Saturday, July 1, 2017

Challenge - List all of your ancestors living in Canada in 1867

Name                                   Date of Arrival               Place of Birth                  Location in 1867
                                                                                                                       (Middlesex County)

Mary (Routledge) Gray        Fall, 1818                    Bewcastle, Cumberland      London Twp    

Robert Gray (junior)              1832                          Etton, Yorkshire                   London Twp

Grace (Gray) Pincombe                                           London Twp                        Westminster Twp

William Robert Pincombe      Spring 1851             Molland, Devon                   Westminster Twp

John Pincombe                        Spring 1851            Bishops Nympton, Devon     Westminster Twp

Elizabeth (Rew) Pincombe     Spring 1851            Selworthy, Somerset               Westminster Twp

My one little Canadian line includes my mother, her father (born in 1872) and his mother Grace (Gray) Pincombe born in 1839 in London Township, Middlesex County as my only Canadian born ancestors. Now in 2017 with Canada 150 years of age I do have surprisingly few Canadian born ancestors although I am nearly 72 years of age and my father was born in England in 1904. Long generations in my families as my father was 41 when I was born and my mother's father was 44 when she was born. 

Two of my ancestors who also lived in Canada were deceased by 1867 (the parents of Mary (Routledge) Gray) Thomas Routledge and his wife Elizabeth (Routledge) Routledge. They emigrated to Canada in the fall of 1818 from Bewcastle, Cumberland, England.                    

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