Monday, September 3, 2018

52nd Wedding Anniversary

My husband and I have now reached our 52nd Wedding Anniversary. We married relatively young, I was 20 and he was 23. One prays for many more years together and God willing that will be so.

This morning we went out for an early morning brunch of blueberry pancakes which we much enjoyed and drove about the area for a short time.

Then back to our desks to work on our genealogies.

I wondered if I would ever be able to put together Lazarus charts for my husband's parents but the arrival of DNA Printer has been such a marvelous tool. Even though Ed is the last of his immediate family (parents and brother all deceased), I have managed to paint 49% of his chart with cousins. I have a good picture of his parents and grandparents as a result. I have actually managed Lazarus Charts for his father at 918.8 centimorgans thus far. His father died when he was just two years of age. I thought his mother might be easier but not enough people have put their results up on Gedmatch thus far. Her chart is just at 600 centimorgans.

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