Blake formerly belonging to the King's Ship Hector but late belonging to the King's Ship Ipswich, beyond sea of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Surrey - The National Archives PROB 11/409, probated 5 May 1741

The testator John Blake is married to Anne. I did not find a Blake family at St Mary Bermondsey, Surrey.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 28 Apr 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/409
Name of testator: John Blake
Place: formerly belonging to the King’s Ship Hector but late belonging to the King’s Ship Ipswich, beyond sea of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Surrey
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 23 Sep 1727, probated 5 May 1741

[In margin]: Testament: John Blake

1    Or Sea as it shall please God to
2    order and as for and concerning all my Worldly Estate I
3    give bequeath and dispose thereof as followeth That is to say
4    All and singular such wages sum and sums of Money lands
5    Tenements Goods Chattels and Estate whatsoever as shall be
6    any ways due owing or belonging unto me at the time of my
7    decease I do give devise and bequeath the same unto my
8    loving wife Anne Blake of the parish of St Leonard Shoreditch
9    And I do hereby nominate and appoint my said Wife Anne
10    Blake Executrix of this my last Will and Testament hereby
11    revoking all former and other Wills Testaments and deeds
12    of Gift by me at any time heretofore made And I do ordain
13    and ratify these presents to stand and be for and as my only
11    last Will and Testament In Witness whereof to this my
15    said Will I have set my hand and Seal the Twenty third
16    day of September Anno domini 1727 And in the first Year of
17    the Reign of his Majesty King George the second over
18    Great Britain etc John Blake Signed sealed and published
19    in the presence of Mary Beers Nevill Evans Geo:
20    Thompson under the Exchange Cornhill Not Pub 1727
21    5th May 1741
22    On which day appeared personally Anne Blake
23    Widow Relict of John Blake late of the parish of Saint
24    Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the County of Surry
25    formerly belonging to the King’s Ship the Hector but at
26    his death belonging to the King’s Ship the Ipswich beyond
27    Sea deceased and also sole Executrix named in the last Will
28    and Testament of the said deceased part of which is hereunto
29    annexed bearing date on the Twenty third day of September
30    in the Year of our Lord 1727 and by virtue of her corporal
31    oath deposed That he the said John Blake the Testator did on
32    or about the said Twenty third day of September 1727 duly
33    execute his said last Will and Testament and afterwards
34    delivered the same whole and entire to this deponent who
35    hath had the custody thereof ever since That the said
36    deceased between two and three years since went a voyage
37    to Sea and after the said deceased was gone this Deponent
38    looked for the said Will of the said deceased and found the
39    same in a Chest of drawers wherein she herself had put
40    and always kept the same that she then perceived that the
41    upper part or beginning of the said Will was torn off as the
42    same now appears and which she believed was done in the
43    Removal of the deceased Goods from one house to another
44    And this deponent saith that she hath made diligent search
45    for the said top or beginning of the said Will but cannot find
46    the same and she further saith that she believes the said
47    paper hereunto annexed is the true last Will and Testament
48    of the said deceased for that she verily believes that he never
49    made any other Will since he executed the paper writing
50    hereunto annexed Ann Blake On the same day the said
51    Ann Blake was sworn to the Truth of the above affidavit
52    before me Robt Chapman Surrogate
53    This Will was proved at London on the fifth day
54    of May in the Year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred
55    and Forty one Before the Worshipfull Henry Edmunds doctor
56    of Laws Surrogate to the Right Worshipfull John Bettesworth
57    also doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the
58    Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted By the
59    Oath of Ann Blake Now the Relict of the deceased and
60    sole Executrix named in the said Will To whom was granted
61    Administration of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits
62    of the said deceased being first sworn duly to administer the same

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