Monday, May 15, 2017

Will of Miles Blake, Cooper on the ship called the Margarett and Jno of London - The National Archives PROB 11/108, probated 30 Jul 1606

There was a baptism of Myles Blake 10 Feb 1577 at Betchworth St Michael, Surrey son of Christopher Blake.

Other baptisms for Christopher Blake’s children:

Anthony Blake baptized 29 Jul 1582
Richard Blake baptized 23 Jul 1576
Sara Blake baptized 14 Jun 1584

The Sara is interesting as it was a Sara Blake who applied for probate. He does however mention two sisters in his will and I only located one.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 14 May 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/108
Name of testator: Miles Blake, Cooper
Place:  on the ship called the Margarett and Jno of London
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 16 Dec 1605, probated 30 Jul 1606

[In margin]: Testament Miloms Blake

1    Wee whose names are here under
2    written doe testifie and approve that Miles Blake whoe was Cooper in the Ship called the Margarett
3    and Jno of London and lyinge in the saide shippe the sixteenth day of December one thousand
4    six hundred and five beinge of the age of twentie twoe yeares or there aboute made his will
5    and laste testament in manner as followeth Item I give my tooles clothes and all other my
6    perticuler necessaries of apparel and other things whatsoever unto Thomas Massey one of the
7    ships companie Item I give oute of my Wages onto the said Thomas Massey five poundes
8    Item I give unto William Strette one of the Shipps Companie to be paid oute of my
9    Wages fortie shillings Item I give the residue of my wages unto my twoe sisters Item I
10    give to Harrye meynard five shillings Item I owe to the gatterly three shillings p me Richard
11    Basfich John mucom Thomas Marton Thomas Rowe Phillip Holles
12    Tricesimo die mensis Julij Anno domini millesimo
13    sexcentesimo sexto eman___ comissio Sara Blake sorori dicti defuncti Ad Administrand
11    bonum jura et credita dicti defuncti inxta tenorem testament Suprascript eo quod ______
15    nominant Executorem etc de bene et fideliter Administrand etc Ad sacta dei Evangelia
16    Jurat

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