Friday, April 28, 2017

Will of John Blake, Mariner, belonging to their Majestys Ship Moncke - The National Archives PROB 11/409, probated 6 Apr 1692

The testator, John Blake, is the son of Sarah Blake. No further details found at this time.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 27 Apr 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/409
Name of testator: John Blake, Mariner
Place: belonging to their Majestys Ship Moncke
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 25 Nov 1691, probated 6 Apr 1692

[In margin]: Testament: Johannis Blake

1    Know All Men by these Presents
2    that I John Blake Mariner belonging to their Majesties Ship the
3    Moncke have and by these presents doe make and declare and constitute
4    Richard Perrey of St Christ Church in the County of Surrey waterman
5    my true and lawfull Attorney for me in my name and for my nowe
6    use and behesse to aske demand and receive of and from the Honorable
7    the Commander of their Majesties Navey the Queen or Paymaster of
8    the same or whom it shall or may concern off such sume and summes
9    of money wages bounty pension salary and other demands whatsoever
10    as now are or hereafter shall be due payable or belonging to me
11    for my owne service in the said ship or any other of their Majesties
12    ships frigatts or vessels or in any Merchant Ship or vessel whatsoever
13    and also to demand recover and receive of all other person and
11    persons whatsoever whom it shall concerne all and singular such
15    other sume and summes of money goods wares effects debts dues and
16    demands whatsoever which now due or hereafter shall be due owing
17    or belonging to me by any ways or meanes howsoever And moreover
18    for me in my name and to my use to demise or let by Lease in
19    writing or otherwise all of any of my messuages lands tenements or
20    hereditaments whatsoever to such person or persons for such
21    term of yeares and time and by and under such conditions reservations
22    and covenants as my said Attorney or his Counsell shall thinke
23    requisite Giving and hereby granting to my said Attorney my
24    full power and authority in the premises to recover and receive
25    all and singular the summe and summes of money matters and things
26    aforesaid and upon receipt of the same or any part thereof on
27    acquitances releases or other reasonable discharges for me and in
28    my name to make seal and deliver And one Attorney or more under
29    him to substitute and the same at his pleasure to revoke and generally
30    to doe execute and perform all such other lawfull and matters
31    and things whatsoever as shall be requisite to be done in or
32    concerning the premises as fully and effectually to all intents
33    and purposes as I my selfe might or could doe inpower ratifying and
34    allowing all and whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully
35    doe or cause to be done in or aboute the execution of the premises
36    by virtue of these presents And I the said John Blake considering
37    the uncertainty of this life doe hereby make and declare this my
38    last will and testament in manner following (that is to say) all such
39    summe and summes of money wages lands tenements goods chattels
40    and other estate whatsoever both reall and personal as I shall be
41    possessed off or which shall any ways belong to me at the time of
42    my decease (my debts and funeral expences being first paid) I
43    fully and wholly give devise and bequeath unto my loving Mother
44    Sarah Blake her heires executors administrators and assignes
45    Jore_ey to their owne use and behoofe and doe hereby nominate
46    and appoint my loving Mother Sarah Blake sole Executrix of this
47    my last Will Revokeing all former wills deeds of gift and bequests
48    by me heretofore made and ordain these presents only to be and
49    remaine as my only last Will and testament In witness whereof I have
50    hereunto set my hand and seale dated the twenty fifth day of
51    November Anno domini one Thousand six hundred ninety one and in
52    the Third yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Ladye
53    William and Mary King and Queen of England John Blake
54    his marke Signed sealed published and declared in the presence
55    of John Davis Roger Rea
56    Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud
57    London coram venti viro duo Thoma Pinfold milite Legum doctore
58    surro venerabilis et egregij viri Domini: richardi Raines militis Legum
59    etiam doctoris Curia Prerogativae Cantuariensis Registri Custodis sive
60    Comissarij legitime constitute Sexto die mensis Aprilis Anno domini
61    Millesimo Sexcentisimo nonagesimo secondo Juramento Sarah Blake
62    Matris et Executricis in dicto testo nominat cui comissa fuit administrato
63    omnium et singulorum bonorum jurium et creditorum dicti defti de bene et fideliter
64    Administrand eadem ad sancta dei Evangelia in delicta Juris forma jurat

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