Sunday, November 11, 2018

1200 emails

I had not thought to get myself into this difficulty again but I have 1200 emails to either file, answer and or discard hopefully. I really hadn't noticed that I was so far behind with all the gardening and renovating that we have been doing the past year. It will take a bit of time to sort through all of them.

The reason I noticed was a note that I had made to myself back in 2012 which suddenly appeared when I was sorting through some actual paper material. When my husband was awarded a medal in 2012 I had asked for support letters from a number of people. I had managed to thank all of the people except for one. I couldn't find his email at the time. I located it  right away this time but in the process the size of my Inbox suddenly came to my attention.

I did indeed write the thank you letter (I hope it wasn't too short but began to wonder when I received a much longer note back). I decided I had not perhaps been chatty enough so composed a reply with lots of newsy items. Now to get on with the 1200 emails in my Inbox.

I do have this dreadful tendency to write emails and maybe back and forth a few times and then the correspondence fades from my memory. I have convinced myself that people are really busy and would not have expected me to continue with the correspondence anyway. With six siblings, eleven nieces and nephews my correspondence can become quite busy so just letting my readers know that I value all the emails that are sent to me and if you do not hear from me for a while after writing back to me feel free to send me another one.

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