Saturday, August 25, 2018

Research Program

My research program is in quite a bit of disarray. Not because of recent events so much but I decided to move from my research room in the basement to upstairs so that I would be near to my husband when he is working. I enjoyed my time in the basement; I accomplished quite a bit in that solitude but now that my surroundings have changed I am also thinking of altering my research program and goals somewhat.

As I approach 73 and it will come soon enough I am thinking of narrowing down my focus once again. I still have a couple of items that I do want to complete that are outstanding and that is the Blake Wills I would like to complete the transcription of all of them including the research that I have done around the people mentioned in the wills and blogging all of that information. It is still a large task but hopefully I will get back to that this coming winter. That is my goal with the Blake family aside from the Newsletter that I publish four times a year which is letting me publish some of my transcription work as well.

For the Pincombe one name study I am not sure of my path at the moment. Being contacted by a member of the Australian Pincombe family and most of them in my age group would be my fifth cousins, I would like to have some interesting stories in the Pincombe Newsletter and perhaps I can persuade some of this group to do that. I am also familiar with the American Pincombe family which is related to me and are my 4th cousins. Another group of my Pincombe family, my 3rd cousins (and some are 2nd) are living in various parts of Canada. Many of these cousins have tested their DNA and I find new matches on a monthly basis lately. But again with the Pincombe Newsletter I am publishing my transcriptions which is important to me.

For the H11 group, my mtDNA, I will just pretty much continue what I am doing with the Newsletter. The now nearly 300 members of this group are from all around the world but principally in Northern Europe/North Eastern Europe/Russia as well as the British Isles and Scandinavia. There are a number of H11 people who live in the United States and are principally representative of the 1772 migration from County Antrim to the Carolinas.

I have a new co-administrator for the Birmingham and Midlands Group. I have done very little for this group as I have moved on from that strong interest in the area as I sorted out my lines that merged in Birmingham. However, he is interested and that is inspiring me somewhat to actually do what I always intended to put the members into the mtDNA haplogroups/subclades. To look at the autosomal results and he is interested in the YDNA. We will see where that leads although I do not intend to be the driving force on that but will assist.

Now my own family history and I continue writing up the descendants of my 2x great grandfather John Blake and 2x great grandmother Ann Farmer. It is an enormous task and I need to do a lot of photography of the fiche in order to insert those images into the stories that I am writing for each one of their children. When I complete John (hopefully by the end of this year) then I will move to Samuel Knight and Louisa Butt (the parents of my great grandmother Maria Jane Knight married to Edward Blake). At the same time for a bit of variety and a place to turn when I hit an impasse (and need a change) I will start working on my mother's families.

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