Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Will of Mathew Blake now belonging to his Majestys Ship Elizabeth - The National Archives PROB 11/578, probated 2 Jan 1721

Mathew Blake, the testator, is married to Mary and their usual place of residence is Deptford, Kent. I find a Mathew Blake baptized 16 Dec 1688 at Saint Mary the Virgin Dover, Kent son of William and Elizabeth Blake.

Mathew Blake married Mary Brown 26 Feb 1719 and located in the Clandestine Marriage Register. Both bride and groom were of Deptford.  Given that this is old style dating, Mathew then prepared his will just six weeks after he was married. I did not find any children baptized to this couple.

Two marriages for William and Elizabeth:

William Blake married Elizabeth Hills 4 Aug 1683 at Hawkinge, Kent, England
William Blake married Elizabeth Horndell 29 Dec 1686 at St James, Duke’s Place, London, England

Hawkinge Kent to Dover Kent is eight miles.

There was a baptism for a William Blake 21 Jul 1659 at St Nicholas Deptford son of John Blake Another baptism 18 May 1665 at Graveney Kent for William Kent son of William and Elizabeth Blake and a third 24 Feb 1661 at Chilham, Kent son of William Blake.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 9 May 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/578
Name of testator: Mathew Blake
Place: now belonging to his Majestys Ship Elizabeth
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 18 Apr 1720, probated 2 Jan 1721

[In margin]: Testament: Mathei Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Mathew Blake Marriner belonging to his Majestys Ship Elizabeth
3    and lately to the Success Storeship being in bodily health and of sound and
4    disposing mind and memory and considering the perils and dangers of the
5    Seas and other Uncertainties of this Transitory life doe (for avoiding
6    Controversies after my decease) make publish and declare this my last
7    Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say) First I recommend
8    my Soul to God that gave it and my Body I commit to the Earth or Sea as it
9    shall please God to order and as for and concerning all my Worldly Estates I
10    give bequeath and dispose thereof as followeth that is to say as for all such
11    Wages Sum and Sums of money Lands Tenements Goods Chattles and estate
12    whatsoever as shall be any ways due owing or belonging unto me at the
13    time of my decease I doe give devise and bequeath the same unto my
11    Loving Wife Mary Blake of Deptford in the County of Kent And I doe
15    hereby nominate and appoint her to be sole Executrix of this my last Will
16    and Testament hereby Revoking all former and other Wills Testaments
17    and deeds of Gift by me at any time heretofore made and I doe ordaine
18    and ratifie these presents to stand and be for and as my only last Will
19    and Testament In Witness whereof to this my said Will I have sett my
20    hand and seal the second day of April Anno domini 1720 And in the sixth
21    year of the Reigne of his Majesty King George over Great Britain etc the
22    mark of Matthew Blake Signed Sealed and published in the presence of us
23    Richard Lloyd Jno Milner Capt
24    Decimo octavo die Mensis Januarij Anno domini
25    Millesimo Septingentesimo vicesimo ____vit Commissio Mathes
26    Blissett Creditori principali Mathei Blake nuper parochia de Deptford
27    in Comitatu Centij sed in Nave Regia le Elizabeth defuncti habentis etc
28    administrandi bonorum jurer et credite dicti defuncti juxta bonorum et effectum
29    Testamenti ipeins defuncti Eo quod Maria Blake Relicta dicti defuncti et
30    Executrix in dicto Testamento nominat oneri Executorius dicti Testamenti
31    expresse renn__averit) de bene et fideliter administrando eadem ad
32    Sancta dei Evangelia Jurat

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