Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter, Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter, Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017

Table of Contents
1.    Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
2.    Will of John Pincombe of South Molton
3.    Autosomal DNA Study
4.    North Molton Parish Records (Part 3)

1.    Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies

These Pincombe Charts were created by the two researchers in the original One-name-study at the Guild of one-name-studies. I reprint them with the thought in mind that others could add to the knowledge of these charts. I have reworked some of them and will publish that information when complete. I am republishing the North and South Molton chart as it is referred to in the Will of John Pincombe of South Molton.


These tables represent many years of work at the record offices and Richard Pinkham was a physician and able to make contact with some of the Pincombe families living in Devon. The names seen on these charts usually in the top corners are individuals who provided information for that particular chart. I do remind other researchers that there are discrepancies in these charts and I would appreciate knowing of any that you may find so that eventually a corrected chart will be published.

2.    Will of John Pincombe of South Molton

Source: Public Record Office, London, UK #622
Place: South Molton, Devon, England
Dated: dated 20 Nov 1593 and probated 22 Apr 1597
[Top]:  Laus Deo 1593
[Margin]: Testament: Johannis Pincombe

1    In the name of God, Amen.  In the twentithe of November in the yeare of
2    our Lord god one thousand five hundreth nynetie three  I John Pincombe of South Molton in
3    countie of Devon Merchante beinge whole of Bodye and in perfect remembrance thancks be to all
4    mightie god make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge Firste I bequeth
5    my soule unto almightie god and my Bodie to the earthe where it shall please the almightie god
6    Nextlie I give unto the poore people of Southmolton Tenn pounds to be distributed unto them
7    at my Buriall And alsoe I doe give unto the poore people of South Molton fiftie pounds to
8    bestowed in some grounde for the use and proffitte of sixteene of the poorest persons of Molton this
9    yeare the comoditie and proffitte that is of the fiftie pounds bestowed Alsoe I give unto the
10    poore people of Barnestable eleven pounds And I give unto the poore of Chumley five pounds
11    and unto the poore of Nortmolton five pounds And unto the poore of Tyverton Three pounds
12    and unto the poore of Georgenymett five pounds And unto the poore of Bysshopnymet Three
13    pounds And unto the poore people of Chittinton Three pounds All w[hi]ch gyfts to be distributed to the poorest
14    people of everye parrishe by my Inlaws by there order for the distribution hereof Nextly my will
15    is that my father shal[l ]be payde of the debts that I owe him and all other debts that I doe owe firste
16    of all and Tenn pounds more unto Pentecoste Dodridge And tenn pounds more unto Joane and
17    Dorothie dodridge And unto Lewys Challecom and his sister fiftene pounds And unto Gaminge
18    twente pounds And unto Anthony Hyde Thritie three pounds sixe shillings and eighte pence
19    unto Mathewe Hunte Eighte pounds tenn shillings unto Peter Jesse Twelve pounds Alsoe by
21    this my will I doe forgive John Moille of Byshopnymet and Richard Harris of Exeter the debte
22    that they doe owe me The rest of my goodes not given nor bequeathed I doe give unto my wiefe
23    my sonne John Pincombe equallie to be divided betwixte them bothe Alsoe I doe give my sonne
24    my Lande that lieth in Georgenymett when that he shall come unto the age of one and twentie
25    yeares And all the rest of my Landes and Leasses I doe give unto my wief duringe her lief and
26    afterwards
27    afterwards to my sonne and to his heyres soe that he doe not alienate noe sell awaye none of my Inhe
28    ritance But yf that he doe alienate any of my landes lefte him that then his interest shall cease and
29    the inheritance shal[l ]be in my next bloudde when that he dothe alienate any of the said Landes soe that
30    he shall not have by this my will noe power to sell awaye none of my Lands left him I doe ordaine
31    my father and John Dodridge my Inlaws to see this my will performed And for their paynes
32    they shall have five pounds In wittnes of this to be of a trewthe I have wrytten this w[i]th my owne
33    hande and putte thereunto my sealle the daie and yeare above written one thousand fyve hundred
34    nyntie three provided notw[i]thstandinge that my sonne shall have power by this my will for to
35    alienate any of my Landes soe that he doe procure and purchase soe much valewe in Lande againe
36    and lease soe muche valewe of Landes and tenem[en]ts unto his next blood and claims that are neerest
37    unto him soe that my last will is that he shall have power soe to sell uppon condition that he doe
38    procure to lease soe muche Landes and tenem[en]ts unto his next Blood and Clients that are in
39    blood neerest unto him And this I have wreten w[i]th my owne hand the twoe and twentithe of Aprill
40    and yeare of oure Lord god one thousand five hundred nyntie seaven p[er]me John Pincombe [signed]
41    Decimo nono die Mensis February anno domino
42    iuxta cursum et computacionem Ecclesie Anglicane millesimo sexcentesimo quarto emanavit
43    comissio Amie Pincombe Relicte dcs def ad administrand bona iura et credita eiusdem def
44    inxta tenorom et effectio testamenti ipsimo def eo quod dcis defuntus millim in eodem s_is
45    testamento nominat executorem de bene etc iurat

John Pincombe in this will names his wife as Amie Pincombe, his son as John Pincombe and that his father is still living. He says that he is a merchant at South Molton, Devon.

The North Molton and South Molton chart produced by the original researchers at the Guild of one name study has been published in Pincombe-Pinkham newsletter Volume 1 Issue 4: http://kippeeb.blogspot.ca/2016/09/pincombe-pinkham-newsletter-volume-1.html
And republished in this issue. The link for this particular chart since it is impossible to actually read the chart from the newsletter: http://www.kipp-blake-families.ca/Chart1-2.jpg

This chart names this particular John Pyncombe as the husband of Amy Dodridge. It gives a year of birth for John Pyncombe of 1575 and that they have a son John Pincombe born circa 1596 and that he was buried circa 1665 and had married Mary Carew. It also names his sister as Helen baptized 29 Mar 1577 at Chittle Hampton and that the father of these children was Richard Pincombe who married circa 1574. He in turned being named as a son of John Pincombe born circa 1526 at South Molton and again being the son of a John Pincombe born circa 1501 at South Molton with a brother Christopher also born at South Molton. Both of these children are named as the sons of John Pyncombe. This John Pyncombe is said to have a brother Thomas Pyncombe born circa 1481 who lived at North Molton and Filleigh and was the father of William Pyncombe born circa 1506 and married to (unknown) Snowe (lived at East Buckland and North Molton). Both of these children named as son of an (unknown) Pyncombe who lived at North Molton. I would only mention that the Thomas Pyncombe who lived at North Molton and Filleigh is presumed to be my ancestor and has been discussed earlier so will leave any discussion on this individual to another time.

Returning to the testator, John Pincombe and I would mention that I have not been able to find his will online at the Record Office. I downloaded it in 2006 and probably have not looked for it online anytime since then.

Do I agree with the line that is given to the testator? If I look at the tax records for Pincombe/Pencombe/Pyncombe in the 1500s I discover the following:

The Tax Rolls for Devon 1544-1545 have 9 Pencombe/Pincombe/Pinkcombe/Pynkeham listings including

Alice (widow of Thomas) Pencombe North Molton Parish £5
Christopher Pyncombe South Molton Parish £10
John Pencombe North Molton Parish £4
John Pyncombe South Molton Parish £13
Philip Pynkeham Tawstock Parish £8
Richard Pencombe Bedeford Parish £5
Richard Pencombe Kings Nympton Parish £1
Thomas Pencomb Estbuclond Parish (East Buckland) £9
William Pencombe North Molton Parish £6

This does not  yield the expected Richard Pincombe as found by the earlier researchers at South Molton with son John Pincombe (grandson John Pincombe) and daughter Helen Pincombe. The only two Richard Pincombes are at Bideford and Kings Nympton. At South Molton there is a John Pyncombe and a Christopher Pyncombe. As I reconstructed the family tree I suggest that John and Christopher are brothers (and more discussion on the other Pincombe families found in the taxes another time.

The Tax Subsidy for 1581 lists 12 Pincombe heads including

Annis Pincombe (widow) Alwington Parish £4
Christopher Pincombe South Molton Parish £4
Edward Pencombe Tawstocke Parish £5
Emma Pyncombe (widow) North Molton Parish £3
John Pincombe South Molton Parish £4
John Pincombe (senior) South Molton Parish £12
John Pincomb (Esquire) Broadwood Kelleigh Parish £9
Richard Pincombe Bideford Parish £6
Richard Pincombe Yearnescombe Parish £3
Richard Pincombe Abbotsham Parish £8
William Pencombe East Buckland Parish £10
___therin Pincombe (widow) Bideford Parish £2

By 1581 (almost fourty years later) one finds at South Molton a Christopher Pincombe, a John Pincombe and a John Pincombe (senior). John Pincombe senior holds three times as much wealth as the other two Pincombes named. At this point I have made the assumption that John Pincombe (senior) was perhaps the John Pincombe found on the 1543-44 subsidy. Are John and Christopher both his sons or are they Christopher’s sons or each of these earlier men has left a son each. The wealth does tend to make one wonder if both are the sons of Christopher perhaps now deceased. But it is interesting that there is not a Richard Pincombe holding land at South Molton in 1543-44 or 1581.

Who is the testator? He is likely part of the Pincombe family that descends from the earlier Pincombe at North Molton. One can conclude that given the proximity. He has property at George Nympton and that particular parish in 1581 has few entries paying subsidy: Philip Dobbe, Richard Greade, Richard Colman, Philip Beare, Agnes Harrys (widow), Mary Pearce (widow) and Philip Bennet. But this is another 12 years hence so one can  not be positive about such a statement being true in 1593.

From the Devon Visitations of 1620, the following can be gleaned:

An Unknown Pyncombe (living at Northmolton) had come with the Lord Zouch about the beginning of the reign of Henry VII (1485) and that he married and had three sons Thomas (lived at Filleigh and later East Buckland), John and an (unknown) Pyncombe. Looking only at John Pyncombe the chart shows that he had sons John Pyncombe and Christopher Pyncombe both of Southmolton and each of them had a son John. That John Pyncombe (great nephew to Christopher Pyncombe) married Amy daughter of Richard Doddridge. John and Amy had a son John Pyncombe who lived at Southmolton and was a student in the Middle Temple, London and was living in 1620.

The Visitation is generally thought to be accurate and this particular one was signed by William Pyncombe of Southmolton and East Buckland who had married Temperance Pollard. William was a Coroner in the County of Devon.

Given the information from the taxes and the Visitation the present testator would appear to be John Pyncombe son of John Pyncombe. Since the time frame on this chart is completed in 1620 and John the last mentioned Pyncombe in this line was a student in the Middle Temple and by his father’s will alive in 1593 then he was born by 1593 although could be earlier but 27 is a reasonable age to be a student of the Middle Temple. That would give a birth year approximately to his father of 1560 to early 1570s although could be earlier. Then his father John would be born circa 1540s to 1550s and that could also be earlier. That John is known to be the son of John Pyncombe whose father came to Northmolton in 1485. His possible year of birth then 1510 to 1520 but could have been earlier. That giving a year of birth to the son of the unknown Pyncombe arriving 1485 or later of 1490 to 1500 or earlier. This fits into a nice pattern and does match the Visitation and reasonable years of birth. In the 1540s tax subsidy there was a Christopher Pyncombe and a John Pyncombe in South Molton. These men would need to be at least 21 years of age at that time which would have one looking at the grandsons of the unknown Pyncombe arriving in 1485 or later and the sons of the same Pyncombe. I have opted to think that the men on the tax subsidy are the grandsons. Plus Alice (widow of Thomas Pencombe) is living in 1544 and perhaps she points to the name of the founder of the Pencombe family of North Molton as being Thomas. It is known he had a son Thomas who better fits into being the husband of Johane Pencombe whose will was blogged in Volume 1, Issue 1.

The Dodderidge family members mentioned in the will Pentecost, John, Joane and Dorothy were all siblings of his wife Amy Dodderidge Pincombe.

More later on this line of the family but the ancestral line I believe of this John Pincombe, the testator has now been established.

3.    Autosomal DNA Study

The entire Pincombe DNA study at FT DNA includes 19 members of whom 12 have taken the Family Finder Test.

I continue to have matches that have proven to be most interesting in my Pincombe family line but primarily these new matches are in the line of the wife of my 2x great grandfather John Pincombe (emigrated to Canada in 1850/51).

I am still not yet ready to discuss the yDNA Pincombe-Pinkham family study.

4.     North Molton Parish Records (Part 3)

These baptismal records are transcribed from the fiche of the original Parish Records for North Molton, Devon.

# Surname Forename status Fathers surname Fathers forename Mothers surname Mothers forename Year Month Day Details
601  Couche Agnes  daughter Couche Thomas 1567 Aug 17
602  Castle Mathewe son Castle Water 1567 Aug 20
603  Crange  Anne   daughter Crange Christopher  1567  Aug  23
604  Burges Robarte son Burges Richard 1567 Sep 17
605  Viccarie Marye  daughter Viccarie Nycholas 1567 Sep 18
606  Burges Emmett daughter Burges John 1567 Oct 6
607  Frenche Johane base daughter Frenche 1567 Oct 6
608  Heywode Elizabeth daughter Heywode John 1567 Oct 7
609  Kyngdon Thomsene daughter Kyngdon Thomas  1567  Oct  8
610  Vyccarie John son Vyccarie John   1567 Oct 10
611  Parker Anne daughter Parker Edmonde   1567 Oct 12 Esquire
612  Drustone Robarte base son   Drustone Johane 1567 Oct 23
613  Gould Mote daughter Gould William   1567 Nov 15
614  Tapp Mathewe son Tapp John   1567 Nov 18
615  Greynewaie William son Greynewaie George   1567 Dec 11
616  Burges Robarte son Burges Richard   1567 Dec 20
617  Mayne Thomas son Mayne Ellis   1567 Dec 21
618  Dyer Peternell daughter Dyer Robart   1567 Jan 25
619  Slader Robarte son Slader William   1567 Feb 1
620  Pytt James son Pytt Roger   1567 Feb 18
621  Locke Marye daughter Locke William   1567 Feb 18
622  Cole Johane daughter Cole John   1567 Feb 23
623  Dru John son Dru William   1567 Feb 22
624  Squire Thomsene daughter Squire John   1567 Mar 2
624  Uprichard John son Uprichard Robart   1567 Feb 28
626  Chapell Thomas son Chapell Robarte   1567 Mar 3
627  Shattick John son Shattick Thomas   1567 Mar 12
628  Greade Johane daughter Greade John   1567 Mar 25
629  Charde Johane daughter Charde Marten   1568 Apr 6
630  Bray Agnes daughter Bray William   1568 Apr 15
631  Hobb Phillip daughter Hobb William   1568 Apr 16
632  Dew Agnes daughter Dew William   1568 Apr 14
633  Greade Richard son Greade Gregorye   1568 May 9
634  Locke William son Locke William   1568 May 9
635  Locke Christopher son Locke Harrye   1568 May 11
636  Blake Anne daughter Blake Mighell   1568 May 16
637  Viccarie Paule son Viccarie Thomas   1568 Jun 29
638  Bray Salwin son Bray Richard   1568 July 6
639  Madford Frauncis son Madford William   1568 July 12
640  Row Richard son Row Robart   1568 July 25
641  Thorne Ellen daughter Thorne William   1568 July 26
642  Balmante Beaten daughter Balmante Roger   1568 Aug 1
643  Squire Beaten daughter Squire John   1568 Aug 24
644  Bennett Catheraygne daughter Bennett Charells   1568 Sep 10
645  Cole John son Cole John   1568 Mar 15
646  Dew Robarte son Dew William   1568 Mar 19
647  Bray Christopher son Bray James   1570 Mar 27
648  Chapell Robarte son Chapell Robarte   1570 Apr 2
649  Viccarie Phillip son Viccarie Philip   1570 May 3
650  Slader Catheragyne daughter Slader William   1570 May 10
651  Gru Henrye base son   Geru Elizabeth 1570 May 19
652  Squire Sammuell son Squire John   1570 May 25
653  Locke John son Locke John   1570 July 2
654  Errshe Thomas son Errshe John   1570 July 21
655  Reede George son Reede Mychaell   1570 Sep 3
656  Bray Dorothye daughter Bray Christopher   1570 Sep 4
657  Hoper Ellen daughter Hoper William   1570 Sep 18
658  Burgis William son Burgis John   1570 Sep 2
659  Trowte Thomas son Trowte Salwin   1570 Sep 21
660  Moll Thomas son Moll William   1570 Oct 22
661  Thorne John son Thorne John   1570 Nov 6
662  Locke Uryth daughter Locke Henrye   1570 Jan 17
663  Dyer Anne daughter Dyer Robert   1570 Feb 7
664  Wodum Marye daughter Wodum John   1570 Feb 17
665  Squire Christian daughter Squire George   1570 Mar 23
666  Locke Margrett daughter Locke William   1571 Mar 27
667  Greynewaie George son Greynewaie George   1571 Mar 27
668  Shattick Margrett daughter Shattick Thomas   1571 Apr 24
669  Shapland Richard son Shapland John   1571 May 10
670  Whitfild Johane daughter Whitfild Dayve   1571 Jun 2
671  Balmante Catheryngne daughter Balmante Roger   1571 Jun 17
672  Muxwerthie Johane daughter Muxwerthie Alexander 1571 Jun 24
673  Clatwerthie Margrett daughter Clatwerthie George   1571 Aug 19
674  Priars John son Priars Harrye   1571 Sep 9
675  Abbott Temperance daughter Abbott Thomas   1571 Sep 13
676  Gru William son Gru Thomas   1571 Sep 20
677  Thorne Marye daughter Thorne Richard   1571 Nov 21
678  Burges Anthonye son Burges Richard   1571 Dec 2
679  Hobb Johane daughter Hobb Bartholomewe   1571 Jan 20
680  Dru William son Dru William   1571 Feb 2
681  Courtneye Peter son Courtneye Thomas   1571 Feb 2 gent
682  Harris Rebecca daughter Harris Robart   1572 Apr 13
683  Tapp Phillip son Tapp John   1572 Apr 24 John Tapp the younger
684  Dee John son Dee John   1572 Apr 25 John Dee the younger
685  Shapland Thomas son Shapland John   1572 May 6
686  Snowe Catheryngne daughter Snow Mathew   1572 Jun 13
687  Upricharde Thomas son Upricharde Robart   1572 Jun 22
688  Davye Emott daughter Davye John   1572 July 30
689  Cole Peter son Cole John   1572 Aug 10
690  Crange Richard son Crange Christopher   1572 Sep 14
691  Millet William son Millet John   1572 Sep 14
692  Bagtor Marye daughter Bagtor John   1572 Sep 14
693  Slader William son Slader William   1572 Sep 23
694  Cowche Thomas son Cowche Thomas   1572 Sep 28
695  Kyngdon Sylby daughter Kyngdon Thomas   1572 Oct 1
696  Thorne Agnes daughter Thorne Peter   1572 Oct 1
697  Hancok Beaten daughter Hancok John   1572 Oct 4
698  Locke Agnes daughter Locke John   1572 Oct 24 of Brinsworthie
699  Burges Marryon daughter Burges William   1572 Oct 19
700  Stocke Anne base daughter Stocke Johane 1572 Oct 19 servant of Paule Bale
701  Ames Emmott daughter Ames William   1572 Nov 1
702  Moll Harrye son Moll Anthonye   1572 Dec 7
703  Pasmore John son Pasmore Myghell   1572 Dec 14
704  Kedwill Johane base daughter   Kedwill Silbye 1572 Dec 14
705  Tompson Thomas son Tompson Edwarde   1572 Dec 16
706  Thorne Johane daughter Thorne John   1572 Dec 24 carpenter
707  Hobb Margarett daughter Hobb William   1572 Jan 11
708  Uprichard Elizabeth base born   Uprichard Agnes 1572 Jan 13
709  Jeffrye Suzan daughter Jeffrye John   1572 Jan 16
710  Vellacott John son Vellacott Mathew   1572 Jan 18
711  Heywode Johane daughter Heywode John   1572 Feb 1
712 Locke de Shapland John son Locke de Shapland William 1572 Feb 4
713  Thorne Johane daughter Thorne John   1572 Feb 15 of Upcott
714  Williams John son Williams James   1572 Feb 15
715  Greade Margarett daughter Greade John   1572 Mar 1
716  Lock Thomas son Lock William   1572 Mar 24 of Lee
717  Bray Richard son Bray James   1573 Mar 27
718  Whitfild Jeffrye son Whitfild John   1573 Apr 1
719  Charde Johane base daughter   Charde Johane 1573 Apr 10
720  Locke Robarte son Locke Harrye   1573 Apr 21 of Hunston
721  Viccarie Catheraygne daughter Viccarie Thomas   1573 Apr 22
722  Ballemye Syblye daughter Ballemye Robarte   1573 Apr  25
723  Vyccarie Inglysh son Vyccarie William   1573 July 15
724  Hoper William son Hoper William   1573 July 16
725  Striblinge Gunnett daughter Striblinge Richard   1573 July 26
726  Bray John son Bray Nicholas   1573 Aug 16
727  Vyccarie Wyllmott daughter Vyccarie John 1573 Aug 23 of Upcott
728  Bray William son Bray William  1573 Sep 3
729  Shapton John son Shapton John 1573 Sep 13
730  Vyccarie or Pulham Helen daughter Vyccarie alias Pulham John 1573 Oct 3
731  Blake Chrystine daughter Blake Richard   1573 Oct 23
732  Lock John son Lock Roger   1573 Nov 20
733  Burges Richard son Burges Richard   1573 Nov 22
734  Squire Trysten daughter Squire John 1573 Dec 5 John Squire in towne
735  Hill William base son Hill John   1573 Dec  26 in the parish of Chittlehampton
736  Abbott John son Abbott John   1573 Jan 26
737  Lock Phillip son Lock Rychard   1573 Feb 14
738  Reymer Syblie daughter Reymer George   1573 Mar 14
739  Dew Allson daughter Dew William   1573 Mar 14
740  Tapp John son Tapp John   1573 Mar 14 John Tapp the younger
741  Rendell John base son   Rendell Thomsen 1573 Mar 23
742  Burges Beaten daughter Burges Mathew   1574 Mar 25
743  Burges Harrye son Burges Richard   1574 Mar 31
744  Courtneye Ambrose son Courtneye Thomas   1574 Apr 5
745  Courtneye Austyne son Courtneye Thomas   1574 Apr 5
746  Bray John son Bray Christopher   1574 Apr 10
747  Shattick Wylmott daughter Shattick Thomas   1574 May 16
748  Burges William son Burges William   1574 Jun 6
749  Thorne James son Thorne William   1574 Jun 20
750  Pyncombe Peternell daughter Pyncombe John 1574 Jun 29 of Flitton
751  Locke Marye daughter Locke John   1574 July 4 of Nadrid
752  Frase Richard son Frase Richard   1574 July 25
753  Thorne Christopher base son   Thorne Johane 1574 Aug 2
754  Williams John son Williams James   1574 Aug 21
755  Dru Sythe daughter Dru Andrew   1574 Sep 12
756  Braylie Johane daughter Braylie John   1574 Sep 17
757  Vellacott Mathewe son Vellacott Mathew   1574 Sep 21
758  Davye William son Davye John   1574 Sep 26 of Flitton
759  Viccarie Roger son Viccarie John   1574 Oct 3 South Radwerthie
760  Shapland Chrystine daughter Shapland John   1574 Oct 24
761  Lock Agnes daughter Lock John   1574 Nov 17 of Brynswerthie
762  Clatwerthie Catheraygne daughter Clatwerthie George 1574 Nov 30
763  Viccarie Jane daughter Viccarie Thomas   1574 Dec 6
764  Lock Thomas son Lock William   1574 Jan 6 coper
765  Dyer Myghell son Dyer Robarte   1574 Jan 13
766  Locke Christopher son Locke Anthonye   1574 Jan 18
767  Locke Johane daughter Locke Roger   1574 Feb 9
768  Slader Agnes daughter Slader William   1574 Mar 2
769  Stocke Johane daughter Stocke Robart   1574 Mar 13
770  Locke Johane daughter Locke John 1574 Mar 18 younger, of Nadrid
771  Vyccarie George son Vyccarie Nycholas   1575 Mar 26
772  Leye William base son   Leye Beaten 1575 Mar 30
773  Hobb Mathewe son Hobb William   1575 Mar 30
774 Dee Chrysten daughter Dee John 1575 Mar 30 the elder, of Leigher
775  Burges Christopher son Burges Mathew   1575 Apr 2
776  Radley Anstice daughter Radley Richard   1575 Apr 4
777  Cowche Elizabeth daughter Cowche Thomas   1575 Apr 5
778  Lapham Catheraygne daughter Lapham William   1575 Apr 10
779  Greade Gregorye son Greade Gregorye   1575 Apr 10
780  Hawkridge William son Hawkridge Jeyles   1575 Apr 12
781  Tapp Thomas son Tapp John   1575 Apr 21 in Towne
782  Thorne Emmott daughter Thorne richard   1575 Apr 23
783  Pasmore Phillip son Pasmore Mighell   1575 May 1
784  Striblinge Phillip  son Striblinge Richard   1575 May 1
785  Whitfild Helen daughter Whitfild John 1575 May 2 of South Radwerthie
786  Heywode John son Heywode John   1575 May 2
787  Snowe Elizabeth daughter Snow Mathew   1575 Apr 8
788  Whitfild Anne daughter Whitfild Davye   1575 May 15
789  Greye Pentecost son Greye John   1575 May 22
790  Balmante Dorothye daughter Balmante Mighell   1575 May 22
791  Bray Pentecoste son Bray Christopher   1575 May 22
792  Vyccarie Phillip son Vyccarie John   1575 Jun 5 of Upcott
793  Thorne Anstyce daughter Thorne John   1575 July 10 of Upcott
794  Abbott William son Abbott John   1575 July 13
795  Vyccarie Marye daughter Vyccarie George   1575 July 25
796  Thorne William son Thorne John   1575 Aug 7 In Towne
797  Eames Inglysh son Eames Thomas   1575 Aug 21
798  Courtneye Richard son Courtneye Mr. Thomas   1575 Sep 4
799  Shapton Margarett daughter Shapton John   1575 Sep 14
800  Cole Alyce daughter Cole John   1575 Sep 29 of North Radworthie
801  Shapland Catheraygne daughter Shapland Christopher 1575 Oct 23 the younger
802  Myllet John son Myllet John   1575 Nov 6
803  Bokingham Bartholomewe son Bokingham Thomas   1575 Nov 13
804  Hobb Emmott daughter Hobb Bartholomewe   1575 Dec 18
805  Squire Thomas son Squire John   1575 Jan 18 the workman
806  Balmente Roger son Balmente William   1575 Feb 11
807  Williams James son Williams James   1575 Feb 22
808  Locke Robarte son Locke William   1575 Mar 7 of Lee
809 Tompson Chrysten daughter Tompson Edwarde   1575 Mar 19
810 Hancok Margrett daughter Hancok John   1576 Mar 25
811  Lapham Danyell son Lapham Symon   1576 Mar 30
812  Lapham Alyce daughter Lapham William   1576 Apr 1
813  Tapp Johane daughter Tapp John   1576 Apr 10 the younger
814  Thorne Agnes daughter Thorne John   1576 Apr 20 in Towne workman
815  Kedwill Margerye base daughter   Kedwill Syblie 1576 Apr 22
816  Wodum Phillip son Wodum John   1576 May 4
817  Cole Christopher son Cole Bernard   1576 May 6
818  Moll William son Moll Anthonye   1576 May 31
819  Lange John son Lange John   1576 Jun 23
820  Vyccarie Richard son Vyccarie Nycholas   1576 July 22
821  Dew Richard son Dew William   1576 Aug 12
822  Slader George son Slader Thomas   1576 Sep 12
823  Burges Johane daughter Burges John   1576 Sep 21 In Towne
824  Priers John son Priers Harrye   1576 Sep 26
825  Moorman Richard son Moorman Thomas   1576 Oct 6
826  Locke Elizabeth daughter Locke John   1576 Oct 6 of Nadrid
827  Locke Johane daughter Locke Harrye   1576 Oct 7
828  Shattick Mathewe daughter Shattick Thomas   1576 Oct 21
829  Burges John son Burges Mathew   1576 Oct 29
830  Vyccarie Drues daughter Vyccarie George   1576 Nov 9
831  Blake Drues daughter Blake Richard   1576 Nov 18
832  Whitfild Rebecca daughter Whitfild John   1576 Dec 21
833  Locke Syblye daughter Locke John 1576 Jan 1 of Brinsworthie
834  Locke Harrye son Locke Roger   1576 Jan 9
835  Abbott Syblye daughter Abbott John   1576 Jan 21
836  Clatwerthie Phillip son Clatwerthie George   1576 Feb 1
837  Lock John son Lock Anthonye   1576 Mar 12
838  Tapp Elizabeth daughter Tapp John   1576 Mar 22 in Towne
839  Hobb Andrew son Hobb Bartholomewe 1576 Mar 23
840  Pasmore Johanedau Pasmore Myghell  1577 Apr 8
841  Bray John son Bray John  Johane 1577 Apr 12
842  Widlake alias Braylie Alyce daughter Widlake alias Braylie John  Johane 1577 Apr 23
843  Davye Elizabeth daughter Davye John  Elizabeth 1577 May 1
844  Locke Chrysten daughter Locke Mighell  Johane 1577 May 8
845  Locke Catherygne daughter Locke Richard  Johane 1577 May 14
846  Frase Edward son Frase Richard  Duines 1577 Jun 2
847  Hobb Phillip son Hobb William  Johane 1577 Aug 4
848  Slader Florence daughter Slader William  Willmott 1577 Aug 14
849  Viccarie John son Viccarie Walter  Mawt 1577 Aug 30
850  Striblinge Jeyls son Striblinge Richard  Elizabeth 1577 Sep 14
851  Radley Uryth daughter Radley Richard  Johane 1577 Sep 15
852  Shaplande John base son Shaplande Phillip Thorne Johane 1577 Sep 23 in Towne
853  Shaplande Johane daughter Shaplande William  Johane 1577 Sep 24 of Flitton
854  Abbott Robarte son Abbott Thomas  Marye 1577 Oct 6
855  Vyccarie Inglysh son Vyccarie John  Emmott 1577 Oct 20 of Upcott
856  Vyccarie Agnes daughter Vyccarie John  Emmott 1577 Oct 20 of Upcott
857  Whitfild Agnes daughter Whitfild John  Helen 1577 Oct 23
858  Viccarie William son Viccarie John  Agnes 1577 Oct 25 Of South radworthie
859  Vellacott William son Vellacott Mathew  Johane 1577 Nov 20
860  Thorne Catherygne daughter Thorne John Gunnett 1577 Jan 2 In Towne
861  Thorne Fayth daughter Thorne John Gunnett 1577 Jan 2 In Towne
862  Shaplande Elizabeth daughter Shaplande Christopher  Grace 1577 Jan 14
863  Lock John son Lock William  Alyce 1577 Jan 19
864  Thorne Agnes daughter Thorne John Willmott 1577 Feb 5 of Upcott
865  Shaplande Helen daughter Shaplande John  Agnes 1577 Feb 6
866  Viccarie Anne daughter Viccarie Nycholas  Johane 1577 Feb 15
867  Bray Marye daughter Bray Thomas  Agnes 1577 Feb 23
868  Thorne Jane daughter Thorne Richard  Custine 1577 Mar 3
869  Thorne Richard son Thorne John  Johane 1577 Mar 3
870  Locke Dorothye daughter Locke Phillip  Richord 1577 Mar 9
871  Hearde Isat daughter Hearde John  Isat 1577 Mar 29
872  Burges John son Burges William  Margaret 1578 Mar 31 of Fyldon
873  Atkins William son Atkins William  Emmott 1578 Apr 12
874  Lange Agnes daughter Lange John  Johane 1578 Apr 20
875  Thorne Allyce daughter Thorne John  Johane 1578 Apr 20
876  Dee Agnes daughter Dee John  Elizabeth 1578 May 1 the younger
877  Harris Allyce daughter Harris Robarte  Johane 1578 May 8
878  Stocke Johane daughter Stocke Robarte  Thomsen 1578 May 8
879  Charde Syble daughter Charde Charlls   1578 May 18
880  Shapton William son Shapton John  Elizabeth 1578 Jun 15
881  Shapland Johane daughter Shapland William Thomsen 1578 Jun 20
882  Chrispin John son Chrispin Robarte  Syblie 1578 Jun 21
883  Cole Richard son Cole John  Marye 1578 July 23
884  Prior Johane daughter Prior Harrye  Johane 1578 Aug 13
885  Bray Water son Bray John  Johane 1578 Aug 20 of south radderie
886  Mathew William son Mathew John  Syth 1578 Sep 5
887  Hancok Emmanuell son Hancok John  Duynes 1578 Sep 17
888  Shapland Johane daughter Shapland Phillip  Marye 1578 Oct 1
889  Whitfild William son Whitfild Davye  Johane 1578 Oct 4
890  Parker Lewes son Parker Mr. Lewes   1578 Oct 4
891  Jope Thomas son Jope Ambrose  Alyce 1578 Nov 1
892  Thorne Charels base son   Thorne Johane 1578 Nov 7
893  Thorne Johane daughter Thorne John Johane 1578 Dec 14 of North Radderie
894  Burges Elizabeth daughter Burges Mathew Margaret 1578 Dec 22
895  Millet  Sythe base daughter Millet  Elizabeth 1578 Dec 22
896  Slader John son Slader Thomas Agnes 1578 Jan 4
897  Hobb Johane  daughter  Hobb  Bartholomewe  Alyce  1578 Feb 20
898  Williams John son Williams James  Elizabeth  1578  Feb  22
899  Squire  John  son Squire John Johane 1578 Mar 8

Any material which you may wish to submit for the next issue of the newsletter (1st of September 2017) concerning the Pincombe/Pinkham family needs to be submitted by the 20th of August and can be sent to:
Elizabeth Kipp (Editor)

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