Monday, August 28, 2017

Pincombe family one name study

The Pincombe family one name study is quickly gathering in a lot of autosomal DNA matches. I have cousins from two of my great grandfather William Robert Pincombe's siblings and perhaps another one or two not yet determined. I also have results from descendants for four of the siblings of my 2x great grandfather John Pincombe's. William Robert Pincombe was one of five siblings and John Pincombe was one of eight siblings. Going back one more generation I have results from descendants for three of my 3x great grandfather Robert Pincombe's siblings. Robert Pincombe was one of six siblings. The next generation back there were three siblings in that family and it would be very interesting to find descendants of both this level and the level one back from John Pincombe married to Grace Manning.

What is the value in all of this matching? For me it is the possibility of phasing my grandparents' DNA. It is a project which I started last year and it has gradually permitted me to fill in several chromosomes completely with a good deal of accuracy and to do possible arrangements on all of the rest of the chromosomes. Recently I had a strong match with an individual that included an X chromosome match. Because the X chromosome has been completed with a good deal of accuracy I was able to eliminate three of my grandparents and hone in on the particular grandparent with whom we shared a match. I hope especially to be able to do that with my maternal grandmother as her maternal line has a mysterious aspect to it. I have, by examining the paper trail, determined possible parents for her but finding matches would quite cement that fact.

Living DNA has pointed to my great grandmother, Ellen Taylor mother of my maternal grandmother, being of Northern Ireland/South West Scotland ancestry. This I had found in paper trails using our mitochondrial DNA matches. That doesn't give me surnames though and tracing Thomas Taylor back into Ireland does not prove to be particularly easy! I am fairly sure that his wife Ellen Roberts has a fairly long history in the Warwickshire area and that does show up in the percentage of DNA attributed to Northern Ireland/South West Scotland which is 4.8%. A great grandmother would share a variable amount between 0% and 12.5% with an average of 6.25%. Thomas Taylor was born in Birmingham (my possible 2x great grandfather) but the birthplace of his father Samuel Taylor is not as well known although he married in the Birmingham area where likewise the ancestry of his wife may or may not be from Ireland. I must admit I await the possibility of matching at Living DNA with a lot of enthusiasm if they ever do go that route as many of their customers are possibly from the British Isles.

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