Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Trans Mountain Pipeline

I really think that the acquisition of the Trans Mountain Pipeline will be one of the best things that Prime Minister Trudeau and his government have done for Canada. I am still hoping that the First Nations will take on this project with their usual efficient management and make this a paying investment for the First Nations. I listened a while back to one of the Chiefs mentioning that they would think of this as a fifty year plan whereby they would use the money made from the Pipeline (and its proposed expansion) to invest in renewable energy so that eventually the renewable project will be the paying investment for the First Nations and they can retire the Trans Mountain Pipeline. First Nations have the knowledge of the land and the dedication to the land to see that there are no spills. They are willing to put in the long hours that are needed to ensure that this pipeline is effectively managed to their benefit and to the land of their birth as well. A happy and prosperous First Nations is a benefit to themselves but also a benefit to Canada.

In just two short months the First Nations have rebuilt the Railway between Winnipeg and Churchill and with them managing the running and the maintenance I am sure that the benefits will be enormous. Churchill will become an even more important port than it is now as global warming decimates the ice in the north. Whether that is a good thing or not; the prediction is that this port will eventually be open year round. Shipping our grain to this port to sell it around the world will greatly benefit our farming areas in the west.

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