Sunday, June 25, 2017

Ontario Genealogical Society Conference 2017

Yeah! Conference is done but on the other hand I could have stayed on and listened to more of those speakers. It was an excellent Conference with about 700 attendees. Held in Ottawa, Canada, attendees came from all over Canada and a few from the United States.

Living DNA were the Platinum Sponsors for our Conference and I am eagerly awaiting the results of my DNA test with them (suggested date on my dashboard is mid to late September). Knowing where all my lines were in England back into the 1700s or earlier for the most part, I do anticipate some suprises with people moving about much more than I ever thought that they would have done so.

Ancestry Day was interesting and it is always nice to see how someone manipulates their families results with unknown results to place such people. I have three siblings tested at Ancestry and hope to increase that to six siblings. I use their results (which are phased) to phase my grandparents. Gradually that is a project that is coming to fruition and then I can simply create the actual values that belonged to each of my four grandparents and then move to our parents which I am also gradually phasing using results from five of their children and perhaps six if I am lucky!

I had hoped to learn more about Genetic Communities at Understanding Ancestry Day and perhaps in the future they will have sessions that are more advanced.   I am still of the impression that only 770,000 individuals are part of this and that in time all 4 million will be put into Genetic Communities based on their common DNA shared with a known block of people in these areas. Drilling down into small areas in the United States would be quite marvelous. Although I do not have any American ancestors, my husband does. I do have a number of 2nd cousins though (and their offspring) in the United States that are known to me.

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