Saturday, September 30, 2017

Will of Peter Blake, Seaman belonging to his Majestys Ship Culloden - The National Archives PROB 11/1513, probated 14 Jul 1810

Peter Blake, the testator, names his father as Richard of Bethnal Green, London, This is in the Shoreditch area of London and there is a baptism of a Peter Blake 24 Oct 1786 (date of birth 1 Oct 1786) at Saint Leonards Shoreditch son of Richard and Catharine Blake.

I also found a baptism for William Blake 24 Mar 1784 (born 1 Mar 1784) at Saint Leonard Shoreditch son of Richard and Catharine Blake.

Peter mentions his sister Ann but her baptism was not located.

There was a marriage for Richard Blake to Catharine Anderson 2 Aug 1773 at Shoreditch.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 29 Sep 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1513
Name of testator: Peter Blake, Seaman
Place:  belonging to his Majestys Ship Culloden
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 2 Jul 1809, probated 14 Jul 1810

[In margin]: Peter Blake 3

1    In the Name of God Amen I
2    Peter Blake Seaman on board his Majestys Ship Culloden
3    No. on her Books 602 being in a weak state of health but of sound
4    memory and disposing mind do make this my last Will and Testament
5    viz First I commend my Soul unto the Almighty God and my Body
6    to the Earth or Sea to be intered in as decent a manner as
7    circumstances will admit of secondly I give and bequeath to
8    Seward Sault Seaman on board H. M. Ship Culloden all my wearing
9    apparel Bedding etc etc Thirdly I give and bequeath to my beloved
10    Father Richard Blake residing at No 6 New Nichols Street
11    Bethnal Green London all the wages prize money etc etc that are
12    due me from his Majesty Ship Culloden or any other Ship or
13    vessel to which I may have belonged or in case of his decease to my
11    beloved Sister Ann Blake residing at the place aforementioned and I do
15    hereby nominate and appoint my beloved Father Richard Blake
16    aforementioned my whole and sole Executor to ask claim demand and
17    recover the same as fully and effectually as I myself might or could do
18    being personally present or in case of his decease I do hereby Constitute
19    and appoint my beloved Sister Ann Blake aforementioned my whole
20    and sole Executrix investing her with full authority to secure the same
21    as aforesaid In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this
22    second day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight
23    hundred and nine and in the forty ninth year of his Majestys Reign
24    Peter X Blake his mark Signed Sealed and delivered where no
25    Stamp paper could be had in the presence of witnesses B J Pellew
26    Captain John Gayle Master Jos Gr. Fims purser
27    Proved at London the 14th July 1810 before the worshipful
28    Charles Townley doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of Richard
29    Blake the Father and sole Executor to whom admon was granted he
30    having been first sworn duly to administer

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